Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
ROFLMAO As if Islamic terrorists need access to weapons from the people they end up murdering.. You leftists are insane freaks. LOL A laugh a minute.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Your willingness to strip our rights away are duly noted. Fortunately liberals require others to do their dirty work so we don't need to worry about you.
GW said it, you're either in our side or the side of terrorists. You're helping to arm terrorists, therefore you are against your own people. Now go shoot yourself in the foot. :D
Guns are not the problem. Liberals letting these people in our country are the problem. Japan does not have a Muslim problem. Can you guess why?

Guns is not available to the public or online. There are no gun store in Japan. Murder rate, robbery, massacre and suicide by GUNS is extremely very low or none existent in Japan.

Your comparison is like chinese noodles and mangled power cords. Technically correct but realistically incorrect. AKA Fox News.
Because of business I travel to South and Central America. Gun flows in these regions courtesy of USA. Even a tourist can buy guns in less than 30 minutes in Honduras.

To make it fair. Why don't you compare Philippines and Switzerland? Legally gun purchases doesn't mean low gun crimes and murder rates.

Your comparison is like chinese noodles and mangled power cords. Technically correct but realistically incorrect. AKA Fox News.
Because of business I travel to South and Central America. Gun flows in these regions courtesy of USA. Even a tourist can buy guns in less than 30 minutes in Honduras.

To make it fair. Why don't you compare Philippines and Switzerland? Legally gun purchases doesn't mean low gun crimes and murder rates.


You claim a comparison of same population countries with opposite policies and opposite results are not fair. Basically that removes you as a rational player here.
What the U.S. can learn from Brazil’s epidemic of gun violence

How about Brazil?

A man walks into an elementary school with two handguns. Within minutes, more than thirty children are dead or wounded.

This isn’t Newtown, Connecticut, but Realengo, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On April 7th, 2011, Wellington Oliveira murdered twelve children and wounded twenty others. The tragedy sparked a national conversation on gun violence, a huge problem in Brazil.

Fact number 1: Brazil has the most gun murders in the world (around 36,000 people in 2010), but the U.S. has the most among industrialized nations (9,146).

Fact number 2: in 2011 Brazil was the number one supplier of guns to the U.S.

A gun control movement was born and in 2003 the government passed a law called the Disarmament Statue which, among other restrictions, limited who could buy and sell guns, and prevented civilians from carrying them in public.
I would like to get on board the party line to hate our new enemies, the Muslims, but I guess that I am still sort of stuck in the past, hating the North Vietnamese. I was told that not to do that was unAmerican, and that it was necessary for us to go over there to kill them, and anybody who refused was a traitor. Of course, now, they not only have "most favored nation" trade status, but we are selling them arms and weapons. I am sure that the government knows best who we should kill, or not, but you can't know exactly who to hate unless you have a program. My step father had the same problem regarding the Japanese and the Germans. In fact, he was totally baffled when JFK was making a speech , declaring that "I am a Berliner!", just a few years after we were hanging them for murdering 6 million Jews.

No kidding. Same with Sadam, same with Osama, same with N Korea and our selling them reactors only to include them in an "axis of evil" two years later.
Hillary is going to have a field day with this. Not only can she now push her agenda on making gun shop owners and gun manufacturers liable, now the FBI has to take people off her case for the email scandal to investigate this nut job. So by the time the convention and general election are over, people will have all forgotten about her lying ass problems and moved on, well she sits in the oval office.

People said this guy is an American citizen and had rights. Shouldn't the Patriot act allowed the government to detain him for all the stuff he was being investigated for? I mean common sense says that a guy that is friends with an Al-Quaeda suicide bomber, and whom spouts off rhetoric for ISIS should be held as a possible terrorist?

Guess it depends upon whether we want a society in which you have to actually act out a crime or whether we want to be able to incarcerate folks for thoughts, associations and speech.
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.

Your desperation and ignorance is duly noted.

Your inability to argue otherwise is duly noted.
You'll fight tooth and nail to let terrorists buy assault weapons in the US and you think that makes you an American?
We had ARs all along. You're retard interpretation of assault weapon not with standing. But YOU are the problem, not me.

You want easier access to the US by terrorists and if they chose to use an AR you want the AR banned. You pathetic simpleton. You don't even understand how dangerous you are.
Please quote where I said that I want easier access to the US for terrorists. :popcorn:
The guy was an American, were you ignorant of that fact? And the only way to stop Americans (and anyone else, like terrorists or Mexican drug cartels) from killing with assault weapons is to not sell assault weapons. What is it that you don't understand?
Please quote where I said I want terrorists to have easier access to assault weapons, asshole.

