Florida Senate(controlled by Republicans) approves 2-year moratorium on sale of AR-15 assault rifles

This is arguably the most embarrassing thread ever created in USMB. Author basquebromance managed to out-stupid the legendary Steve McGarret, who holds the all -time record for threads that didn't age well.

The premise of the thread was that Republicans did something courageous and awesome by voting for the AR moratorium. But as another member noted, Republicans killed the measure 15 minutes later:

While the Senate president ruled that the amendment passed, the body reconsidered the amendment 15 minutes later and overturned it by a margin of 21-17 in a roll call vote, with each "no" vote cast by a Republican. Two Republicans backed the moratorium on the rifle.

That's right. Zero democrats were gun nuts, while 21 out of 23 Republicans voted as gun nuts.
Florida senate approved AR-15 ban for 15 minutes before rescinding it
Damn ... I'll have to drive all the way to Georgia to get my AR on.


or build your own --LOL
That's great since the AR-15 is not an assault rifle, they can claim they did something that had no impact whatsoever!

What do you consider an “assault rifle “?

An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

Little is know but Timmy didn't keep falling down that well. Lassie kept pushing him into the well so Lassie could look like a hero saving lil' timmy.
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??
From 2014

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

Time to ban knives!!!!
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??

Psst - It can be done with almost any rifle, even the ones that aren't black and scary looking.


Ban the bump stock!!! and rubber bands!! Ban Knives too!!!!

China knife attack leaves 29 dead
That's great since the AR-15 is not an assault rifle, they can claim they did something that had no impact whatsoever!

What do you consider an “assault rifle “?

An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .
That's what the AR stands for right. Assault rifle
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!

From 2014

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

Time to ban knives!!!!
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??

Psst - It can be done with almost any rifle, even the ones that aren't black and scary looking.


Ban the bump stock!!! and rubber bands!! Ban Knives too!!!!

China knife attack leaves 29 dead

There were 8 knife weilders so we do the math on this one. That means that each knifer owned not more than 5 people. Now, had they been armed with an AK or an AR Semi Auto, the death rate would have been in the hundreds with the wounded rate in the thousands. Our Mass Shooters are just better armed than their Mass Stabbers.
From 2014

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

Time to ban knives!!!!
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??

Psst - It can be done with almost any rifle, even the ones that aren't black and scary looking.


Ban the bump stock!!! and rubber bands!! Ban Knives too!!!!

China knife attack leaves 29 dead

There were 8 knife weilders so we do the math on this one. That means that each knifer owned not more than 5 people. Now, had they been armed with an AK or an AR Semi Auto, the death rate would have been in the hundreds with the wounded rate in the thousands. Our Mass Shooters are just better armed than their Mass Stabbers.

thanks for pointing out the need to have good folks armed to react to these sort of situations
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


A voice vote miscounted?

When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


I was a responsible Slave Owner. Because there were a few that weren't, you passed a law that took my right to own slaves away from me. It was my Constitutional Right. :lastword:
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


A voice vote miscounted?


Once the NRA gets all the Teachers Armed, they are going after the next group of gun sales they seemed to have missed. Now that they will have the Teachers and those on the No Fly List, they will be going after the Kindergardners since none of those seem to be armed at this time.
From 2014

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

Time to ban knives!!!!
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??

Psst - It can be done with almost any rifle, even the ones that aren't black and scary looking.


Ban the bump stock!!! and rubber bands!! Ban Knives too!!!!

China knife attack leaves 29 dead

There were 8 knife weilders so we do the math on this one. That means that each knifer owned not more than 5 people. Now, had they been armed with an AK or an AR Semi Auto, the death rate would have been in the hundreds with the wounded rate in the thousands. Our Mass Shooters are just better armed than their Mass Stabbers.

thanks for pointing out the need to have good folks armed to react to these sort of situations

You will also be arming the Bad Folks at the same time. Ever thing of that? You can have a whole lot of Good Folks armed and not much will happen bed but have just one Bad Folk armed and you get another mass shooting fast.
That's great since the AR-15 is not an assault rifle, they can claim they did something that had no impact whatsoever!

What do you consider an “assault rifle “?

An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .
That's what the AR stands for right. Assault rifle
You shouldn't even kid... they're gullible...
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


I was a responsible Slave Owner. Because there were a few that weren't, you passed a law that took my right to own slaves away from me. It was my Constitutional Right. :lastword:

Where in the COTUS is the right to own slaves?
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


A voice vote miscounted?

Ya know..you're quite the little bitch, aren't you. Never have something cogent to say...just sling some poo...yes..miscounted. Obviously..as the intent was not what was occurred. You do note I called the vote 'meaning less'? Much like your response.

Did it even occur to you to actually comment on the gist of the post---silly me..of course it didn't..that might require thought.
From 2014

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

Time to ban knives!!!!
Anyone can make a "bump stock" in 2 seconds with a rubber band.....

Time to ban rubber bands!!

But but but.. it’s NOT an automatic weapon !

Except you then show how easy it is to get around that. So it IS an automatic weapon !??

Psst - It can be done with almost any rifle, even the ones that aren't black and scary looking.


Ban the bump stock!!! and rubber bands!! Ban Knives too!!!!

China knife attack leaves 29 dead

There were 8 knife weilders so we do the math on this one. That means that each knifer owned not more than 5 people. Now, had they been armed with an AK or an AR Semi Auto, the death rate would have been in the hundreds with the wounded rate in the thousands. Our Mass Shooters are just better armed than their Mass Stabbers.

thanks for pointing out the need to have good folks armed to react to these sort of situations

You will also be arming the Bad Folks at the same time. Ever thing of that? You can have a whole lot of Good Folks armed and not much will happen bed but have just one Bad Folk armed and you get another mass shooting fast.

we already have the bad folks doofus

they are the ones shooting folks up in the gun free zones
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?

what --LOL

bump fires are not full autos

oh and btw full autos are sold all around this country every day

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