
Where do you live that you have both Antelope and Amish? I bought my storage building from the Amish who live about an hour away from me. It's one of those barn type. As far as I know though, they don't sell anything else. I do buy most of everything from a local country store who only sells from locals who don't use pesticides or hormones. The eggs are sometimes unusual shapes and a mixture of white and brown. I grow some vegetables and freeze what I can, but I buy my fruits from them.
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Do you watch too much politically correct media, It seems as the case
I don't watch any media at all. All it takes is a Google search to get the facts, and yes, the pipeline DID spill and the protests took place and the residents of the reservations are against it. .

You do realize injun that no matter how much you suck up to the rich white man, he'll still regard you as a nothing more than a savage. You remind me of Kanye. He sucked up to the white man in the oval office too but secretly, he'll still be nothing but an N to him.

ETA: There are two different kinds of energy that produce more jobs, solar and wind. Fossil fuel is on it's way out and the others won't destroy the land.
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So you are saying state law says you have to get a flu shot? Sounds like either a Sick progressive or wacko conservative law. i don't support either one of those.
Heard mentality is always wrong, fuck the collective
Western South Dakota
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Do you watch too much politically correct media, It seems as the case
I don't watch any media at all. All it takes is a Google search to get the facts, and yes, the pipeline DID spill and the protests took place and the residents of the reservations are against it. .

You do realize injun that no matter how much you suck up to the rich white man, he'll still regard you as a nothing more than a savage. You remind me of Kanye. He sucked up to the white man in the oval office too but secretly, he'll still be nothing but an N to him.

ETA: There are two different kinds of energy that produce more jobs, solar and wind. Fossil fuel is on it's way out and the others won't destroy the land.
I figured that’s what you would say, that’s the political correct talking points verbatim.
Those people that you talk about with your links are not up here, they’re media whores they are not real people that need that money to exist.
Like I said, come up here and see for yourself don’t take the media’s word for it because what you state is 100% wrong these people are fucking media whores, And use political correctness to control people they disagree with.

I have been self-employed for over 25+ years, Out of debt for almost that long. I am not sucking up to anybody. But the fact remains the lifeblood of this whole area is fossil fuels.
Wind and solar are a fucking joke up here, they are not reliable, they are not dependable, they are not cost-efficient and they provide no jobs up here.
I’m for an all of the above energy, I’m not against solar and wind all though solar is far ahead the wind as far as reliability, affordability and efficiency goes. They are still are. decades away from being an viable alternative. There is basically unlimited fossil fuels up here under the northern plains… They are there to be used.
Do you realize that they can’t even produce the batteries for solar and wind in this country because they are too toxic by the EPA “standards”? See that’s a fucking joke you people are misinformed because political correctness is taking you people for fools...

The federal government never has had my best interests in mind... They have a long history of that with American Indians like me
I hope you don't mind my asking as I'm genuinely curious about some things. Are you near where the pipeline is going through and how do you feel about it? I'm so outraged that the government thinks it has a right to take even more of the land that isn't theirs.
Are you Cheyenne or Lakota? Do you live near or on a reservation? If I'm being too nosy, tell me and I'm shut up as I don't mean to pry. I just feel empathy and outrage for the way this country has treated it's true natural born citizens. It's a disgrace and the country as a whole should be ashamed.
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Do you watch too much politically correct media, It seems as the case
I don't watch any media at all. All it takes is a Google search to get the facts, and yes, the pipeline DID spill and the protests took place and the residents of the reservations are against it. .

You do realize injun that no matter how much you suck up to the rich white man, he'll still regard you as a nothing more than a savage. You remind me of Kanye. He sucked up to the white man in the oval office too but secretly, he'll still be nothing but an N to him.

ETA: There are two different kinds of energy that produce more jobs, solar and wind. Fossil fuel is on it's way out and the others won't destroy the land.
I figured that’s what you would say, that’s the political correct talking points verbatim.
Those people that you talk about with your links are not up here, they’re media whores they are not real people that need that money to exist.
Like I said, come up here and see for yourself don’t take the media’s word for it because what you state is 100% wrong these people are fucking media whores, And use political correctness to control people they disagree with.

