Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

Won't happen.

But thank you for advertising your intent to target Christians.

Says you. But hey, if you close your eyes, perhaps the whole world will disappear.

Christian Businesses Targeted Over Refusal to Serve Gay Weddings

" The Odgaards told the Blaze that since news broke of their refusal to accommodate the homosexual wedding, they have been targeted by scores of hateful and vicious e-mails. “Betty said that some people have promised that the furor won’t stop until the business, which is a bistro, flower shop, and a wedding destination, shuts down,” reported the Blaze. “Detractors have called Betty and Dick ‘haters.’”
Won't happen.

But thank you for advertising your intent to target Christians.

Says you. But hey, if you close your eyes, perhaps the whole world will disappear.

Christian Businesses Targeted Over Refusal to Serve Gay Weddings
If you have a problem with certain marriages, don't have a business that caters to weddings...just like if you have a problem with people carrying pets or alcohol, don't have a taxi business.
"When set out and contacted 13 popular bakers that publicly support same-sex marriage, requesting them to bake a cake displaying the message, "Gay marriage is wrong," a less-than-tolerant response was invoked.
"All of the LGBT-friendly respondents didn't meet their own standards of understanding, tolerance and inclusion. "Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us," Shoebat reported.
"Remarks such as "Go away" and "We won't serve you" were amongst the more tame responses, which graduated to expletive-laden tirades condemning the potential customers for their "intolerance."
"One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian," Shoebat continued. "We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were."
"And the outbursts didn't stop there, as many of the homosexual business owners receiving the potential orders gave Shoebat callbacks condemning the prospective clients for making such "insensitive" requests.
"[We received] a ton of hate messages saying that we were 'hateful' for simply giving them a taste of their own medicine," Shoebat shared, recalling some of his conversations shortly after the experiment."

Different standards for gay bakers and Christian bakers
"Are you aware that we gays have larger brains, superior cognitive functions, spatial memory and verbal skills?" an LGBT-supporting baker said to Shoebat on the phone in response to his order. "It's a biological fact of life."
"Shoebat says that those kind of responses showcase the very dangerous temperament shared by many in the homosexual movement — a mindset eerily reminiscent of notorious fascists and dictators of the not-so-distant past.
"The Nazis and others believe in such nonsense," Shoebat insisted. "Tyrannies use false pseudo-science, and they all have a superiority complex."

Different standards for gay bakers and Christian bakers
In this case, yes it does. The law is wrong.

Says you. And your opinion doesn't trump our laws anymore than your religious beliefs do.

Get used to the idea.

You need to get used to the idea that Christians aren't going to be catering your disgusting mockeries.

Then they'll be funding the very weddings they refuse to service with much of the fines levied against them for PA law violations going to those they discriminated against.

Way to bring down the cost of a gay wedding!

:lol: More like the state or localities General Fund...but still funny.

Oh no. The baker who violated her local PA laws can end up paying the gay couple up to $150,000.

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery will have to pay the couple up to $150,000, BOLI spokesman Charlie Burr said. The exact amount will be determined at a hearing on March 10.

Bakery risks large fine for anti-gay discrimination

So orthodox Christians could become one of the most prolific funders of gay weddings since interior design was invented.

Interesting. I thought, in most of these cases the couples didn't sue just filed a complaint and the state sued. The couple can still get money even if they didn't bring the case?
"We were assured by President Obama after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act that he wouldn’t try to force religious institutions to conduct gay marriages. However; I think that the slippery slope metaphor is appropriate for this issue. I have always contended that the goal of the gay rights advocates is to somehow get the church to approve of the homosexual lifestyle by forcing churches to perform gay marriages. If gay couples were to win every court case against Christian business owners or if the law somehow changed so that every Christian pastor is forced to perform same-sex weddings in the church, would they be satisfied? I do not believe that they would because their battle is not a political one, it is a spiritual one. Spiritual issues need to be addressed with God, not fought in the courthouse. Neither man nor woman (through the court system or through his or her approval) can win a spiritual battle for an individual. Gay couples know that Christian ministers pray for God’s blessing over heterosexual couples when performing church weddings. They are seeking what man cannot give, God’s blessing and approval of their lifestyle.
"The gay community is constantly attacking the church as if the church were singling them out. However, it is the other way around; the gay community is singling out the church. How else do you explain gay couples running straight to Christian business owners as soon as their state lifts the ban on same-sex marriage?"

Read more:
Says you. And your opinion doesn't trump our laws anymore than your religious beliefs do.

Get used to the idea.

You need to get used to the idea that Christians aren't going to be catering your disgusting mockeries.

Then they'll be funding the very weddings they refuse to service with much of the fines levied against them for PA law violations going to those they discriminated against.

Way to bring down the cost of a gay wedding!

:lol: More like the state or localities General Fund...but still funny.

Oh no. The baker who violated her local PA laws can end up paying the gay couple up to $150,000.

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery will have to pay the couple up to $150,000, BOLI spokesman Charlie Burr said. The exact amount will be determined at a hearing on March 10.

Bakery risks large fine for anti-gay discrimination

So orthodox Christians could become one of the most prolific funders of gay weddings since interior design was invented.

Interesting. I thought, in most of these cases the couples didn't sue just filed a complaint and the state sued. The couple can still get money even if they didn't bring the case?

