Florida Senate(controlled by Republicans) approves 2-year moratorium on sale of AR-15 assault rifles

A voice vote miscounted?

Ya know..you're quite the little bitch, aren't you. Never have something cogent to say...just sling some poo...yes..miscounted. Obviously..as the intent was not what was occurred. You do note I called the vote 'meaning less'? Much like your response.

Did it even occur to you to actually comment on the gist of the post---silly me..of course it didn't..that might require thought.

You stop being a dumbass, I'll stop pointing it out!
You're attempts to be clever only reveal your innate stupidity. Partisan hack--3rd class--because you're not really that good at it.

I am doing quite well because apparently I own your ass!
LoL...Just saying so..you lack-wit, does not make it so, a concept that eludes you constantly--unless you actually respond to the ideas and concepts put forth---you're an idiot. Playing the rhetorical game..without content..simply reveals you for the idiot you are..and all the self-congratulatory BS will not change that.

Note..four posts in..and you've said nothing intelligent...the usual for you. Care to toss out a few more dismissive insults..in lieu of actually contributing something cogent?

Do me a favor! Say something intelligent that you have actually put more then 5 seconds thought into, and maybe I will have something to which I can respond.
An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

None of you are brave enough to answer my questions?

Oh. Cause I’m right .

I already answered your questions and so did others. Dupe.
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?

That’s just....wow!
View attachment 180346
You burn a lot do you?

Yes I do. The stupid here burns me. Yours in particular. Thanks for asking.
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.
Republicnas did this, they hold almost twice as many seats.

Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No moron, it’s the truth. How is this hard to understand?
Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

None of you are brave enough to answer my questions?

Oh. Cause I’m right .

I already answered your questions and so did others. Dupe.

yet he remains willfully ignorant
Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

None of you are brave enough to answer my questions?

Oh. Cause I’m right .

I already answered your questions and so did others. Dupe.

No you didn’t . Cowards, all you .
Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

None of you are brave enough to answer my questions?

Oh. Cause I’m right .

I already answered your questions and so did others. Dupe.

No you didn’t . Cowards, all you .
Yes we did and your childishness doesn't change that. What question is it that you think we didn't answer?
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Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.
Republicnas did this, they hold almost twice as many seats.

Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
Republicnas did this, they hold almost twice as many seats.

Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
When you hand your guns over you become toothless. I do not think that people any longer believe that governments can fail and become tyranical or worse. Yet this has happened so many time in history we can not even count them all, It is happening all over the world today. I am not sure that I do not live under a tyrannical government today.; Protection form unreasonable search and seizure is gone, right to privacy gone, right to guns on way out, right to free speach on way out, right to know what goverment is doing on way out. All the things I used to love about being here is disappearing. Both sides of fence causing it!
Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
When you hand your guns over you become toothless. I do not think that people any longer believe that governments can fail and become tyranical or worse. Yet this has happened so many time in history we can not even count them all, It is happening all over the world today. I am not sure that I do not live under a tyrannical government today.; Protection form unreasonable search and seizure is gone, right to privacy gone, right to guns on way out, right to free speach on way out, right to know what goverment is doing on way out. All the things I used to love about being here is disappearing. Both sides of fence causing it!

Our Founding Fathers fully understood there would always be threats to our Constitution. They knew Authoritarians couldn't help themselves. Whether you call them Communists or Fascists, their goals are the same. They will always attack our Freedom & Liberty.

Nothing's really changed with human beings since our Founding Fathers' time. Freedom & Liberty will always be under assault. This is just the latest attack. Folks are gonna have to stand firm and fight to defend their Constitution. That's just the way it is.
Republicnas did this, they hold almost twice as many seats.

Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
Things change....Deal with it. Or perhaps I can put it another way--Hamilton won. Jefferson lost.
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Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
When you hand your guns over you become toothless. I do not think that people any longer believe that governments can fail and become tyranical or worse. Yet this has happened so many time in history we can not even count them all, It is happening all over the world today. I am not sure that I do not live under a tyrannical government today.; Protection form unreasonable search and seizure is gone, right to privacy gone, right to guns on way out, right to free speach on way out, right to know what goverment is doing on way out. All the things I used to love about being here is disappearing. Both sides of fence causing it!
You're right..if that's the side of the fence you're on.

My side? I think things are much better now than in the past..for the majority of the people. You talk of transparency in Govt.---up until the 60's--Govt. was opaque to the common person. Many of the ideals that so consume you...are being observed right in front of your eyes. Right to privacy? How do you square that with a desire for transparency?

I do know this..that almost all people in this country aren't hungry. Almost all of the people have shelter. Medical care is almost always there.

Life is good. For most---it remains to be seen..just which side of this cultural war will prevail. I think demographics will have their way, younger folk are not nearly as concerned as the vanishing boomers.
It will be challenged and overturned.

1. There is no such thing as an 'assault' weapon; yet, ignorant liberals keep pushing the 'inflamatory' term.

2. The AR-15 has not been banned in the US. This is an infringement on US citizens' right to bear arms.

It will make the snowflake extremists gun-grabbers happy for a while, though.
Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
When you hand your guns over you become toothless. I do not think that people any longer believe that governments can fail and become tyranical or worse. Yet this has happened so many time in history we can not even count them all, It is happening all over the world today. I am not sure that I do not live under a tyrannical government today.; Protection form unreasonable search and seizure is gone, right to privacy gone, right to guns on way out, right to free speach on way out, right to know what goverment is doing on way out. All the things I used to love about being here is disappearing. Both sides of fence causing it!
You're right..if that's the side of the fence you're on.

My side? I think things are much better now than in the past..for the majority of the people. You talk of transparency in Govt.---up until the 60's--Govt. was opaque to the common person. Many of the ideals that so consume you...are being observed right in front of your eyes. Right to privacy? How do you square that with a desire for transparency?

I do know this..that almost all people in this country aren't hungry. Almost all of the people have shelter. Medical care is almost always there.

Life is good. For most---it remains to be seen..just which side of this cultural war will prevail. I think demographics will have their way, younger folk are not nearly as concerned as the vanishing boomers.
We as individuals have right to privacy the government does not, they work for us. That is inaccordance to thier jobs. Gov. employees should aslo enjoy right to privacy in personal life. Life will not remain good if the freedoms continued to be abridged.
Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

No, we actually read it in the Constitution, ya dimwit. Our Founding Fathers understood Authoritarian jerks such as yourself, would always come along and attempt to destroy our Constitution. They lived under an oppressive tyrant King's rule. So yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and keep my firearms. It's my Constitutional Right. Deal with it.
Things change....Deal with it. Or perhaps I can put it another way--Hamilton won. Jefferson lost.

The Constitution will win in the end. I believe that. You Authoritarians will come and go. But the Constitution is here to stay.

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