Florida Pulse gay club attacked

What has been seriously missing on this thread (aside from a couple of Righties and a couple of Lefties who said it very well, I think), is real sadness and mourning for the dead. That sucks.

My thoughts go with the families of the dead and injured.

Damn, there are a lot of SICK people here.
This is a discussion forum. You need to find a hand wringing and hugs forum. You don't get to dictate what people talk about or how they express themselves. Being sad accomplishes nothing, I'd rather see more proactive measures taken against muslim extremism so we don't end up like Europe.
This what I have in the back of my shop... Nice try dumb fuck

So that's one person. Only 5 left. :D

Just look on YouTube, thousands just like me… LOL

And the ingredients have no constitutional protection either. :eek:

Amazon.com: reloading supplies

Yes, but they have no constitutional protection and could be banned in a flash.
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
So far the US has allowed 2500 refugees into the US.
Canada has allowed 25,000.
Interesting statistic....especially considering that several RWrs here have said that President Obama has let in thousands upon thousands into this country.....2500 is "thousands upon thousands" now, apparently.
What has been seriously missing on this thread (aside from a couple of Righties and a couple of Lefties who said it very well, I think), is real sadness and mourning for the dead. That sucks.

My thoughts go with the families of the dead and injured.

Damn, there are a lot of SICK people here.
This is a discussion forum. You need to find a hand wringing and hugs forum. You don't get to dictate what people talk about or how they express themselves. Being sad accomplishes nothing, I'd rather see more proactive measures taken against muslim extremism so we don't end up like Europe.
Europe, for some odd reason, doesn't have the number of mass shootings we do.
Cool, go see your doctor, psychiatrists can still treat tummy aches. Especially when they are psychosomatic.

There it is^^^^^ Proof old haggard Marxists are worthless and treasonous filth. You have the target on your back now, not me.. be careful WC..The very people you trash each and every day will be the people you may need some day to defend your miserable life.

I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education.

Look in the mirror WC... If anyone is filled with pure rage and hatred, it's YOU and you've shown it here today all day long..

LOL, "yes but" is the standard denial of people like you.

You're not fooling anyone with your moronic "LOL." The news has been talking about people like you, all day.. Terrorist enablers who try to shame people for even mentioning Muslims and terrorism, something you did from the moment this tragedy took place, screaming BIGOT AND RACIST.. It's because of ignorant haters such as yourself who puts your religion of liberalism above all else, that people die.. Americans are worried about being called a bigot if they report suspicious activities.. YOU OWN THAT, you do that.. Not me.. You have to live with that.

You're a lunatic. My point is simple, that it is too abstract for you is pitiful. The first reaction by the crazy right wing is to blame the religion of a billion + human beings, not the lunatic (and I use the same word which I characterize you purposely) who committed this atrocious act. In fact those who kill masses of human beings as we continue to see happen in our country, have one thing in common: easy access to guns of mass destruction.

Blaming liberalism is akin to blaming any noun, foolish. Declaring war on drugs, terrorism or poverty is ridiculous on its face. A noun does not describe the problems which feed the lunatics and misses the point: Seeking solutions by rational discussion and debate.

Lunatics do not (cannot) discuss issues rationally; their problem is a pathological hate, intolerance and a closed mind.
I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education
Try reading your own signature lines.

Unlike some on this message board, I always read what I write - usually several times before I post. Do you read and comprehend before you respond - or like many on this board respond by rote, usually a six or seven word sentence that begins with "you are a" and is followed by noun.
. All I have to say is: The NEW LEFT represents a GREATER threat to our nation's traditions, values and republican institutions.

Really, how clever and how false.

Which side of the aisle denied to gays and lesbians the right to a contract of marriage? Which side opposed the equal rights amendment? Which opposed the CHIPs Program, which side opposed increasing minimum wage and continuing unemployment insurance harming working men and women and their families?

Which side seeks to suppress the rights of minorities to vote, denying that this is a policy of the Republican Party is foolish since the practice of R Governors and legislators is obvious to all but fools.

