Florida Pulse gay club attacked

And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Name their names.
Well, for one, that goofy church that protests funerals for military personnel who died in combat. They strut about with signs claiming, "god hates fags."
And how many are members of that church? Maybe a dozen? And that is what percentage of global Christianity?

OF course it is enough to justify your antiChristian bigotry in your mind, and they are Democrats as well.
Frankly, I don't care what percentage we're talking about, I personally harbor a dislike of all organized religions, especially the monotheistic types. Religion has been the bane of humanity. It has been the cause of most wars, it divides people rather than uniting them and it is always trying to force people that are not of their religion to obey its tenets.

So are you saying that our adversary is Islam or that it is violent extremism?
Kevin Swanson uses some Truth to portray a distorted picture. Yes, the Old Testament commands Jews to kill homosexuals, and St Paul agrees that such people are worthy of death, but in the New Testament, such pronouncements are not commands for Christians to carry out as the government is not part of the church, though there was a time when it was considered proper for a government to be considered a Christian institution. In the first three centuries of the churches existence it did not have a public government commission, nor does it today. We are all sinners, and the vast majority of us feel humbled by it. So St Pauls statement was not a command to go and kill fagots.

And this pastor Kevin Swanson is a pastor in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church which has all of 30,000 members in the USA and is a small insignificant splinter of Christendom and does not speak for the vast majority of us who know better than to distort the teachings of St PAul and other New Testament Apostles.
How strange. If a Christian does shoots up an abortion clinic, we accept the designation of mentally ill. If Muslim shoots up a gay night club - he is practicing his religion.

Because nowhere in the new testament does it tell Christians to kill anyone. In fact its one of the 10 commandments not to. The K'oran specifically instructs its followers to kill homosexuals and infidels in general.
Frankly, I don't care what percentage we're talking about, I personally harbor a dislike of all organized religions, especially the monotheistic types. Religion has been the bane of humanity. It has been the cause of most wars, it divides people rather than uniting them and it is always trying to force people that are not of their religion to obey its tenets.
Well then go fuck yourself, moron.

Atheistic secular government have caused far more harm in the last 150 years than all religions combined for the entirety of mankind's existence.
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
I agree. The former wife seems to be referring to a time when he took steroids, which could have made him more aggressive whilst taking them. That does not a diagnosis of mental illness make. Plus, she hasn't even seen him for 8 years. No reason to accept mental illness as an excuse on the word of someone who saw him last 8 yrs ago whilst he was using. Also, his father would have more than likely preferred to cite mental illness as the 'reason' for the massacre, rather than anger at seeing men kiss months previously, were it true. Lol.

She states he was bipolar.

I seriously doubt the father would accept a mental illness diagnosis - he was an afghan, from a very conservative culture - mental illness has a huge stigma. The wife is likely more knowledgeable.
She stayed wuth him 4 mos? Was it 8 yrs ago? Now shes the expert? How much of those months was he roughing her up? Yep, bipolar it is? What is that, new catch all disease?
Of course. They dug up McVeigh again.

But mcveigh wasn't a Christian.....
Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Right-wing terrorism is terrorism motivated by a variety of far right ideologies and beliefs, including anti-communism, neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, racism, xenophobia. This type of terrorism has been sporadic, with little or no international cooperation.[1] The terrorist acts are generally poorly coordinated[citation needed], and few identifiable organizations have been involved. Modern right-wing terrorism first appeared in western Europe in the 1980s and in eastern Europe following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[2]

Right-wing terrorists aim to overthrow governments and replace them with nationalist orfascist-oriented governments.[1] The core of this movement includes neo-fascist skinheads, far right hooligans, youth sympathisers and intellectual guides who believe that the state must rid itself of foreign elements in order to protect rightful citizens.[3] However, they usually lack a rigid ideology.[4]
This was not RIGHT or LEFT anything. This was RADICAL ISLAMIC EXTREMISM. This was the extreme Muslim faith that teaches HATE for homosexuals and results in the murder / genocide of homosexuals in Islamic states.
And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.
No, they don't. Progressive pigs classify as any criticism of the depravity they generate as 'hate' That's because you have never experienced real hatred. Or because you actively foment hatred yourself. Either way, you are going to see some real shit now. Dumbasses.

In your own words, please define the word depraved. Be specific and add a little bit about you, and how and why you find the behavior of other "depraved"?
then there should be a review of the watch list for accuracy.

Agree Joe but........ But the FBI cannot even stop this bastards from buying a guns at gun shows.

Yes they can, there are background checks at gun shows.

There has never been a terrorist attack or even a mass shooting done by anyone who purchased a gun at a gun show. I'd be willing to bet that this Islamic terrorist did not purchase his gun at a gun show.