You still don't even know what the term means, you can't learn. The fact is if you want to continue the liberal immigration policy you are indeed part of the problem. We've had the guns all along so it isn't the gun. Work on it.
Not only do you want terrorists to have easy access to assault weapons, you want EVERYONE to have easy access to assault weapons like they do now, and you won't give an inch. What's the matter, don't even know what you write yourself? :D
It isn't what I said. I said he shouldn't have had the ability given his history and alignments. I also said if you support the liberal immigration policy you are part of the problem. Keep working on it.
I don't support liberals or their immigration policies.

You support easy access to assault weapons, including for terrorists.
If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.

Your desperation and ignorance is duly noted.

Your inability to argue otherwise is duly noted.

I know shoog, you're upset. So all I'm gonna get outta you is emojies and name calling.
We had ARs all along. You're retard interpretation of assault weapon not with standing. But YOU are the problem, not me.

You want easier access to the US by terrorists and if they chose to use an AR you want the AR banned. You pathetic simpleton. You don't even understand how dangerous you are.
Please quote where I said that I want easier access to the US for terrorists. :popcorn:
The guy was an American, were you ignorant of that fact? And the only way to stop Americans (and anyone else, like terrorists or Mexican drug cartels) from killing with assault weapons is to not sell assault weapons. What is it that you don't understand?
Please quote where I said I want terrorists to have easier access to assault weapons, asshole.

You still don't even know what the term means, you can't learn. The fact is if you want to continue the liberal immigration policy you are indeed part of the problem. We've had the guns all along so it isn't the gun. Work on it.
Not only do you want terrorists to have easy access to assault weapons, you want EVERYONE to have easy access to assault weapons like they do now, and you won't give an inch. What's the matter, don't even know what you write yourself? :D
It isn't what I said. I said he shouldn't have had the ability given his history and alignments. I also said if you support the liberal immigration policy you are part of the problem. Keep working on it.
I don't support liberals or their immigration policies.

You support easy access to assault weapons, including for terrorists.

"Liberal" immigration versus "conservative" immigration? Jesus.
Please quote where I said that I want easier access to the US for terrorists. :popcorn:
The guy was an American, were you ignorant of that fact? And the only way to stop Americans (and anyone else, like terrorists or Mexican drug cartels) from killing with assault weapons is to not sell assault weapons. What is it that you don't understand?
Please quote where I said I want terrorists to have easier access to assault weapons, asshole.

You still don't even know what the term means, you can't learn. The fact is if you want to continue the liberal immigration policy you are indeed part of the problem. We've had the guns all along so it isn't the gun. Work on it.
Not only do you want terrorists to have easy access to assault weapons, you want EVERYONE to have easy access to assault weapons like they do now, and you won't give an inch. What's the matter, don't even know what you write yourself? :D
It isn't what I said. I said he shouldn't have had the ability given his history and alignments. I also said if you support the liberal immigration policy you are part of the problem. Keep working on it.
I don't support liberals or their immigration policies.

You support easy access to assault weapons, including for terrorists.

"Liberal" immigration versus "conservative" immigration? Jesus.
Yeah, it hurts your brain to use more than two gray cells, poor dear.
From God? Bullshit.

Your desperation and ignorance is duly noted.

Your inability to argue otherwise is duly noted.

I know shoog, you're upset. So all I'm gonna get outta you is emojies and name calling.

So now I'm an Obama supporter? Terrific. All you can do is call me an Obama supporter. An assignment on your part of course, but that's an epithet in your little mind.
Please quote where I said I want terrorists to have easier access to assault weapons, asshole.

You still don't even know what the term means, you can't learn. The fact is if you want to continue the liberal immigration policy you are indeed part of the problem. We've had the guns all along so it isn't the gun. Work on it.
Not only do you want terrorists to have easy access to assault weapons, you want EVERYONE to have easy access to assault weapons like they do now, and you won't give an inch. What's the matter, don't even know what you write yourself? :D
It isn't what I said. I said he shouldn't have had the ability given his history and alignments. I also said if you support the liberal immigration policy you are part of the problem. Keep working on it.
I don't support liberals or their immigration policies.

You support easy access to assault weapons, including for terrorists.

"Liberal" immigration versus "conservative" immigration? Jesus.
Yeah, it hurts your brain to use more than two gray cells, poor dear.

Can you argue for or against something or is this all ya got?
No "plan" is perfect. All we can do is increase or decrease the odds. The shooter wouldn't have been here if we didn't have such a liberal immigration policy. Same with numerous others. No plan will stop it completely sans mind control.

There were enough warning signs where this guy shouldn't have been legally able to buy a pellet gun, as we've discussed. Trying to use this event to take away people's rifles isn't the answer. It wasn't even an AR but you want to ban ARs.
Really? According to every source I have been able to find on the incident, it very much was an AR15.

New York Daily
Minnesota Star Tribune

Just a few. Do you have information that the rest of us do not?