I don't know if they brought the case or not. So I couldn't answer that.
"We were assured by President Obama after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act that he wouldn’t try to force religious institutions to conduct gay marriages. However; I think that the slippery slope metaphor is appropriate for this issue. I have always contended that the goal of the gay rights advocates is to somehow get the church to approve of the homosexual lifestyle by forcing churches to perform gay marriages. If gay couples were to win every court case against Christian business owners or if the law somehow changed so that every Christian pastor is forced to perform same-sex weddings in the church, would they be satisfied? I do not believe that they would because their battle is not a political one, it is a spiritual one. Spiritual issues need to be addressed with God, not fought in the courthouse. Neither man nor woman (through the court system or through his or her approval) can win a spiritual battle for an individual. Gay couples know that Christian ministers pray for God’s blessing over heterosexual couples when performing church weddings. They are seeking what man cannot give, God’s blessing and approval of their lifestyle.
"The gay community is constantly attacking the church as if the church were singling them out. However, it is the other way around; the gay community is singling out the church. How else do you explain gay couples running straight to Christian business owners as soon as their state lifts the ban on same-sex marriage?"

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Places of worship are exempt from PA laws. Which you already know.

But thanks for the fear mongering! You know you're about to get heaping load of batshit when the article you're posting begins with the admission that its using a fallacy of logic.
"We were assured by President Obama after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act that he wouldn’t try to force religious institutions to conduct gay marriages. However; I think that the slippery slope metaphor is appropriate for this issue. I have always contended that the goal of the gay rights advocates is to somehow get the church to approve of the homosexual lifestyle by forcing churches to perform gay marriages. If gay couples were to win every court case against Christian business owners or if the law somehow changed so that every Christian pastor is forced to perform same-sex weddings in the church, would they be satisfied? I do not believe that they would because their battle is not a political one, it is a spiritual one. Spiritual issues need to be addressed with God, not fought in the courthouse. Neither man nor woman (through the court system or through his or her approval) can win a spiritual battle for an individual. Gay couples know that Christian ministers pray for God’s blessing over heterosexual couples when performing church weddings. They are seeking what man cannot give, God’s blessing and approval of their lifestyle.
"The gay community is constantly attacking the church as if the church were singling them out. However, it is the other way around; the gay community is singling out the church. How else do you explain gay couples running straight to Christian business owners as soon as their state lifts the ban on same-sex marriage?"

Read more:

Maybe you should spend less time mongering fear and more time learning how public accommodation laws actually work in this country. Churches are clearly exempt from public accommodation laws but don't let that get in the way of your false sense of victimization. There has not been a single church forced to marry anyone against their wishes in the nation. Not one.

Example of what? Bigotry from the left? Start with religion.
what about it? there are far more religious bigots on the right than the left.
Not the issue.
You accused those who are non liberal to be bigots. You also implied liberals can not be bigoted.
You lied.

Well said... .

The first rule of Bigotry is that the first person to use the word 'Bigot' is, by definition... a BIGOT!

Refusing to bake a cake or arrange flowers for a blasphemous celebration is not "discrimination".

Refusing to follow State law- it is no different than refusing to bake a cake or sell flowers for a wedding to a Jewish couple, a Veteran, a blind couple, a mixed race couple- all covered exactly the same by State law.
Refusing to bake a cake or arrange flowers for a blasphemous celebration is not "discrimination".

What if I walk into a moosulm goat fucker restaurant and demand they fry me up a pork chop?

If they refuse, is that discrimination? Of course not.

But if you're a Christian, you're a target in this Country.

If you're a Patriot, you're a target.

If you're a Conservative, you're a target.

If you don't get on your knees and worship at the altar of dimocrap scumbaggery -- You're a target.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


Poor, poor oppressed old Christian white guys.
Nonsense. The gay folks bought flowers from the florist for 9 years. She didn't deny them because they're queer.

She refused to contribute flowers that endorsed a blasphemous event. It's her right.

No more her right than a Muslim has a right not to sell flowers to a Christian for being a Christian.
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

What the self proclaimed Christians fascists homophobes are saying here is that that they want to crap all over homosexuals- and want homosexuals to stop being so uppity and go back to the closet where they belong, otherwise they will go back to beating homosexuals and jailing them and driving them out of business.

I miss koshergrl talking about her spanking fantasies in these threads.....
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

Many Christians are opposed to interracial marriage because they believe that such relationships go against biblical teachings. Do you believe they should be able to legally discriminate against interracial couples? (BTW, it's against FEDERAL law, not state law, to do so)
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

There's nothing 'fascist' or 'anti-christian' in holding Christians to the same laws that apply to everyone else.
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

There's nothing 'fascist' or 'anti-christian' in holding Christians to the same laws that apply to everyone else.

Sure there is, if the laws are meant to target Christians.

You're legislating religion. Which is why we didn't want to allow fags to marry in the first place.
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

There's nothing 'fascist' or 'anti-christian' in holding Christians to the same laws that apply to everyone else.

Sure there is, if the laws are meant to target Christians.

You're legislating religion. Which is why we didn't want to allow fags to marry in the first place.

Quote the law and then show us where they target Christians.

And remember, we're talking about the actual law. Not the imaginary version you've made up.
What the fascist leftist anti-Christians are saying here is that if they want to take holy ceremonies and crap on them, we must attend and deck them out, or they will crush our businesses and possibly throw us in jail.

Yes, I hate that. It is the antithesis of liberty, and freedom.

There's nothing 'fascist' or 'anti-christian' in holding Christians to the same laws that apply to everyone else.

Sure there is, if the laws are meant to target Christians.

And the laws which protect Christians are 'meant to target Christians' how exactly?

I mean in your fuzzy little imagination?

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