Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

You don't seem to have a problem with the "norm" as long as that "norm" favors Democrats.

You do not pay attention to most of my post.

This administration has been doing this for over 1 year now in one form or another.

Yep, one form or another. Now it is being down via actual legislation, the next step in the progression.

When the Fed Govt does this to a company you like I am betting you will not be so very happy about it
Not if they don't want to lose in court.

Judge "Why are you charging this group for more their water than the rest"

County "Well, they pissed of DeSantis".

Maybe that would work for extra city taxes? Why are you charging more in taxes for those that live in the city limits? Well, because we pick up the trash for "free". LOL...yeah, that won't work. It can very easily be argued that due to the amount of traffic, Disney creates more wear and tear on the roads and on other infrastructure. There is a multitude of valid reasons to raise their taxes.
You do not pay attention to most of my post.

Yep, one form or another. Now it is being down via actual legislation, the next step in the progression.

When the Fed Govt does this to a company you like I am betting you will not be so very happy about it

Did you complain when Facebook and Twitter were censoring? You don't think that censorship was dictated in some ways by the federal government? As I said, this is already being done, but lefties don't like it when they are affected. It is that simple.
Can a county force an incorporation of an area into a city?

As far as what I have been able to find (and I am no guru in Florida Law) ...
Disney was stripped of its Special Tax Break and Self-Governing Status.

However ... The Legislation passed does not repeal the 1967 Act, and Governor Desantis would have to dismantle Reedy Creek District to address issues individually.
Some issues such as Fire Department and whatnot are automatically transferred to the County and no longer under the Reedy Creek District.

The more I look into it, the Florida State Legislature did not cripple Disney and strip them of everything ...
But took away some of their privileges and cost them more money.

As I mentioned yesterday ... From what I have read, the Fire Department is no big deal.
The extra revenues the County will get from Property Taxes could provide for a World Class Fire Department.

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As far as what I have been able to find (and I am no guru in Florida Law) ...
Disney was stripped of its Special Tax Break and Self-Governing Status.

However ... The Legislation passed does not repeal the 1967 Act, and Governor Desantis would have to dismantle Reedy Creek District to address issues individually.
Some issues such as Fire Department and whatnot are automatically transferred to the County and no longer under the Reedy Creek District.

The more I look into it, Governor Desantis did not cripple Disney and strip them of everything ...
But took away some of their privileges and cost them more money.

As I mentioned yesterday ... From what I have read, the Fire Department is no big deal.
The extra revenues the County will get from Property Taxes could provide for a World Class Fire Department.

Really can't read that centered font nonsense. Are you a poet?
Not 95% of the state, but a good 40% of the state's revenue

Disney is free to move if they would like. They could move to a unionized state which will require them to pay all their employees far too much and get killed in taxes. They should put their money with their big fat mouths are, but they won't. Like typical lefties, they want their cake and to eat it too. When it comes down to it, their support for policies stops when they are directly affected.
Did you complain when Facebook and Twitter were censoring?

No, I do not as they are private companies and are free to do what they want.

You don't think that censorship was dictated in some ways by the federal government?

Can you show me the overt law dictating this?

As I said, this is already being done, but lefties don't like it when they are affected. It is that simple.

I am not affected in the least, I do not give a fuck about Disney. We took our kids there in 2012 had a great time and all 4 of us said "that was such fun, but lets never do it again".

But I do give a fuck when a state government proudly passes a bill specifically to punish an entity for daring to disagree with said state government.
Disney is free to move if they would like. They could move to a unionized state which will require them to pay all their employees far too much and get killed in taxes. They should put their money with their big fat mouths are, but they won't. Like typical lefties, they want their cake and to eat it too. When it comes down to it, their support for policies stops when they are directly affected.
If they refuse to shut up about it, Desantis should just condemn the park and have the state take over. Ima start a petition!
Just curious... what do you think about Elon Musk buying Twitter?

I don't use Twitter, and never have, so I don't care. I do find it interesting to see leftists having a conniption over an African-American man who makes electric cars wanting to expand his business interests. No doubt you're a Musk hater.
I don't use Twitter, and never have, so I don't care. I do find it interesting to see leftists having a conniption over an African-American man who makes electric cars wanting to expand his business interests. No doubt you're a Musk hater.
You make a lot of dumb presumptions. I don't use Twitter either. Regardless, I'm in favor of Musk taking over. Maybe he'll make it something worthwhile instead of a cesspool.

But you know me - corporate whore and all.
I live in central Florida. About one hour away from Disney. Over the years I have known many people that worked for Disney, including a couple of good friends.

Disney treats its employees like shit. They are an abusive employer. For instance, significant punishment for being even one minute late or over at lunch. Very reluctant to give time off for family issues. Everything is very strict in the work place. They treat the employees like cannon fodder. Their attitude is it is a privilege to work for Disney and if you don't like it go else where. They actually have a high turnover rate.

Everybody thinks it would fun working there but it is not.

Remember the first Gulf War? Remember how patriotic Americans were? Disney absolutely quelled any show of Patriotism including family members of active duty personnel. That pissed off a lot of employees.

The same thing after 911.

I'm glad DeSantis jerked their chain.

This reminds me of my buddy in radio who worked for a sportstalk station in Miami, WQAM.

He was given a job as a board op for AM drive. He was happy to get the gig, and did not discuss salary.

When he got his first paycheck, he was paid LITERALLY MINIMUM WAGE…to be the board op for an AM drive show on a major radio station in a major market.

(Insert “he should have asked about his salary.”) Thats not the point, but is somewhat obvious.

So he asks his boss about his pay. His boss replies, “This is WQAM, it is a privilege to work here.”

My buddy quit on the spot.

Should my buddy pay his mortgage with WQAM money and tell the bank its special money because it is from WQAM.

Companies who pay shit and treat their employees like shit because it is perceived to be an honor to work there are fucked.

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