Florida Senate(controlled by Republicans) approves 2-year moratorium on sale of AR-15 assault rifles

That's great since the AR-15 is not an assault rifle, they can claim they did something that had no impact whatsoever!

What do you consider an “assault rifle “?

An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

So if I were to drop this..
View attachment 180300
Into this....
View attachment 180301

I could still run at Talladega?

It amazes me, the stupidity of anti-gunners.
What do you consider an “assault rifle “?

An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?

So what you're saying is, you have absolutely no idea what a "bump stock" is or how it works...

Because if you did, you would know that it does not turn a semi-automatic in to an automatic.
And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

yes retard how many times do you have to be told you are wrong

how many times do you need to be shown you are wrong retard

after awhile it becomes willful ignorance on your part

You are full of crap. You play these semantic games in an attempt to downplay how destructive these rifles are.

“Well they are not automatic so they are not assault rifles ! What are you afraid of!?”

Then you nuts contradict yourselves : “ why ban bunpnstocks? It’s easy to turn a semi into an auto with just a rubber band “. Meaning they ARE assault rifles .

The fact is these rifles are designed to kill lots people in a short time .

So much wrong, so little patience. I just can’t fix your stupid.
which makes a bigger hole in you 5.56 or 7.63.....

I don’t know gun nerd . Fill me in.

Hey . What’s an AR-15 designed for ? Simple question for you gun nerds to answer .

Hunting deer? How about pheasant? No no .. river otters!

Or is it for self defense ? Do you carry one in your purse?

It’s for sport which includes hunting and competition shooting. What it is NOT for, is killing people. That only exists in your alleged mind.
which makes a bigger hole in you 5.56 or 7.63.....

I don’t know gun nerd . Fill me in.

Hey . What’s an AR-15 designed for ? Simple question for you gun nerds to answer .
You don't know? I'm shocked I tell ya.....maybe you should know stuff before entering a debate eh

Oh but you gun nerds are so filled with useful gun knowledge . That’s why you can look down at us normal folk . So enlighten us with your vast experience and explain the difference between firearms .

It’s been explained several times in this thread alone.
Liberals are only capable of comprehending knee jerk reactions, because they're emotional beings and do not apply critical thought. They don't hold people accountable, they hold the government accountable for what should be personal responsibility, which in the case of the Florida shooting is highly ironic, because the government failed them. Guns are a perfect example. They're ignorant of the causes and only see the effects. At the end of the day they only make things worse, and it truly is "progress"ive.

Democrats never ever fix anything. They ALWAYS fuck everything up.
And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

yes retard how many times do you have to be told you are wrong

how many times do you need to be shown you are wrong retard

after awhile it becomes willful ignorance on your part

You are full of crap. You play these semantic games in an attempt to downplay how destructive these rifles are.

“Well they are not automatic so they are not assault rifles ! What are you afraid of!?”

Then you nuts contradict yourselves : “ why ban bunpnstocks? It’s easy to turn a semi into an auto with just a rubber band “. Meaning they ARE assault rifles .

The fact is these rifles are designed to kill lots people in a short time .

oh poor timmy

his ignorance strikes again

once again you are clueless as to what an assault rifle is

hey retard you do not even need a rubber band to bump fire a semi auto

regardless if it is mean looking black one

why dont you go read up just a little on firearms before you display your willful ignorance again

your little temper tantrums are not convincing enough to get law abiding citizens allow jerks like you

to pass meaningless laws
An assault rifle has the capability to fire on full auto. An AR-15 does not. Therefore, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Stop falling down that well, Timmy!

And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?

So what you're saying is, you have absolutely no idea what a "bump stock" is or how it works...

Because if you did, you would know that it does not turn a semi-automatic in to an automatic.

timmy seems to be willfully ignorant on that topic as well
Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

yes retard how many times do you have to be told you are wrong

how many times do you need to be shown you are wrong retard

after awhile it becomes willful ignorance on your part

You are full of crap. You play these semantic games in an attempt to downplay how destructive these rifles are.

“Well they are not automatic so they are not assault rifles ! What are you afraid of!?”

Then you nuts contradict yourselves : “ why ban bunpnstocks? It’s easy to turn a semi into an auto with just a rubber band “. Meaning they ARE assault rifles .

The fact is these rifles are designed to kill lots people in a short time .

So much wrong, so little patience. I just can’t fix your stupid.

timmy is willfully stupid
And here comes the gun nerd with his semantics .

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people and kill them quickly and efficiently by causing sever bodily damage . That’s it’s purpose .

Yes it’s not automatic (only because of the law forbids it). That doesn’t mean it’s no longer an assault rifle .

