Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

I never said it was in the OP article.

You asked how much property tax does Disney collect.

I said I have posted it many times IN THIS THREAD.

You asked for a link, so I gave you a link to this thread, Dummy.
You’re so cute.

Thanks for admitting you have nothing. I won’t waste any more time on you. :itsok:
I do agree, but I also think they should be free to do this if they wish. This thread is not about them making a bad business decision, it is about the state openly and proudly punishing them for disagreeing with a new law.

But you will not address that part, almost as if you do not want to risk the ire of those on your side of the aisle.
Why is disney allowed special laws just for them to begin with.
No they were not. They were paying the property taxes to the counties the land is in. Those counties will not get a dime more in property taxes. But they will get a billion dollars in bond debt.
Oh stop the fucking lying propaganda bullshit---

Walt Disney world makes around $17 BILLION with a fucking B per year in Floriday---$108 million is nothing to them. They want to play games time for them to pay up like everyone else does----which means their yearly property and business tax should be in the billions.
You’re so cute.

Thanks for admitting you have nothing. I won’t waste any more time on you. :itsok:
Once again, I have posted the amount of property taxes Disney collects in this thread. You said you wanted to know how much that is.

Read the thread, ya lazy Fucknut.
Regardless, it will give the jackboot crowd a collective boner. Which is the whole point.
you mean they will create memes like this?

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Disney should just pack up and transfer everything they've built to their "besties," China. They can be happy there.
So that, when push comes to shove, the government can hold it over them as a threat, or a punishment. Like now.
Curiosity.....As a libertarian, why aren't you seeing this as an object lesson in the folly of going to the gubmint for special favors?
OK, fair enough....Some of your posts seem to indicate otherwise (i.e. the use of the word "punishment").

It's all good.
Well, it's clearly a penalty, levied at Disney because they opposed the law and vowed to fight for its repeal. Whether they deserved the special arrangement to begin with is a different concern.

But this is a "teachable moment", showing why all these tax shenanigans are very a bad idea. Not that anyone will learn.
Well, it's clearly a penalty, levied at Disney because they opposed the law and vowed to fight for its repeal. Whether they deserved the special arrangement to begin with is a different concern.

But this is a "teachable moment", showing why all these tax shenanigans are very a bad idea. Not that anyone will learn.
Semantics....I don't view the taking back of something that isn't yours in the first place as "punishment" or a "penalty"....My POV is that of biting the hand that has been feeding you.

Other than that. we're good.
It is what Coyote asked for, and you said find a better link.

Learn to read, Dumbass.
There's a ton of links out there on the Innert00bs, dumbass. Are your fingers broken? Do you not understand what a search engine does? Shall I continue this discussion explaining how it works to a person with the mentality of a toddler? Nope. You get off on being a partisan troll. Because you're currently unproductive to this current society. It's apparent you've got nothing better to do.

I said learn to read, you fucking bumpkin.
Democrats: Make big corporations pay their fair share!

Ron DeSantis: We just passed a bill to make Disney pay their fair share in Florida.

Democrats: Make big corporations pay their fair share!

Ron DeSantis: We just passed a bill to make Disney pay their fair share in Florida.

Propaganda and projection in one sentence. We got a magaturd superstar here. Minions take notes.
Semantics....I don't view the taking back of something that isn't yours in the first place as "punishment" or a "penalty"....My POV is that of biting the hand that has been feeding you.
It's more than semantics. Regardless of how you spin it, this is government attacking (penalizing, punishing, pick your euphemism) its political enemies. It's straight-up fascism, and we better pray the Court strikes it down.
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It's more than semantics. Regardless of how you spin it, this is government attacking (penalizing, punishing, pick your euphsim) its political enemies. It's straight fascist horseshit, and we better pray the Court strikes it down.
So now removal of special dispensation from rules and laws that apply to every other business operating in the state is a tort?

You owe your servitude to those from whom you derive your benefits.

Learn it, live it, deal with it.
It's more than semantics. Regardless of how you spin it, this is government attacking (penalizing, punishing, pick your euphsim) its political enemies. It's straight fascist horseshit, and we better pray the Court strikes it down.
There is nothing in our Constitution that says our government can't punish it's political enemies.

What it says is, equal application of the law.

So this bill is merely correcting an egregious error that gave Disney special privileges relative to everyone else.

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