Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Conservatives have a never ending penchant for believing in magic.

What difference would it make what the mass murderers are called? Will a name change stop them from acting? Call them Beelzebub, dark lord of the universe if it makes you feel good. It won't stop them, they won't even notice. They don't give a shit what you call them. There is no magical word you can label these people that will change anything. ENEMY is the only label they need.

Quite telling how many self-proclaimed kristians want so desperately for everyone to say the religion Islam is what is evil. Not the scumbags that commit these acts and claim to be Muslim. These same kristians will in the same breath deny abortion doctor murderers or people like Timothy McVeigh were not Christian, they just claimed to be.

YES, THAT'S IT. All these losers that think they are doing their 'god's' work by killing human beings are cowardly lowlifes. All of them. Their claimed religion is meaningless, other than religion in general gives people permission to commit such acts while believing they are actually doing good.

Cons there are no magic words, no incantations, no labels, no belief of yours, no threats, no weird political dogma bullshit that swirls in your head that will change what these people do. I've said it before, we have to send 200,000 troops there and keep them there for the next 50 years. Only by totally eliminating any entity known as 'isis' and removing it from all maps will this die off.

Names don't mean jackshite.

Yes updated....50 DEAD.

3rd worst terror attack on US soil after Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Good job liberals. Let's embrace Islam and open those borders!!!!!

You seem very happy. How odd.

Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

Yes updated....50 DEAD.

3rd worst terror attack on US soil after Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Good job liberals. Let's embrace Islam and open those borders!!!!!

You seem very happy. How odd.

Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

The ex-wife of the Orlando nightclub gunman says he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill."
It's time. It's time to show these savages who the boss of the world is, and what happens when you poke a sleeping giant. Turn their caliphates to glass and their ISIS recruits to shadows on the ground. If a couple small a-bombs could bring the Japanese empire to its knees, imagine what it would to to the ISIS cause. Put this thing to rest once and for all.
You seem very happy. How odd.

Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

The ex-wife of the Orlando nightclub gunman says he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill."
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
Well its' over now. Go back to work. Pay for BHO expenses. And Peru just got a goal.......wait BRAZ swarm the ref, trying to claim handball. Hmmmmmm......
Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

The ex-wife of the Orlando nightclub gunman says he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill."
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.

How strange. If a Christian does shoots up an abortion clinic, we accept the designation of mentally ill. If Muslim shoots up a gay night club - he is practicing his religion.
Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

The ex-wife of the Orlando nightclub gunman says he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill."
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
I agree. The former wife seems to be referring to a time when he took steroids, which could have made him more aggressive whilst taking them. That does not a diagnosis of mental illness make. Plus, she hasn't even seen him for 8 years. No reason to accept mental illness as an excuse on the word of someone who saw him last 8 yrs ago whilst he was using. Also, his father would have more than likely preferred to cite mental illness as the 'reason' for the massacre, rather than anger at seeing men kiss months previously, were it true. Lol.
Funny thing is, you guys don't give a damn for gays until it's Muslims involved. Sandy Hook had 20 children murdered by one guy - where the fuck was your outrage about ideologies then?

I'm not sure what I consider people of your ideology to be - but hypocritic and selective comes to mind, none of which implies a sincere concern for the victims.
What ideology was involved in Sandy Hook?
Mental illness.

The ex-wife of the Orlando nightclub gunman says he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill."
He wasn't mentally unstable/ill. He was just practicing Islamic Sunni/Wahabi teachings. It is permissible to beat the wife if she is disrespectful or disobedient. Per Islam, it is permissible to kill homosexuals. The guy was just a faithful servant of Allah. I sense that liberals will never get it through their naïve thick skulls that Islam is just plain incompatible with the west.
I agree. The former wife seems to be referring to a time when he took steroids, which could have made him more aggressive whilst taking them. That does not a diagnosis of mental illness make. Plus, she hasn't even seen him for 8 years. No reason to accept mental illness as an excuse on the word of someone who saw him last 8 yrs ago whilst he was using. Also, his father would have more than likely preferred to cite mental illness as the 'reason' for the massacre, rather than anger at seeing men kiss months previously, were it true. Lol.

She states he was bipolar.

I seriously doubt the father would accept a mental illness diagnosis - he was an afghan, from a very conservative culture - mental illness has a huge stigma. The wife is likely more knowledgeable.
Early reports: Orlando shooter homophobe, wife beater...

Orlando shooter homophobe and wife beater: reports
June 12, 2016 - Reports on the gunman who attacked a Florida gay nightclub and triggered a shooting that left 50 dead paint a picture of a violent and prejudiced young man.
The suspect, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, is a Muslim American of Afghan descent and police are investigating whether he may have had a terrorist motive. US law enforcement is investigating whether he had ties to or was inspired by Islamist extremism, after a source linked to the Islamic State group claimed the attack. And the FBI confirmed that they had received reports that he made a call just before the massacre to claim allegiance to the Islamic State group. But relatives interviewed by US media say Mateen, who worked as a security officer, was not especially religious. But he did have anti-gay views and had regularly assaulted a former wife.


This undated image provided by the Orlando Police Department shows Omar Mateen, the shooting suspect at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla.​

Mateen's shocked father, Mir Seddique, said his son had recently been offended to see two gay men expressing affection on a Miami street. "We were in downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music," the father told NBC News in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. "And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry," Seddique said. The father is a minor celebrity in Afghan political circles, hosting an occasional television show in which he expressed hardline views.

In the "Durand Jirga Show," available on YouTube, he rails against the Pakistani government and announces a quixotic bid to seek the Afghan presidency. Sunday's attack, which became the worst mass shooting in modern US history, was carried out in the Pulse nightclub, a well-known gay hangout. "We are in shock like the whole country," Seddique added. "This had nothing to do with religion." In a separate interview, a former wife of the suspect who left him in 2011 fearing for her life, said he was violently abusive.

- 'He beat me' -

See also:

Kevlar Helmet Saves Orlando Officer
June 12, 2016 - Following the tragic mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub Sunday, police posted a photo that shows just how close one officer came to losing his own life.
The Orlando Police Department posted the picture of the SWAT officer's helmet that was struck by a bullet fired by the gunman on it's Twitter account.


"Pulse shooting: In hall of gunfire in which suspect was killed, OPD officer was hit. Kevlar helmet saved his life," the department tweeted.

The gunman who attacked patrons of the Pulse nightclub was identified as 29-year-old Omar Mateen. Authorities are investigating the shooting as an act of terrorism.

Photo: Kevlar Helmet Saves Orlando Officer's Life | Officer.com
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And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Name their names.
Well, for one, that goofy church that protests funerals for military personnel who died in combat. They strut about with signs claiming, "god hates fags."
And how many are members of that church? Maybe a dozen? And that is what percentage of global Christianity?

OF course it is enough to justify your antiChristian bigotry in your mind, and they are Democrats as well.
As we don't know who is responsible at this point, perhaps we'd better save wild accusations until you know you won't look stupid later if it proves to be some other party.

Well it is known now the name, religion and even mental status of the individual, so what is your excuse for what he did?

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