
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
I can understand that argument. I also know there are reasons why some people can’t get a flu shot.

My advice is to get the shot. It’ll likely protect you from those who didn’t.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.

NO! You can’t mandate that someone has to put something into their body. It’s a personal choice, ......like abortion. Here we go....
You fools are trying to outlaw abortion and birth control. Hypocrisy at it's finest my tRumpkin friend.
I can understand that argument. I also know there are reasons why some people can’t get a flu shot.

My advice is to get the shot. It’ll likely protect you from those who didn’t.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.

NO! You can’t mandate that someone has to put something into their body. It’s a personal choice, ......like abortion. Here we go....
You fools are trying to outlaw abortion and birth control. Hypocrisy at it's finest my tRumpkin friend.

Not me bitch!
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
I can understand that argument. I also know there are reasons why some people can’t get a flu shot.

My advice is to get the shot. It’ll likely protect you from those who didn’t.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.

NO! You can’t mandate that someone has to put something into their body. It’s a personal choice, ......like abortion. Here we go....
You fools are trying to outlaw abortion and birth control. Hypocrisy at it's finest my tRumpkin friend.

Not me bitch!
The bitch is your mom tRumpkin. Now fuck off.
I can understand that argument. I also know there are reasons why some people can’t get a flu shot.

My advice is to get the shot. It’ll likely protect you from those who didn’t.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!
You’re an idiot.
I can understand that argument. I also know there are reasons why some people can’t get a flu shot.

My advice is to get the shot. It’ll likely protect you from those who didn’t.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!

Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
They force it on people because they make huge money. Always follow the money, particularly with our corrupt government and HC system.

Flu shots don’t work. It is a bunch of hooey.
I know I don’t.
If he doesn't get vaccinated because he believes dumbass conspiracy theories he is putting people who can't get vaccinated for real reasons at risk.

That makes him an active danger to society. Then again he's a tRumpkin so we already knew that.
While don’t agree with his position on vaccinations, he’s right about people having a choice.
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
/——-/ Libs revoked a law making it illegal to tell sex partners you have Aids. No different than not being vaccinated. Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
I know I don’t.
If he doesn't get vaccinated because he believes dumbass conspiracy theories he is putting people who can't get vaccinated for real reasons at risk.

That makes him an active danger to society. Then again he's a tRumpkin so we already knew that.
While don’t agree with his position on vaccinations, he’s right about people having a choice.
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
/——-/ Libs revoked a law making it illegal to tell sex partners you have Aids. No different than not being vaccinated. Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
I'm guessing you only read the headline there. Go read the whole thing. Educate yourself.
/——/ Yes Tinkerbell I read it
That's called 'herd immunity'. So many people get the shot that those that don't are protected because of lack of contact with the unimmunized. Sure it's your choice, but to let children or the elderly go without is playing with fire.
I never had a flu shot when I was a kid and I was just fine. I've never gotten one for my son, either.
That's called luck, but one's personal story doesn't mean anything when applied to the general population.
Most people to get the flu up here are in a bit of discomfort for a few days then it’s over, it’s not worth getting a flu shot for most people up here
Discomfort for a few days vs. something that lasts a few seconds? That doesn't sound rational.
40 to 60% of flu shots do not have their intended purpose...
And that’s not the point fuck no I do not want to put poison in my body
That's called 'herd immunity'. So many people get the shot that those that don't are protected because of lack of contact with the unimmunized. Sure it's your choice, but to let children or the elderly go without is playing with fire.
I never had a flu shot when I was a kid and I was just fine. I've never gotten one for my son, either.
That's called luck, but one's personal story doesn't mean anything when applied to the general population.
Most people to get the flu up here are in a bit of discomfort for a few days then it’s over, it’s not worth getting a flu shot for most people up here
Discomfort for a few days vs. something that lasts a few seconds? That doesn't sound rational.
And, he's lying out his ass because the real flu isn't just a discomfort for a few days. When I used to travel a lot, and before I started getting a flu shot, I would come home with the flu from various cities and countries. I came home with the NYC flu after going there before Christmas, the New Orleans flu after Mardi Gras, and the Austrian flu after going there on a ski trip in January. The last one hit the night before I was leaving and I had to fly across the ocean and probably infected the whole damn plane. They were all the exact same too. Fever, throwing up, aches and chills, and so sick that you were in bed for days. I was so sick with them that I wasn't even able to go to my doctor. Fortunately, she called me in a prescription every time. She was actually glad I didn't come in because she was swamped with those who made it into her office.
Not for me and my family my kids have gotten flu several times I’ve had flu a few times in my life. It’s nothing , certainly not worth putting poison in my body...
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!
You’re an idiot.
Lol! No, the idiot in this room isn't me.
I'm talking about folks who can't get one for real reasons. I have mine.
All we can do is wish them the best.
Or see to it that all the healthy people in the population are vaccinated. Make it mandatory. Public health trumps private freedoms.
Fuck that!
I wouldn’t want any government having that level of control.
The control to protect citizens from preventable diseases? How horrible!