Preddie. ....... Private gun sellers at gun shows do not require bg checks at gun shows because gun nuts say it's the law.

Show me one, just one time a mass killer bough his weapon at a gun show. Show me or stop saying stupid shit.

Are you lost? Pay attention boy.
Where in my post that I said .................. Mass shooter bought guns at gun shows.
All I'm telling you is .............. Private gun sellers at gun shows do not comply with BG checks. Even a felon and a watch list can buy a gun at gun shows as many as they want. Because that's the law.
Where is 2aguy when you need him?

Here's a clue for you dumb ass; if you aren't saying that then your post is irrelevant.
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
I agree. The former wife seems to be referring to a time when he took steroids, which could have made him more aggressive whilst taking them. That does not a diagnosis of mental illness make. Plus, she hasn't even seen him for 8 years. No reason to accept mental illness as an excuse on the word of someone who saw him last 8 yrs ago whilst he was using. Also, his father would have more than likely preferred to cite mental illness as the 'reason' for the massacre, rather than anger at seeing men kiss months previously, were it true. Lol.

She states he was bipolar.

I seriously doubt the father would accept a mental illness diagnosis - he was an afghan, from a very conservative culture - mental illness has a huge stigma. The wife is likely more knowledgeable.
She stayed wuth him 4 mos? Was it 8 yrs ago? Now shes the expert? How much of those months was he roughing her up? Yep, bipolar it is? What is that, new catch all disease?

Strange. If it's a gun nut shooting people up - it's mental illness. If it's a muslim - it can't possibly be.
It was a Muslim. He killed outright 50 brown and black Hispanic gays. And hospitalized 53 more, some in critical condition. Not a Christian. It was a Muslim. He shouted Allah Akbar, and he called 9-11 and swore allegiance to ISIS. Why is the left still having trouble digesting these facts?
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?

A lot. Someone already posted the numbers in this thread.

A lot? Odd response to two questions which require a numerical answer.

Here are two answers to your question:
1. I really don't care if you ignore the truth.
2. It is in this thread and not too far back. Look for it or not, your opinion means nothing.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?

A lot. Someone already posted the numbers in this thread.

A lot? Odd response to two questions which require a numerical answer.

Here are two answers to your question:
1. I really don't care if you ignore the truth.
2. It is in this thread and not too far back. Look for it or not, your opinion means nothing.

Fuck you. You have no concept of the truth, and when making a statement of fact, it is your duty to provide the evidence.

When that duty is breached the reader has every right to challenge your veracity. BTW, you're simply one more member of the crazy right wing, put on your brown shirt go to a gay bar and start breaking the crystal.

Fuck off retard, I told you, no one cares. You being too lazy to read what was just posted means you say stupid shit. But that is always the case with you and no one gives a crap.
Follow the money on that church, who funds it? I am not doing links. I bet they are a sham?
They are not a sham, but are a very small church of 30k members, so its insignificant in size and hardly speaks for all of Christendom.

30, 000 steady members? Huh? That seems Huge! Maybe you meant 3K? I don't want to spam da board but? Huh?

Well, 30k members is pretty small for an ENTIRE DENOMINATION, when you consider that a medium sized denomination is about 4 million, and the Roman Catholic Church has about 1.2 Billion members.
I suspect I'm not the first to tell you this. The hate by the bigot who killed fifty people, maybe more, is same hate you feel for liberals/progressives and Democrats. You hate those of us who try to put some perspective on the emotional reaction of people like you. Get some counseling, and then some education
Try reading your own signature lines.
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
I agree. The former wife seems to be referring to a time when he took steroids, which could have made him more aggressive whilst taking them. That does not a diagnosis of mental illness make. Plus, she hasn't even seen him for 8 years. No reason to accept mental illness as an excuse on the word of someone who saw him last 8 yrs ago whilst he was using. Also, his father would have more than likely preferred to cite mental illness as the 'reason' for the massacre, rather than anger at seeing men kiss months previously, were it true. Lol.

She states he was bipolar.

I seriously doubt the father would accept a mental illness diagnosis - he was an afghan, from a very conservative culture - mental illness has a huge stigma. The wife is likely more knowledgeable.
She stayed wuth him 4 mos? Was it 8 yrs ago? Now shes the expert? How much of those months was he roughing her up? Yep, bipolar it is? What is that, new catch all disease?

Strange. If it's a gun nut shooting people up - it's mental illness. If it's a muslim - it can't possibly be.

Well the recent Col shooter I did not think a nut. I thought he got tired of living out in wild as he was (no heat? )....col winters?

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