Which sides activist judges voted to overturn a law of Congress by making a claim that money in politics is good, since it is protected by the First Amendment. that is, freedom of speech (of course it is, it is propaganda which is by its nature is an effort to mislead the masses to benefit the power elite). And which side rejected the fairness doctrine, allowing equal time for a rebuttal of misleading (mendacious) claims in 30-second commercials?

Telling someone they must bake a cake for a gay couple is authoritarianism lite, in comparison; it fits within the meaning in the vision statement detailed in the Preamble to COTUS, to wit: domestic tranquility.
Liberals today who are complicit in pushing the PC narrative, who riot at Trump rallies, are just as guilty for the deaths of these 50 Americans as Omar Mateen was, maybe moreso.
Liberals are responsible for a homophobic religion and the murderers that it creates? WoW! That's some heavy fartsmoke, even for you. :D
That doesn't prove that Liberals are responsible for all muslim terrorists, and it doesn't even prove that Liberals had anything to do with this guy either. What an EPIC FAIL so early in the morning. Trying to get a head start on the others? :D
So that's one person. Only 5 left. :D
Just look on YouTube, thousands just like me… LOL
And the ingredients have no constitutional protection either. :eek:
Amazon.com: reloading supplies
Yes, but they have no constitutional protection and could be banned in a flash.
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
There it is^^^^^ Proof old haggard Marxists are worthless and treasonous filth. You have the target on your back now, not me.. be careful WC..The very people you trash each and every day will be the people you may need some day to defend your miserable life.

I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education.

Look in the mirror WC... If anyone is filled with pure rage and hatred, it's YOU and you've shown it here today all day long..

LOL, "yes but" is the standard denial of people like you.

You're not fooling anyone with your moronic "LOL." The news has been talking about people like you, all day.. Terrorist enablers who try to shame people for even mentioning Muslims and terrorism, something you did from the moment this tragedy took place, screaming BIGOT AND RACIST.. It's because of ignorant haters such as yourself who puts your religion of liberalism above all else, that people die.. Americans are worried about being called a bigot if they report suspicious activities.. YOU OWN THAT, you do that.. Not me.. You have to live with that.

You're a lunatic. My point is simple, that it is too abstract for you is pitiful. The first reaction by the crazy right wing is to blame the religion of a billion + human beings, not the lunatic (and I use the same word which I characterize you purposely) who committed this atrocious act. In fact those who kill masses of human beings as we continue to see happen in our country, have one thing in common: easy access to guns of mass destruction.

Blaming liberalism is akin to blaming any noun, foolish. Declaring war on drugs, terrorism or poverty is ridiculous on its face. A noun does not describe the problems which feed the lunatics and misses the point: Seeking solutions by rational discussion and debate.

Lunatics do not (cannot) discuss issues rationally; their problem is a pathological hate, intolerance and a closed mind.
I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education
Try reading your own signature lines.

Unlike some on this message board, I always read what I write - usually several times before I post. Do you read and comprehend before you respond - or like many on this board respond by rote, usually a six or seven word sentence that begins with "you are a" and is followed by noun.
. All I have to say is: The NEW LEFT represents a GREATER threat to our nation's traditions, values and republican institutions.

Really, how clever and how false.

Which side of the aisle denied to gays and lesbians the right to a contract of marriage? Which side opposed the equal rights amendment? Which opposed the CHIPs Program, which side opposed increasing minimum wage and continuing unemployment insurance harming working men and women and their families?

Which side seeks to suppress the rights of minorities to vote, denying that this is a policy of the Republican Party is foolish since the practice of R Governors and legislators is obvious to all but fools.

Which sides activist judges voted to overturn a law of Congress by making a claim that money in politics is good, since it is protected by the First Amendment. that is, freedom of speech (of course it is, it is propaganda which is by its nature is an effort to mislead the masses to benefit the power elite). And which side rejected the fairness doctrine, allowing equal time for a rebuttal of misleading (mendacious) claims in 30-second commercials?

Telling someone they must bake a cake for a gay couple is authoritarianism lite, in comparison; it fits within the meaning in the vision statement detailed in the Preamble to COTUS, to wit: domestic tranquility.


