Lazy crane operators

The mentality of "someone HAS to fill that job" era is over. Plan on more walk outs over wages, not just vax mandates. A new era has begun. Workers may be waking up.
One thing Biden and his Dimocrat cronies could have done, was not create the massive Covid 'stay-at-home-' money that has kept so many people away from work for much too long!

Did the Dems really create this? Seems it was created under a Repub POTUS and signed off on by a lot of Repubs
Longshoreman's Union, the strongest and best, as in most liberal pay and benefits, in the U.S.!!!
Any other union pales in comparison to them.
That is because they got the nation by the balls. We are in a newer age now. And this is antiquated offshoot from a more prosperous time. As the nation gets poorer people will do what they have to to survive. Puerto Rico has corrupted unions who wasted tens of billions of dollars that bared its teeth when the Hirrican hit them a few years ago. Electricity and water was reduced or non existent for many months because the physical infrastructure was denied as we moved to the so called human infrastructure which became "do what you want and the government will provide to those who know how to play it". Anyway, bypass the Western Coastal States and build up the Southern State Ports using the Panama Canal and push the building of another canal through Central America. We are becoming more regionalized, localized and tribalized now. The Southern States have a chance to pounce. And with that means we will have to harden our physical infrastructure. And it will need some resources.
Interesting take on this...what should the Fed Govt to do fix this problem?

The finger-pointing at the busy Los Angeles County ports comes as scores of container ships are anchored off the California coast, waiting in some cases for weeks to unload their freight. The Biden administration has scrambled to get shipping executives, port officials, and labor to tackle the problem. While the reasons for the burgeoning backlog are complex, truck drivers say not everyone seems to be working together.

“In 15 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen them work slower,” said Antonio, who has spent hours waiting at Los Angeles County ports for cargo to be loaded. “The crane operators take their time, like three to four hours to get just one container. You can’t say anything to them, or they will just go [help] someone else.”
/----/ They need to sail to Florida ASAP
Let me get this straight, a yahoo unknown named Tori Richards claims that truckers blame crane operators for the container crisis and we are supposed to believe this left wing crap? It beats blaming silent Joe anyway.
This system has had problems for years. My son worked for a trucking company in Seattle and delivered containers in the Pacific Northwest. His company-owned truck was often sent to take overweight containers for his trucks certification, He would drive to the port only to find the container weighed more than what his truck was certified to pull. That meant he had to drive back to his terminal with nothing, and that often took up to 6 hours round trip. He got so tired of the hassle, he quit!
The truckers are just in a hurry..
The retailers and wholesalers are busting on the truckers and everyone else, to get them their goods, out of the ports, and in to their warehouses....wasted or long wait time is money.... We had an entire department of people at the corps I have worked for, to rattle everyone's cage, from docking, getting thru customs, and trucked to our warehouses.... If our promised delivery date to the retailer was missed, the retailer would dock us, make us pay penalty....if we were on time and the retailer's trucker picking up from our warehouse to the retailer got the goods delivered slow, the retailer would dock the trucker, not pay their full fee.....

It's a doggy dog world out there!

Heaven knows how they are handling all of this crisis? It was tough staying on top of shipment and deliveries already, in a normal market! :eek:
For a number of years now the blue collar workers and trades people have been looked down on and marginalized but you have one supply chain shortage and people realize just how important they are.
This thread is about how people are realizing how the sc shortage has revealed how unions enable them to be lazy asses.
Gee. Let's ask Google and Facebook if the government should be permitted to control how the private company unloading ships should act.
And the Righties apparently think it SHOULD be the government dealing with this.....whining about the Transportation Secretary being on paternity leave and not running to CA to operate those cranes personally.
Let me get this straight, a yahoo unknown named Tori Richards claims that truckers blame crane operators for the container crisis and we are supposed to believe this left wing crap? It beats blaming silent Joe anyway.
"Left wing crap"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
This thread is about how people are realizing how the sc shortage has revealed how unions enable them to be lazy asses.
I thought the thread was to show how this is not a government problem that they can handle, but a problem the free market/capitalism.... is having??? Unions are part of free market capitalism....

It's really, all a result of the pandemic.

In most cases Retailers and their warehouses were shut down....all of their goods on order from vendors and being shipped from China, were told to not to deliver....hold off...retailers place orders from China 6 months in advance, Brazil 4 mnths in advance, Europe 3 months in advance, Indonesia, VietNam...6 months in advance.... Etc etc

So all of those orders already placed and already manufactured and already packed in containers were paused cuz the retailers put a hold and even tried to cancel their orders with the vendors or manufacturers if buying direct. Many of those containers paused, were already loaded on ships....

China likely had these mega container ships sitting off their coast for months, loaded up with goods, the retailer asked them or the vendor, not to deliver.

When we opened up full fledged, after the vaccines for the pandemic, all the goods retailers and vendors had on delivery for a flow of goods for each month, that were held back 6 months at least, are all trying to deliver at once! Along with the new seasonal orders....

Our ports are not built big enough to handle that kind of backlog....

My small criticism is Port authorities, in my opinion should have known all the ships heading their way in advance, they even have beacons associated with the ship, showing their movement across sea...

They had to know in advance log jam was going to occur? Start planning ahead to work 24/7, hire more temporary workers if possible....

But even with all of that, our ports are not built to handle 6 months worth of container goods at once... So I think in the end, the backlog, was inevitable. :(
Did the Dems really create this? Seems it was created under a Repub POTUS and signed off on by a lot of Repubs

You know as well as I do that Dimocrats are the ones driving this sort of government handouts. Republican idiots signed on as well, but we know who creates this sort of shit.
Ardent crane operators.
I was a crane operator in a steel mill for 30 years and indeed it is a position of power. The bosses knew if they keep the crane operator happy he or she will see maximum production from the crew. Piss them off and they`ll shut you down.
You know as well as I do that Dimocrats are the ones driving this sort of government handouts. Republican idiots signed on as well, but we know who creates this sort of shit.

I know that both parties drive the spending bus. I know you die hard Repubs pretend your folks are not just as bad, but the evidence does not support your views
You obviously know nothing about running a crane. Do you know how much training is required before you are even allowed to sit on a crane? The operator doesn't do the rigging anyway. He is responsible to inspect the rigging to see that it is rigged properly, and can be personally be held financially and/or criminally responsible for any damage or injury occurring from lifting an unsafe load. There is a checklist that must be covered for each and every lift, just like pilots who fly for the airlines. If anybody is slowing things down, it might be the riggers, or the schedulers who determine which container to lift next. Perhaps it's the dumb assed truck drivers who never seem to be able to park in the right spot to be loaded, but it's not the operators.
Speaking with the authority of a man who was once knocked off a railway car onto the tracks by a careless crane operator I posit that very intelligent, nimble, focused people are required to be good crane operators. Those sorts of people often get very high wages. If wall street bankers and stock sales people can make one million dollars per year then $250,000.00 sounds about right for good crane operators.
It's been an interesting ride thru this pandemic.....
first we belatedly appreciated our medical workers and now the cult despises them.....
second we belatedly appreciated our teachers and now the cult despises them....
third we belatedly appreciated our service workers and now the cult despises them...
and now we are belatedly appreciating our truckers and shippers and dock workers. Give it a short time and they too will be despised by the cult.

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