I have been self-employed for over 25+ years, Out of debt for almost that long. I am not sucking up to anybody. But the fact remains the lifeblood of this whole area is fossil fuels.
Wind and solar are a fucking joke up here, they are not reliable, they are not dependable, they are not cost-efficient and they provide no jobs up here.
I’m for an all of the above energy, I’m not against solar and wind all though solar is far ahead the wind as far as reliability, affordability and efficiency goes. They are still are. decades away from being an viable alternative. There is basically unlimited fossil fuels up here under the northern plains… They are there to be used.
Do you realize that they can’t even produce the batteries for solar and wind in this country because they are too toxic by the EPA “standards”? See that’s a fucking joke you people are misinformed because political correctness is taking you people for fools...

The federal government never has had my best interests in mind... They have a long history of that with American Indians like me

Whatever you say...... You're so full of hate for anything that doesn't fit into your narrow little box. So you're saying that all those people in the video in DC weren't really there protesting the pipeline, and that the spill really didn't happen? And the suit on record that was filed by the nations really was a lie? And, I don't think you really know the meaning of political correct because you misuse it all the time. Stating facts backed up with proof isn't politically correct, it's called proof!
I am 100% Oglala Sioux
My whole adolescence was on the pine ridge Indian reservation left when I was 17 for good. I am all for the pipelines, most Indians up here are.
The politically correct Indians that lived on the Indian reservation all their lives just blow with the wind... looking for handouts.
The federal government treats American Indians worse now than they ever have because of political correctness....
Also, they're so for the pipelines that they're suing and have taken their protests to DC.

Native American tribes unite to fight the Keystone pipeline and government 'disrespect'

Native Americans take Dakota Access pipeline protest to Washington

Rosebud Sioux and Fort Belknap file suit against Keystone XL - Native American Rights Fund

Oh, and it has already spilled......

Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought

Yep, I'm sure that all but the "politically correct" and "takers" are just thrilled with it.

and, it has already leaked..

Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN
Do you watch too much politically correct media, It seems as the case
I don't watch any media at all. All it takes is a Google search to get the facts, and yes, the pipeline DID spill and the protests took place and the residents of the reservations are against it. .

You do realize injun that no matter how much you suck up to the rich white man, he'll still regard you as a nothing more than a savage. You remind me of Kanye. He sucked up to the white man in the oval office too but secretly, he'll still be nothing but an N to him.

ETA: There are two different kinds of energy that produce more jobs, solar and wind. Fossil fuel is on it's way out and the others won't destroy the land.
I figured that’s what you would say, that’s the political correct talking points verbatim.
Those people that you talk about with your links are not up here, they’re media whores they are not real people that need that money to exist.
Like I said, come up here and see for yourself don’t take the media’s word for it because what you state is 100% wrong these people are fucking media whores, And use political correctness to control people they disagree with.

I have been self-employed for over 25+ years, Out of debt for almost that long. I am not sucking up to anybody. But the fact remains the lifeblood of this whole area is fossil fuels.
Wind and solar are a fucking joke up here, they are not reliable, they are not dependable, they are not cost-efficient and they provide no jobs up here.
I’m for an all of the above energy, I’m not against solar and wind all though solar is far ahead the wind as far as reliability, affordability and efficiency goes. They are still are. decades away from being an viable alternative. There is basically unlimited fossil fuels up here under the northern plains… They are there to be used.
Do you realize that they can’t even produce the batteries for solar and wind in this country because they are too toxic by the EPA “standards”? See that’s a fucking joke you people are misinformed because political correctness is taking you people for fools...

The federal government never has had my best interests in mind... They have a long history of that with American Indians like me

Whatever you say...... You're so full of hate for anything that doesn't fit into your narrow little box. So you're saying that all those people in the video in DC weren't really there protesting the pipeline, and that the spill really didn't happen? And the suit on record that was filed by the nations really was a lie? And, I don't think you really know the meaning of political correct because you misuse it all the time. Stating facts backed up with proof isn't politically correct, it's called proof!
Those people do not represent the people that live here… End of story.
Most people think the way I do around here, that is why Donald Trump won overwhelmingly here...
While Donald Trump is certainly no saint, I did not vote for him but he was far better than the alternative. People are sick of politically correct shit and the assholes who think it’s a good thing...

Political correctness is hate... Because it’s sole purpose is to control people that do not fall in line with it.
And by the way, traditional Indians do - not the politically correct ones do not consider land as an possession. If you knew anything about American Indians you would realize that. I personally think land is a possession My opinion differs than the old ones.

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