Alcohol is a preventable disease. So why not bring back prohibition. Your on a slippery slope and........you’re gone...bye bye.
Alcohol is a disease?

Do tell.
If he doesn't get vaccinated because he believes dumbass conspiracy theories he is putting people who can't get vaccinated for real reasons at risk.

That makes him an active danger to society. Then again he's a tRumpkin so we already knew that.
While don’t agree with his position on vaccinations, he’s right about people having a choice.
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
/——-/ Libs revoked a law making it illegal to tell sex partners you have Aids. No different than not being vaccinated. Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
If he doesn't get vaccinated because he believes dumbass conspiracy theories he is putting people who can't get vaccinated for real reasons at risk.

That makes him an active danger to society. Then again he's a tRumpkin so we already knew that.
While don’t agree with his position on vaccinations, he’s right about people having a choice.
No, he's not. Public health is public, not private. While I'm all about freedoms and choices no one is free to endanger others on purpose.
/——-/ Libs revoked a law making it illegal to tell sex partners you have Aids. No different than not being vaccinated. Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
I'm guessing you only read the headline there. Go read the whole thing. Educate yourself.
/——/ Yes Tinkerbell I read it
Then get someone to explain it to you, 'cause you obviously didn't understand it.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.

It is amazing how evidence, after evidnece millions of cases proving what has happened to those who get vaccinatd JUST DONT GET IT until the lights go out.
They can't tie togehter why they get sicker easier than others, they can't figure out why allergies are off the charts...........


CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots
Your Child. Your Choice.
Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
Once again, since you seem impaired, who the hell is making you get vaccines??? It's a CHOICE!! I read RW shit all day long, but it's my choice to not become a brain dead RWer. So, it's your choice not to get vaccinated! WTF is it to you if I or others decide to get vaccinated? That's my choice and also the others who also decide to.
Do you have a scar on your upper arm? You know, where you got vaccinated for smallpox? I do, and I also remember the sugar cube that was the polio vaccine. I had friends who had polio and to this day, they live with the effects of it. Ever see the iron lungs those kids were put in when they got polio?
I'm old and got all of the childhood diseases.....measles,( many kinds) chicken pox, mumps, and if I could spare one child from ever getting any of those, I would in a minute.
Fuck face, I never said I give a shit if other people want to get vaccines, in fact I said absolutely I do not give a shit... you silly bitch.
I’ve never been vaccinated except for a flu shot I got several years ago, I was sick for over a month from the damn flu shot...
I’ve never been sick for the from the flu itself for more than a few days...
Vaccines are no where near 100% effective...
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
Control freak
How the hell is he trying to control you? It's your decision to get vaccinated or not. He wasn't ordering you to do it! I think you started this thread just to antagonize, and all you're doing is showing your ass. I don't give a rat's ass in hell if you ever get any vaccines, and I'm betting that none of the rest of us do either.
Silly bastard thinks that all kids should get vaccinated, so fuck that motherfuckering cowardly **** (Mod edit: That 'word' is blocked by a filter. Trying to circumvent it will only cause you to get a warning and/or ban. Don't do it again.)...
And my family will never get vaccines, because they could not survive them most likely
Last edited by a moderator:
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
Some people cannot survive vaccines, there is no way my family would ever survive them.
Unless they are all severely alergial to eggs I call bullshit.
I would say poison is the greatest concern, vaccines are loaded with it
Lmao! What poison is that? Don't say themerosol. It's not poison, it's been thoroughly tested.
Here you go you’re silly little fucker...