The answer is tougher immigration, Hillary wants more, Donald less. There's your answer.
And how, precisely, does tougher immigration prevent American citizens from accessing the internet, reading the sermons, and calls from terrorist organizations disseminated online, and deciding to act against their own people?
And, again, no response to questions that attempt to delve deeper than bumper sticker talking points.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your comparison is like chinese noodles and mangled power cords. Technically correct but realistically incorrect. AKA Fox News.
Because of business I travel to South and Central America. Gun flows in these regions courtesy of USA. Even a tourist can buy guns in less than 30 minutes in Honduras.

To make it fair. Why don't you compare Philippines and Switzerland? Legally gun purchases doesn't mean low gun crimes and murder rates.


You claim a comparison of same population countries with opposite policies and opposite results are not fair. Basically that removes you as a rational player here.

Why are you angry? You are comparing gun availabilities with the same populations. But you are missing several critical points why these 2 countries has different kinds of gun crimes and murder rates. Example economy, unemployment, poverty, drugs, gangs and guns flowing to South and Central America. Which is totally unfair.

Philippine population is 101 millions. Crime rate jumped 46% as soon as guns are legally available to general population. If you divide to 50% that's 50 millions will that make it equal with Switzerland?
Japan population is 127 millions and guns are not available to general public. There are no gun stores in Japan. Crimes and murder rates by gun is low or none existent. Why is that?
Why don't you compare Switzerland and Philippines? Both countries legally allowed guns.
Why don't you compare Honduras and Japan? Both countries ban guns.

Your comparison is like chinese noodles and mangled power cords. Technically correct but realistically incorrect. AKA Fox News.
Because of business I travel to South and Central America. Gun flows in these regions courtesy of USA. Even a tourist can buy guns in less than 30 minutes in Honduras.

To make it fair. Why don't you compare Philippines and Switzerland? Legally gun purchases doesn't mean low gun crimes and murder rates.


You claim a comparison of same population countries with opposite policies and opposite results are not fair. Basically that removes you as a rational player here.

Why are you angry? You are comparing gun availabilities with the same populations. But you are missing several critical points why these 2 countries has different kinds of gun crimes and murder rates. Example economy, unemployment, poverty, drugs, gangs and guns flowing to South and Central America. Which is totally unfair.

Philippine population is 101 millions. Crime rate jumped 46% as soon as guns are legally available to general population. If you divide to 50% that's 50 millions will that make it equal with Switzerland?
Japan population is 127 millions and guns are not available to general public. There are no gun stores in Japan. Crimes and murder rates by gun is low or none existent. Why is that?
Why don't you compare Switzerland and Philippines? Both countries legally allowed guns.
Why don't you compare Honduras and Japan? Both countries ban guns.

Me? Angry? :lol:

Brazil is sending guns here Bubba. I like how you did not even really read my initial post, as it clearly states 8.2 million in population. It is also evident you are not an American or at least one well versed in English. Why don't you make the comparisons with linked data? Then we can show you the error in your comparisons, which will be many.

Your comparison is like chinese noodles and mangled power cords. Technically correct but realistically incorrect. AKA Fox News.
Because of business I travel to South and Central America. Gun flows in these regions courtesy of USA. Even a tourist can buy guns in less than 30 minutes in Honduras.

To make it fair. Why don't you compare Philippines and Switzerland? Legally gun purchases doesn't mean low gun crimes and murder rates.


You claim a comparison of same population countries with opposite policies and opposite results are not fair. Basically that removes you as a rational player here.

Why are you angry? You are comparing gun availabilities with the same populations. But you are missing several critical points why these 2 countries has different kinds of gun crimes and murder rates. Example economy, unemployment, poverty, drugs, gangs and guns flowing to South and Central America. Which is totally unfair.

Philippine population is 101 millions. Crime rate jumped 46% as soon as guns are legally available to general population. If you divide to 50% that's 50 millions will that make it equal with Switzerland?
Japan population is 127 millions and guns are not available to general public. There are no gun stores in Japan. Crimes and murder rates by gun is low or none existent. Why is that?
Why don't you compare Switzerland and Philippines? Both countries legally allowed guns.
Why don't you compare Honduras and Japan? Both countries ban guns.

Me? Angry? :lol:

Brazil is sending guns here Bubba. I like how you did not even really read my initial post, as it clearly states 8.2 million in population. It is also evident you are not an American or at least one well versed in English. Why don't you make the comparisons with linked data? Then we can show you the error in your comparisons, which will be many.

Yes Dude you are angry ............ Now you are in the insulting mode. I don't have to provide you any link because you can google all these information that I'm telling you. All I'm telling are just facts.
BTW what is Brazil has anything to do with your comparisons?

How do you want me to compare?
Honduras vs Japan?
Philippines vs Switzerland?
Philippines vs Japan?
Japan vs Switzerland?
The truth of the mater is I can't and you can't because of complexities.

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