Florida to Shipping Companies: Forget California, We’ll Unload Your Ships

Why don't you ask the gentleman who is opening those ports? Seems to Me he is the authority on Florida port operations and capabilities.

Why are you threatened by the offer?
Why are you threatened because I asked a simple question? Did I say it was a bad idea?
The opinion of the uniformed.
Dock space is not the issue - many east coast cities have the docks and the cranes to handle these ships, with ease.
The issue is the infrastructure to get the containers out of the ports - primarily, the railroads.
Miami, for instance, does not have a direct intersection with a railroad
Tampa does. So does Jacksonville.
Neither are as large as LAs.

BTW. There is no L.A. port. The media keeps F'in up on this. It is the Port of Long Beach that stretches north to San Pedro. Neither are in L.A. city limits!!
There is a story that the truckers have more stringent California emission standards to abide by. This could be having an affect.

57,711 dead from COVID. More than NY.
So leave the 1000 ft ships on the West coast, the rest can go elsewhere. Only the warehouses are making money if nothing is moving. Biden better do something or even the dumbest progs will turn on him.

what should the Fed Govt do?
Extra 3-4 days sail time vs having your ships sit idle off the California coast for months.
Once again Democrats scare away major businesses.

“Florida is where your success comes in, and our seaports are the solution to ensure the cargo shipping logjam doesn’t become the Grinch that stole Christmas,” said Michael Rubin, President and CEO of the Florida Ports Council. “Why pay to moor off the coast of California, when Florida shipping lanes are open and serving as the gateway for getting goods to America’s market,” Rubin said in a press release.
You think that people who do this for a living don't understand that

The cost of transport to florida is prohibitive
Once landed in florida shipping to final destination is limited. Rail service goes primarily east west not north south.
Florida ports do not have the capacity

Leave it to DuhDumbAss to make believe he has the foggiest notion about what he yammers and leave it to you to repeat his bloviation as if it mattered.
FL has 13 or 14 ports. desantis is going to eat California's lunch by investing millions in these ports. he is also using state money for diesel mechanics school in northwest FL.

I think the man has a plan!
FL has 13 or 14 ports. desantis is going to eat California's lunch by investing millions in these ports. he is also using state money for diesel mechanics school in northwest FL.

I think the man has a plan!
Sounds socialist to me, using government money instead of private.
Like All Old-School Policies, Gunboat Diplomacy Was a Good Thing

We should extend the Rio Grande straight through to California and build a new canal there That will teach Panama a lesson about being so ungrateful to us for creating its independence from Colombia, which it never would have gotten on its own.
You flunked geography, didn't you?
BTW. There is no L.A. port. The media keeps F'in up on this. It is the Port of Long Beach that stretches north to San Pedro. Neither are in L.A. city limits!!
Yes. We call it LB-ICTF.
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There is a story that the truckers have more stringent California emission standards to abide by. This could be having an affect.
These regs make it very difficutl for trucking companies to turn a profit. Many have stopped servicing the ports.
You think that people who do this for a living don't understand that

The cost of transport to florida is prohibitive
Once landed in florida shipping to final destination is limited. Rail service goes primarily east west not north south.
Florida ports do not have the capacity

Leave it to DuhDumbAss to make believe he has the foggiest notion about what he yammers and leave it to you to repeat his bloviation as if it mattered.
The directions you spout I do not know. I live down in the South now. I am only concerned with the Southern States and any connecting states and potential railroad expansion states(by your words) at this point.

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