florida removes blm studies

The filthy Libtards want to erase the history of Southerners rebelling against the oppressive Yankees so why not erase the destructive Negro Insurrection of 2020? Isn't turnabout fair play?
No, they just want to tear down the statues and monuments honoring those stinking, racist cowards. You mean the one that was mostly whites.
No, they just want to tear down the statues and monuments honoring those stinking, racist cowards. You mean the one that was mostly whites.

If the BLM story was to be told truthfully you shitheads wouldn't like it.

The fact that George Floyd was a lowlife druggie piece of shit, that Derek Chauvin was railroaded to appease the Black mob, that the goddamn Negroes looted, destroyed and murdered for six months and that their buddies were the filthy ass Communists. That it was an insurrection that the Democrats allowed to happen in the big city shitholes.

The BLM filth were the bad guys and you assholes don't want to hear that truth. You don't want the truth to be taught. Only the dishonest Negroes ass kissing version that the Left propagated in order to foster racial hate.
If the BLM story was to be told truthfully you shitheads wouldn't like it.

The fact that George Floyd was a lowlife druggie piece of shit, that Derek Chauvin was railroaded to appease the Black mob, that the goddamn Negroes looted, destroyed and murdered for six months and that their buddies were the filthy ass Communists. That it was an insurrection that the Democrats allowed to happen in the big city shitholes.

The BLM filth were the bad guys and you assholes don't want to hear that truth. You don't want the truth to be taught. Only the dishonest Negroes ass kissing version that the Left propagated in order to foster racial hate.
This coming from a man who claims that the Klan are heroes. Chauvin is right where he belongs, if you think he was railroaded why haven't you and the Klan boys put the money together to get him a new lawyer.
blacks make themsevles poor by their poo choices. 27.,9 percent of black live above the poverty line. they poor ones make choices that put hem there.
And, Democrats wipe their hands clean from why Blacks make poor choices. One word, WELLFARE! They get enough free stuff to survive and thus are kept in welfare slavery. Robert KKK Byrd and the other racists of the Democrat Party knew they couldn't keep Blacks down for much longer so they came up with the Welfare State plan for Blacks. While Whites and others get caught up in it some, Blacks were targeted for money for votes. The only poor choice most make is voting for Democrats.

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