
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!

Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.
Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!

Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.

So you’re changing the premis of your own argument......you can keep running but you can’t hide.
Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

Wrong again bitch! If you get tired of being wrong, just stop posting.

Is Alcoholism a Disease & Can It Be Cured?

Alcoholism is a type of substance addiction. As defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, this means alcoholism, like other addictions, is a chronic disease affecting the reward, memory, and motivation systems of the brain.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.

He can’t help but to be dishonest. It’s his character, or more precisely lack of character.
Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.

He can’t help but to be dishonest. It’s his character, or more precisely lack of character.

Yeah, it's a pet peeve of mine when people put words in other people's mouths or debate dishonestly.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.

It is amazing how evidence, after evidnece millions of cases proving what has happened to those who get vaccinatd JUST DONT GET IT until the lights go out.
They can't tie togehter why they get sicker easier than others, they can't figure out why allergies are off the charts...........


CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots
Your Child. Your Choice.
Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
Once again, since you seem impaired, who the hell is making you get vaccines??? It's a CHOICE!! I read RW shit all day long, but it's my choice to not become a brain dead RWer. So, it's your choice not to get vaccinated! WTF is it to you if I or others decide to get vaccinated? That's my choice and also the others who also decide to.
Do you have a scar on your upper arm? You know, where you got vaccinated for smallpox? I do, and I also remember the sugar cube that was the polio vaccine. I had friends who had polio and to this day, they live with the effects of it. Ever see the iron lungs those kids were put in when they got polio?
I'm old and got all of the childhood diseases.....measles,( many kinds) chicken pox, mumps, and if I could spare one child from ever getting any of those, I would in a minute.
Fuck face, I never said I give a shit if other people want to get vaccines, in fact I said absolutely I do not give a shit... you silly bitch.
I’ve never been vaccinated except for a flu shot I got several years ago, I was sick for over a month from the damn flu shot...
I’ve never been sick for the from the flu itself for more than a few days...
Vaccines are no where near 100% effective...

Why do you and others feel the need to use profanity and insults in your replies to others? Anyone who does that shows how classless they are.

I personally don't care if you get vaccinated or don't. But as far as putting poison in your body, do you eat store bought meat and vegetables? The animals are pumped with hormones and the vegetables are sprayed with chemicals, so I would say that you absolutely do put poisons in your body.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.

Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
Once again, since you seem impaired, who the hell is making you get vaccines??? It's a CHOICE!! I read RW shit all day long, but it's my choice to not become a brain dead RWer. So, it's your choice not to get vaccinated! WTF is it to you if I or others decide to get vaccinated? That's my choice and also the others who also decide to.
Do you have a scar on your upper arm? You know, where you got vaccinated for smallpox? I do, and I also remember the sugar cube that was the polio vaccine. I had friends who had polio and to this day, they live with the effects of it. Ever see the iron lungs those kids were put in when they got polio?
I'm old and got all of the childhood diseases.....measles,( many kinds) chicken pox, mumps, and if I could spare one child from ever getting any of those, I would in a minute.
Fuck face, I never said I give a shit if other people want to get vaccines, in fact I said absolutely I do not give a shit... you silly bitch.
I’ve never been vaccinated except for a flu shot I got several years ago, I was sick for over a month from the damn flu shot...
I’ve never been sick for the from the flu itself for more than a few days...
Vaccines are no where near 100% effective...

Why do you and others feel the need to use profanity and insults in your replies to others? Anyone who does that shows how classless they are.

I personally don't care if you get vaccinated or don't. But as far as putting poison in your body, do you eat store bought meat and vegetables? The animals are pumped with hormones and the vegetables are sprayed with chemicals, so I would say that you absolutely do put poisons in your body.
Actually a hunt for all my food, And my wife has the garden and she cans in the fall
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.

Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.
Sorry, alcoholism is a disease. Forgot you were a libwit, and minor typos confuse the mush in your skull.

Here’s the thing, I agreed with you that all people who can, should get the vaccination, but in typical liberal fashion, you wanted to mandate the shot. So on one hand- you argue for the right of a woman to have control of her body when it comes to abortion. On the other hand- you want to take that right when it comes to the flu shot. Logical brains are few and far between among your ilk.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.
Alcoholism is not a communicable disease moron.

That means you can't catch it from someone, just in case I used too many big words.
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.

Are you talking about me? I already made my point. What more is there to reply to, when he had no response but schoolyard level insults like "conservitard"?
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.

Are you talking about me? I already made my point. What more is there to reply to, when he had no response but schoolyard level insults like "conservitard"?
No, I wasn't talking about you so chill, okay?
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.

Are you talking about me? I already made my point. What more is there to reply to, when he had no response but schoolyard level insults like "conservitard"?
No, I wasn't talking about you so chill, okay?

The reason I asked was because in the post you replied to, Crepitus was talking to me. And I got a notification. But whatever, have a good rest of the weekend!
So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.

Are you talking about me? I already made my point. What more is there to reply to, when he had no response but schoolyard level insults like "conservitard"?
No, I wasn't talking about you so chill, okay?

The reason I asked was because in the post you replied to, Crepitus was talking to me. And I got a notification. But whatever, have a good rest of the weekend!
I didn't know that....sorry. I thought he was referring to the OP of this thread.
Last edited:
Where did he say it was a communicable disease? IIRC, he simply said it was a disease.
It's an illness, not a disease. He's trying to compare it with polio and shit. And as far as prohibition, it's not comparable to vaccinating people.

You guys need to stop practicing being stupid, you're already professionals.

So he didn't say it was a communicable disease. Not only did you put words in his mouth, but now you're putting words in my mouth by implying that I agree with what he's been saying. All I was saying was that he didn't use the word communicable. Don't be dishonest.
Lol! Fellow conservitards to the rescue!

He was talking outta his ass and got called on it. He's a big boy, let him defend his idiot comment himself.

Her's disappeared, I wonder why.

Are you talking about me? I already made my point. What more is there to reply to, when he had no response but schoolyard level insults like "conservitard"?
Lol, wear it proudly, you earned it.
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
Any type of vaccines should be 100% voluntary, end of story
They ARE! Are you that clueless? The only time I think they aren't is if you join the military. Nowadays, joining the military is voluntary too, so based on that, don't join the military. However, what the military subjects you to when they send you to war far outweighs the danger of a vaccine. The chemicals you're exposed to in the wars going on now cause all kinds of major cancers. I know a young woman whose husband died in his mid 30's from a cancer he got from all of the tours he did in Iraq. He left behind a young widow and a 5 year old daughter.
Progressives want to force people to take vaccines that want nothing to do with them… Fact
That's a myth you've bought into. I'm a progressive and could not care less if you take them or not. I know of no one who would want to force you or anyone else to take them.

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