This guy wants to solve these problems with "rational thinking and rational debate" = stand around with our thumbs up our ass and talk 'til we are blue in the face and the problem will go away!! Soetero leads this silly kind of thinking with the mantra, "Ahhh..........we'll just send these folks some blimpie subs and coke and all will be well".

Progressives don't know it yet, but Saturday was a seminal moment for these meatheads........a train wreck. They are actually talking about gun control after this!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: That's all you have to know.........the connect the dots ability just isn't there.:gay:
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Conservatives have a never ending penchant for believing in magic.

What difference would it make what the mass murderers are called? Will a name change stop them from acting? Call them Beelzebub, dark lord of the universe if it makes you feel good. It won't stop them, they won't even notice. They don't give a shit what you call them. There is no magical word you can label these people that will change anything. ENEMY is the only label they need.

Quite telling how many self-proclaimed kristians want so desperately for everyone to say the religion Islam is what is evil. Not the scumbags that commit these acts and claim to be Muslim. These same kristians will in the same breath deny abortion doctor murderers or people like Timothy McVeigh were not Christian, they just claimed to be.

YES, THAT'S IT. All these losers that think they are doing their 'god's' work by killing human beings are cowardly lowlifes. All of them. Their claimed religion is meaningless, other than religion in general gives people permission to commit such acts while believing they are actually doing good.

Cons there are no magic words, no incantations, no labels, no belief of yours, no threats, no weird political dogma bullshit that swirls in your head that will change what these people do. I've said it before, we have to send 200,000 troops there and keep them there for the next 50 years. Only by totally eliminating any entity known as 'isis' and removing it from all maps will this die off.

Names don't mean jackshite.
That was a lame attempt to project liberalism onto conservatives. You're just parroting what you've been told. Liberals believe the gun is the problem when we've always had guns, and are a country because we had guns.

McVeigh was a Christian (what's with your bizarre spelling?) in his youth but had long since renounced his beliefs. That's really old info and proves you have no clue, you just spout off what you want to believe.

What difference does a name make? No one made that case. The point is the Islamic extremism is Islamic extremism and it's stupid and dangerous to not recognize the fact. Europe is learning that the hard way because they went liberal long ago. Moral relativism and equivalence won't make anyone any safer.
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Hey Motormouth. The FBI interviewed him three times. None for being the son of immigrants from Afghanistan.
The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?
No, moron, "Because we cannot properly vet these ass holes DONT LET THEM IN THE FUCKING COUNTRY" is his position.

Grow a fucking brain sometime please or just do us all a favor and dont breed.
Hey fucking moron. This terrorist didn't get here because he wasn't vetted. He was Born. And. Raised. Here. Once again for the retard squad:

He. Was. An. American. Citizen. Born in the United States. And Raised in the United States.

Why is that so hard to wrap your tiny, little pea brain around?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Hey Motormouth. The FBI interviewed him three times. None for being the son of immigrants from Afghanistan.
Hey, brain trust. All three times they determined he was, not. a. threat. And that still does not change the fact that he was an American. Citizen. Now does it? This banning Muslims because they may be terrorists bullshit doesn't apply here, does it? Because the Muslim who was a terrorist wasn't. A. Fucking. Immigrant.
Just look on YouTube, thousands just like me… LOL
And the ingredients have no constitutional protection either. :eek:
Amazon.com: reloading supplies
Yes, but they have no constitutional protection and could be banned in a flash.
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?

"Minority Report" for crazy people.

Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Hey Motormouth. The FBI interviewed him three times. None for being the son of immigrants from Afghanistan.
Hey, brain trust. All three times they determined he was, not. a. threat. And that still does not change the fact that he was an American. Citizen. Now does it? This banning Muslims because they may be terrorists bullshit doesn't apply here, does it? Because the Muslim who was a terrorist wasn't. A. Fucking. Immigrant.
When did I say anything about banning Muslims? Read more, motormouth less.
And the ingredients have no constitutional protection either. :eek:
Amazon.com: reloading supplies
Yes, but they have no constitutional protection and could be banned in a flash.
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
Well, at least you're honest. you want your gun, and your armor piercing ammunition to kill people. I don't agree that the second amendment as intended to allows for unrestricted access to any weapon, or any ammunition, but I do respect your honesty about why you want it.

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