
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...
Lol, wear it proudly, you earned it.

Funny, since I'm not the one who misunderstood someone else's position, that would be you. (Either that or you were intentionally dishonest, take your pick.) So if your silly schoolyard phrase applies to anyone, it would be you. Nice projecting there.
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
There’s all kinds of people on this board that want to force people to take vaccines. Dumbass

So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....

So then you don't care about them breaking and spilling millions of gallons onto the reservations, and neither do those who live on those reservations, right? It's not if, it's when.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....

So then you don't care about them breaking and spilling millions of gallons onto the reservations, and neither do those who live on those reservations, right? It's not if, it's when.
People that are opposed to the pipelines...
Are the same People that think they know what they’re talking about, but don’t know anything about the issue and have never been up here. There is no risk here and there is nothing to lose… You would know if you’ve been up here.
Fossil fuels are the life’s blood for the northern plains, Without them there is no existence up here.
Nobody is forcing anybody to get a flu shot. Nice troll post. Nobody cares about the pipelines "up th ere" either. Just saying. Nothing burgers all the way around.
So far, I've only seen one on this thread.

Why are you so angry, insulting and vulgar all of the time? I've read many of your other comments on different threads and they're all the same. Are you like this in real life or is this just a fake persona you put on for posting here? I hope it's the latter because going through life as the former would be so exhausting.

Here's an honest question. You said you hunt and your wife has a garden. Do you also have milk cows and chickens? If you have a milk cow, does she churn it for butter and do you make cheese from it? What kind of meat do you hunt for because where I live, hunting season isn't all year. Or, do you also have cattle and pigs that you slaughter for your meat. I'm just being curious.
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Nobody is forcing anybody to get a flu shot. Nice troll post. Nobody cares about the pipelines "up th ere" either. Just saying. Nothing burgers all the way around.
Progressives want to force vaccines on people that want nothing to do with them...
And guess what... the pipelines are up and running, because the people up here want them here. Dumbass
I’m far from angry, I just don’t take no shit from progressives. I say it how I see it.
It is somewhat tough being a libertarian in this country of control freaks, because really we don’t have any real freedom in this country.
I’m an American Indian so I can hunt year around on my own land. My kids raise some
Guinea fowl. I get dairy from an Amish place several miles away.
As far as meat goes, mule/whitetail deer, antelope and grouse make up the vast majority of what I have in the freezer or fridge.
I can’t remember the last time I bought produce or meet in the grocery store...

Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Do you watch too much politically correct media, It seems as the case
I'm glad the pipelines are running. Great. Nobody is forcing anyone to get a flu shot. Fail on that. I could care less if you get a flu shot or not. I do get a kick out of it though. Thanks for the chuckle.
I never took a flu shot and never will. I know someone who got Guillain-Barré Syndrome shortly after a flu shot. Fortunately she fully recovered. Some victims of the disease do not recover. I would however consider immunization for a very specific disease such as Lyme disease. A flu shot is different however and as already mentioned is basically a shot in the dark along with know, potentially devastating side effects.
I don't get a flu shot either. Maintain my immune system by running 6 miles every other day. And avoid large crowds.
I'm glad the pipelines are running. Great. Nobody is forcing anyone to get a flu shot. Fail on that. I could care less if you get a flu shot or not. I do get a kick out of it though. Thanks for the chuckle.
Vaccines as stated by their Creator’s are only 40 to 60% effective, Like I’ve always said vaccine should be 100% voluntary. But politically correctness demands that they are all mandatory... It’s a socialist thing
Last edited:
So you are saying state law says you have to get a flu shot? Sounds like either a Sick progressive or wacko conservative law. i don't support either one of those.

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