Lazy crane operators

That's what they are PAID to do.

That's the business of the employee and the employer. It doesn't concern you or I in the least.

No American worker is beholden to anyone except those who pay him.
That's the business of the employee and the employer. It doesn't concern you or I in the least.

No American worker is beholden to anyone except those who pay him.

My opinion doesn't concern you in the least, move along.
The government tells truck drivers how to act. Since that's the case, it oughta be illegal to detain a driver more than two hours loading, or unloading. If it happens, the driver should be able to report the shipper/receiver and that company be saddled with a significant fine.
So...that would result in simply cancelling the load. Sometimes, it takes 2 hours to load or unload a trailer!
And the Righties apparently think it SHOULD be the government dealing with this.....whining about the Transportation Secretary being on paternity leave and not running to CA to operate those cranes personally.
Personally, I'd rather treat the longshoreman's union like PATCO.
It's been an interesting ride thru this pandemic.....
first we belatedly appreciated our medical workers and now the cult despises them.....
second we belatedly appreciated our teachers and now the cult despises them....
third we belatedly appreciated our service workers and now the cult despises them...
and now we are belatedly appreciating our truckers and shippers and dock workers. Give it a short time and they too will be despised by the cult.
Yes, glad you figured it out: the Branch Covidians are, in fact, a cult...they are the Cult Of The Face Diaper.
That's the business of the employee and the employer. It doesn't concern you or I in the least.

No American worker is beholden to anyone except those who pay him.
If they won't work the way they should, they should be shit-canned and replaced.
If they won't work the way they should, they should be shit-canned and replaced.

who is going to replace them? you might not have noticed, but companies are having trouble finding workers
He doesn't need to notice things. He's got very strong feelings and tons of entitlement.
Cranes shut down if winds blow over 25 m/p/h.
Oh shit, it's Santa Ana wind season, too!

Truckers bear the burden of harbor congestion​

LaBar, while welcoming attempts by carriers and terminal operators to help truckers optimize their operations in the harbor, said the financial burden caused by congestion and inefficiencies at the terminals falls squarely upon trucking companies and their drivers. This is especially true when it comes to demurrage, which is a fee charged for leaving containers at the terminals beyond the free time allowed for storage and detention, which is a fee charged for the late return of equipment.

He noted that the BCO is ultimately responsible for payment of detention and demurrage fees, but those charges are levied upon the trucking companies, which must then bill the charges to their BCO customers. Not only is this a costly administrative burden for truckers, but if the fees are not paid promptly, terminals may shut the truckers out from the terminals until the fees are paid, he said.
Truck drivers always "bear the burden" ultimately. It's a shitty job for seemingly desperate people 99% of the time. But people who accept high risk work for crappy compensation year after year are too stupid to earn being called desperate. They ask to be abused by the man and tend to blame everyone but themselves, particularly union workers who've proven themselves smart enough to fight back with their numbers and grab for the best from a bad situation. Crane operators don't really make all that much more, but they deserve far more respect. It's an artform relatively few are cut out for.
The actual lift usually doesn't take that long. The preparation takes time.
There's zero prep time when it comes to lifting containers. A 200,000 pound compressor is a different story, but I've watched riggers drag their dicks on those jobs, too.

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