Here is a list of the damaging ingredients in vaccines on the market today verified either by independent testing and/or listed on vaccine inserts:

Nagalase, squalene, polysorbate 80, glyphosate (Roundup), e-coli, MSG, antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer’s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic to the kidney, liver, can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damage and death), lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin. And the ingredient making the press is thimerosol (more toxic than mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines, not easily eliminated, can cause severe neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of forcibly aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain (1, 2).
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.

It is amazing how evidence, after evidnece millions of cases proving what has happened to those who get vaccinatd JUST DONT GET IT until the lights go out.
They can't tie togehter why they get sicker easier than others, they can't figure out why allergies are off the charts...........


CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots
Your Child. Your Choice.
Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
Once again, since you seem impaired, who the hell is making you get vaccines??? It's a CHOICE!! I read RW shit all day long, but it's my choice to not become a brain dead RWer. So, it's your choice not to get vaccinated! WTF is it to you if I or others decide to get vaccinated? That's my choice and also the others who also decide to.
Do you have a scar on your upper arm? You know, where you got vaccinated for smallpox? I do, and I also remember the sugar cube that was the polio vaccine. I had friends who had polio and to this day, they live with the effects of it. Ever see the iron lungs those kids were put in when they got polio?
I'm old and got all of the childhood diseases.....measles,( many kinds) chicken pox, mumps, and if I could spare one child from ever getting any of those, I would in a minute.
Fuck face, I never said I give a shit if other people want to get vaccines, in fact I said absolutely I do not give a shit... you silly bitch.
I’ve never been vaccinated except for a flu shot I got several years ago, I was sick for over a month from the damn flu shot...
I’ve never been sick for the from the flu itself for more than a few days...
Vaccines are no where near 100% effective...
You have got to stop swallowing than rwnj propaganda.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.

It is amazing how evidence, after evidnece millions of cases proving what has happened to those who get vaccinatd JUST DONT GET IT until the lights go out.
They can't tie togehter why they get sicker easier than others, they can't figure out why allergies are off the charts...........


CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots
Your Child. Your Choice.
Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
Once again, since you seem impaired, who the hell is making you get vaccines??? It's a CHOICE!! I read RW shit all day long, but it's my choice to not become a brain dead RWer. So, it's your choice not to get vaccinated! WTF is it to you if I or others decide to get vaccinated? That's my choice and also the others who also decide to.
Do you have a scar on your upper arm? You know, where you got vaccinated for smallpox? I do, and I also remember the sugar cube that was the polio vaccine. I had friends who had polio and to this day, they live with the effects of it. Ever see the iron lungs those kids were put in when they got polio?
I'm old and got all of the childhood diseases.....measles,( many kinds) chicken pox, mumps, and if I could spare one child from ever getting any of those, I would in a minute.
We should make it a requirement unless there is a compelling medical reason, like an egg allergy, not to get it.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
Control freak
How the hell is he trying to control you? It's your decision to get vaccinated or not. He wasn't ordering you to do it! I think you started this thread just to antagonize, and all you're doing is showing your ass. I don't give a rat's ass in hell if you ever get any vaccines, and I'm betting that none of the rest of us do either.
Silly bastard thinks that all kids should get vaccinated, so fuck that motherfuckering cowardly kunt...
And my family will never get vaccines, because they could not survive them most likely
Would not survive them most likely? Is your family that weak and sickly? If so you should be screaming for mandatory vaccinations to protect them.

Not that I expect you to, you're too stupid.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
Control freak
How the hell is he trying to control you? It's your decision to get vaccinated or not. He wasn't ordering you to do it! I think you started this thread just to antagonize, and all you're doing is showing your ass. I don't give a rat's ass in hell if you ever get any vaccines, and I'm betting that none of the rest of us do either.
I know I don’t.
If he doesn't get vaccinated because he believes dumbass conspiracy theories he is putting people who can't get vaccinated for real reasons at risk.

That makes him an active danger to society. Then again he's a tRumpkin so we already knew that.
Obviously you’re a control freak, you do realize that vaccines are only 40 to 60% affective in the real world? I just will not put poison in my body so fuck off you little weasel

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