You can take a turbo out of a sports car, it’s still a sports car .

Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.
Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

from now on he is one i will post countering information whenever he misstates firearm information

sort of disclaimer to his lies
Absolute BS
The Florida Senate rejected a proposal to ban assault weapons, and voted for a measure to arm some teachers, weeks after 17 people were killed in the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history.

An amendment that would have banned assault weapons attached to a wider bill failed on Saturday
in a largely party-line vote, in response to the Feb. 14 killing of 14 students and three faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Fort Lauderdale suburb of Parkland.

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers
Absolute BS
The Florida Senate rejected a proposal to ban assault weapons, and voted for a measure to arm some teachers, weeks after 17 people were killed in the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history.

An amendment that would have banned assault weapons attached to a wider bill failed on Saturday
in a largely party-line vote, in response to the Feb. 14 killing of 14 students and three faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Fort Lauderdale suburb of Parkland.

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers

Yeah I didn't buy into it either. Republicans aren't going to ban semi-automatics. The NRA is their campaign cash cow and they're going to do everything they can to protect it.

"The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.

If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further."
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


The ONLY way common sense gun control happens in this country--is to vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November during the midterm election cycle. Don't bother to vote, or vote for Republicans all you'll get is more sympathies and prayer vigils.

Here is an example coming out of the Florida State legislature.

"One of those gun-rights defenders, GOP state Sen. Dennis Baxley, told VICE News that he opposes any restrictions on assault weapons — the kind of gun used by the Stoneman Douglas shooter, a 19-year-old former student at the school. "You can't just make policy that doesn't work," he told VICE News. "It's the mindset that's the issue," not the weapon.

When asked why Floridians should have the right to buy AR-15s, Baxley said he wanted to focus on cultural issues. "Spoons are used to eat stuff to kill yourself with obesity, but we're not picking up spoons to get rid of obesity," Baxley added.":auiqs.jpg:
This is the political aftermath of the Parkland school shooting


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Assault hammers kill far more people.

An AR is a weapon of war designed to blow big holes in people

is ignorance really bliss


Am I wrong ? Is it’s a hunting rifle ?

Tell me what it’s designed for ?

Yes, you are wrong. I use mine for hunting hogs and deer. I know plenty of others who hunt all manner of beasts with them. None of them have shot humans.

not that timmy would understand but the 5.56 can be used for deer out here too

He’s a lefty, no amount of facts or logic or reason will ever change his mind. The only reason I answer him is in case a reasonable person reads his crap. I can’t let it go unchallenged.

None of you are brave enough to answer my questions?

Oh. Cause I’m right .
When I saw this thread title, I was struck....."huh?" For no other reason than Rick Scott would be sure to veto..so why bother..then I read the whole newsfeed..and got quite the laugh!

It was like..'lets have a meaningless voice vote'...and then...Ooops! Redo...ahhh..back in the arms of Father NRA. "We didn't mean it, really..please don't take your bags of money away...Pullleeesssee!"

But makes ya wonder..was the voice vote miscounted..or did everyone think that they could make a meaningless mark ...so that they could say to their constituencies, "See..I tried."

I bet there was plenty of opportunity for some humor..in that 15 minutes!


A voice vote miscounted?

Ya know..you're quite the little bitch, aren't you. Never have something cogent to say...just sling some poo...yes..miscounted. Obviously..as the intent was not what was occurred. You do note I called the vote 'meaning less'? Much like your response.

Did it even occur to you to actually comment on the gist of the post---silly me..of course it didn't..that might require thought.

You stop being a dumbass, I'll stop pointing it out!
You're attempts to be clever only reveal your innate stupidity. Partisan hack--3rd class--because you're not really that good at it.

I am doing quite well because apparently I own your ass!
LoL...Just saying so..you lack-wit, does not make it so, a concept that eludes you constantly--unless you actually respond to the ideas and concepts put forth---you're an idiot. Playing the rhetorical game..without content..simply reveals you for the idiot you are..and all the self-congratulatory BS will not change that.

Note..four posts in..and you've said nothing intelligent...the usual for you. Care to toss out a few more dismissive insults..in lieu of actually contributing something cogent?
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.

That's what I am curious about. No one ever approved fully automatic assault weapons to be sold in this country, yet they sold a part the "bump stock" that could make a semi-automatic turn into an automatic. How did they get away with that one?

That’s just....wow!
View attachment 180346
You burn a lot do you?
Do folks really believe Communists/Democrats are gonna stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's? Something more Americans better start contemplating.
Republicnas did this, they hold almost twice as many seats.

Yes, they're cowards. Shame on em.

Uh, why do we need these guns?

It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
Read that on a bumper sticker, did you?

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