Florida Pulse gay club attacked

From the first moment that posts began in this thread, you started shrieking and calling anyone who dared to name the terrorist a Muslim, A BIGOT.. You threw it around like an angry raged filled weapon, not giving a damn about the truth.. You've really turned in to the worst of the far left fruitbats since I've been gone.. you should be ashamed of yourself.. Gay people were slaughtered and ISIS declared war on the entire gay Community today and still lowlifes like yourself who worship the liberal beast, point fingers at the very people who defend you as an American, to their death. YOU MAKE ME SICK.

Cool, go see your doctor, psychiatrists can still treat tummy aches. Especially when they are psychosomatic.

There it is^^^^^ Proof old haggard Marxists are worthless and treasonous filth. You have the target on your back now, not me.. be careful WC..The very people you trash each and every day will be the people you may need some day to defend your miserable life.

I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education.

Look in the mirror WC... If anyone is filled with pure rage and hatred, it's YOU and you've shown it here today all day long..

LOL, "yes but" is the standard denial of people like you.

You're not fooling anyone with your moronic "LOL." The news has been talking about people like you, all day.. Terrorist enablers who try to shame people for even mentioning Muslims and terrorism, something you did from the moment this tragedy took place, screaming BIGOT AND RACIST.. It's because of ignorant haters such as yourself who puts your religion of liberalism above all else, that people die.. Americans are worried about being called a bigot if they report suspicious activities.. YOU OWN THAT, you do that.. Not me.. You have to live with that.
Follow the money on that church, who funds it? I am not doing links. I bet they are a sham?
They are not a sham, but are a very small church of 30k members, so its insignificant in size and hardly speaks for all of Christendom.

30, 000 steady members? Huh? That seems Huge! Maybe you meant 3K? I don't want to spam da board but? Huh?

Well, 30k members is pretty small for an ENTIRE DENOMINATION, when you consider that a medium sized denomination is about 4 million, and the Roman Catholic Church has about 1.2 Billion members.

They are NOT an "ENTIRE DENOMINATION". They are one, unaffiliated church in Kansas and they meet in a small house once a week. They couldn't round up 30 if there was free food.
Westboro Church is composed of one family the women are lawyers and they support themselves by lawsuits against their opposition.
"He said the attacker was still inside the nightclub with hostages, and was feared to be wearing a bomb."

Shooter with a bomb vest? Let's see, who does that? Maybe an unemployed camel jockey?
Well, that turned out to be a completely wrong assumption, now didn't it?

RWNJ assholes do that alot. They lie alot. Good to see you here.
He may have been half wired but make no mistake, this attack was well planned out and carried out.

lucky for him, it was easy to buy the guns

He may have been half wired but make no mistake, this attack was well planned out and carried out.

lucky for him, it was easy to buy the guns

Oh yes.. Lucky for him the FBI under Obongo has been ordered to be PC when investigating Muslims-- We're going to learn more about how on 3 separate occasions he was interviewed , was on the Terror Watch list but was still able to purchase a gun.. OBAMA will have to answer.
Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.
Have they interviewed the bouncer yet, who let the Obama-inspired ISLAMIC TERRORIST who had a bomb on him inside the qu33r club? Supposedly they have a metal detector at the door but apparently turn it off after midnight.
Have they interviewed the bouncer yet, who let the Obama-inspired ISLAMIC TERRORIST who had a bomb on him inside the qu33r club? Supposedly they have a metal detector at the door but apparently turn it off after midnight.
Great question.. I'd like to know the answer to that question also.. I had not heard they had a metal detector.
Someone familiar with the club said they do screen patrons for weapons at the door throughout most of the night. At some point, they stop. The ISLAMIC TERRORIST must have been familiar with their routine.
The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
Someone familiar with the club said they do screen patrons for weapons at the door throughout most of the night. At some point, they stop. The ISLAMIC TERRORIST must have been familiar with their routine.
The terrorist was already engaged in gun fire with police and SHOT HIS WAY INTO THE CLUB, is how I understand it happened.
Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?
No, moron, "Because we cannot properly vet these ass holes DONT LET THEM IN THE FUCKING COUNTRY" is his position.

Grow a fucking brain sometime please or just do us all a favor and dont breed.
I tried. I really tried to read all of this thread.

But it is full of so much ignorance and stupidity, there is no reason to keep reading. It's like a rabbit hole that leads straight to hell.

We are dealing with a US-Citizen whose parents came from Afghanistan -and the family is indeed Muslim- who brutally murdered/injured more than 100 people in a nightclub. Who gives a fuck that it was a gay nightclub? It could just as easily been a straight jaunt. The sexual tilt of the club is totally irrelevant because virtually all clubs are gun-free zones, so that fucked up argument is DOA.

There is no doubt that this was at least domestic terrorism.

ISIS is claiming credit for it - which is entirely possible. But ISIS is also known to lie and since the shooter is dead, we may never know for sure. If this freak decided to kill on his own and ISIS uses it for it's own purposes, however, the same goal has been met (I am referring to their perspective, not mine). So, this is also very, very likely international islamic terrorism as well. Either way, it is terror. And the President called it terror, unequivocally.

But as Czernobog repeatedly pointed out: who could have ever stopped this? The dude was an AMERICAN citizen. His former wife divorced him because he, according to her, was mentally unstable. What, do we all want to re-enact the "Minority Report"?

What has been seriously missing on this thread (aside from a couple of Righties and a couple of Lefties who said it very well, I think), is real sadness and mourning for the dead. That sucks.

My thoughts go with the families of the dead and injured.

Damn, there are a lot of SICK people here.
I tried. I really tried to read all of this thread.

But it is full of so much ignorance and stupidity, there is no reason to keep reading. It's like a rabbit hole that leads straight to hell.

We are dealing with a US-Citizen whose parents came from Afghanistan -and the family is indeed Muslim- who brutally murdered/injured more than 100 people in a nightclub. Who gives a fuck that it was a gay nightclub? It could just as easily been a straight jaunt. The sexual tilt of the club is totally irrelevant because virtually all clubs are gun-free zones, so that fucked up argument is DOA.

There is no doubt that this was at least domestic terrorism.

ISIS is claiming credit for it - which is entirely possible. But ISIS is also known to lie and since the shooter is dead, we may never know for sure. If this freak decided to kill on his own and ISIS uses it for it's own purposes, however, the same goal has been met (I am referring to their perspective, not mine). So, this is also very, very likely international islamic terrorism as well. Either way, it is terror. And the President called it terror, unequivocally.

But as Czernobog repeatedly pointed out: who could have ever stopped this? The dude was an AMERICAN citizen. His former wife divorced him because he, according to her, was mentally unstable. What, do we all want to re-enact the "Minority Report"?

The guy was on several watch lists to include the FBI.

He had made several terroristic threats in the past and was a known member of ISIS.

ISIS threatened to attack a gay bar in Floriduh three days before this attack.

And you think it could not have been stopped?

People like you are the kind of morons in charge under Obama, and are also exactly why we are getting our asses handed to us by a Rump Jihadi state the size of Indiana in the middle of a bunch of sand dunes and camel herds in the Middle East.

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