
I’ve been getting them for the past 13 years.
Despite being around many flu patients, I’ve never caught it.

It's amazing they can predict what shots to make before the virsus hits LOL, you haven't any idea the flub your fed for these things.

You get it trust us your getting sick.
Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response



Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility

Don't know why those knees are weak,

don't know why you aern't healthy .......

well keep right on getting them.
I’ve been getting them for the past 13 years.
Despite being around many flu patients, I’ve never caught it.

It's amazing they can predict what shots to make before the virsus hits LOL, you haven't any idea the flub your fed for these things.

You get it trust us your getting sick.
Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response

View attachment 222227

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility

Don't know why those knees are weak,

don't know why you aern't healthy .......

well keep right on getting them.
While it isn’t 100%, it’s better than nothing. Besides, I don’t have a choice because of where I work.

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..

My mother was one of 12 kids and all but 3 died of some form of cancer, and NONE of them ever had any kind of vaccines, so explain that one Einstein!
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
Control freak
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Anti-vaxers are stupid and don't understand science or societal responsibility.
Control freak
Lol, idiot.
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
It is amazing how evidence, after evidnece millions of cases proving what has happened to those who get vaccinatd JUST DONT GET IT until the lights go out.
They can't tie togehter why they get sicker easier than others, they can't figure out why allergies are off the charts...........


CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots
Your Child. Your Choice.
Bingo, Forced vaccinations is an evil thing
You keep saying that, but who in the hell is "forcing" you to get any shots? How about NO ONE!
Pro vaccine people Want everybody to have vaccines, whether it would do people any good or not.
40 to 60% of the time vaccines do not do what they are intended to do, and we have no idea of the long-term damage can be done by vaccines...
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots.
And more importantly some people just don’t want the shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
We last years Flu shots were a bust, they had to change it mid year because they screwed up and the strain did not mutate the way they thought it would. LOL My Daughter works with CDC and warned me....So take you best shot who know what the Labs are shooting into your arm.
vaccines are not needed because these diseases were disappearing even before the vaccines were developed.
There they go again, trying to get everyone to get flu shots. Trying to scare people into it… Why don’t they just leave it alone and let people choose for themselves. Some people get no benefit from full shots, Some people get incredibly sick from the flu shots. And more importantly some people just don’t want to shit… People need to mind their own fucking business
Some people? What % would that be? MOST people, esp. children and the elderly benefit, not to mention school days and work days lost when nearly everyone comes down with it. Considering that it's free under most insurance plans, not getting it doesn't make sense.

Still a person's choice

I have never gotten a flu shot and don't plan on it any time soon I can count the number of times I've actually had the flu in the past 25 years on 2 fingers
/——/ At 66 I got my first flu shot followed by the Pneumococcal pneumonia 2 weeks later. This year I got the flu shot and follow up pneumonia booster. I’m not young and strong anymore and getting sick is more dangerous than ever before. Why take any chances?
I agree with you. I am off to get my flu shot today. I've had both of the pneumonia shots and also the shingles shots. Also, they don't use a live virus for the flu shot anymore, so it prevents anyone from getting the flu after they've had the shot.
I wonder how many here have had chicken pox as a kid. I also wonder if they know that if they did have it, then their bodies have the virus that causes shingles. It stays latent until it manifests into shingles. My great Aunt had them and I still remember the misery she went through with them. I've also read testimonies of people who had them and I'll take every shot that they put out to avoid getting them. Same with pneumonia.
I got my first shingles shot 2 weeks ago. The final one will be in a couple of months.

The pharmacist commented on my insurance being excellent because they were paying 100%. :)
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
Some people cannot survive vaccines, there is no way my family would ever survive them.
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
Some people cannot survive vaccines, there is no way my family would ever survive them.
Unless they are all severely alergial to eggs I call bullshit.
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
Some people cannot survive vaccines, there is no way my family would ever survive them.
Unless they are all severely alergial to eggs I call bullshit.
I would say poison is the greatest concern, vaccines are loaded with it
View attachment 222228

Flu Shots Weaken Immune Response – More shots = More Susceptibility


I'm just putting this information here for peopel who have half a brain left and want to learn more about not being a victim. SOme never learn until the day they die....

Yet they can't figure out why they are so sick, cancers etc.....

I mean my gawd they have technology that can target certain DNA of different races......... but the uninformed tv watching zombies aren't educated enough to realize wtf kind of technologgy we have so those are your morons who think it's a ocnspiracy LMFAO..
Lol, conspiracy theories are fun.

Until people start dying.

So fuckin' quit it.
You keep your vaccines to yourselves, the rest of us don’t want anything to do with that shit
Since you are both too stupid and too stubborn to realize it's for your own good we need to make it a law.
Some people cannot survive vaccines, there is no way my family would ever survive them.
Unless they are all severely alergial to eggs I call bullshit.
a list of the damaging ingredients in vaccines on the market today verified either by independent testing and/or listed on vaccine inserts:

Nagalase, squalene, polysorbate 80, glyphosate (Roundup), e-coli, MSG, antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer’s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic to the kidney, liver, can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damage and death), lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin. And the ingredient making the press is thimerosol (more toxic than mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines, not easily eliminated, can cause severe neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of forcibly aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain (1, 2).

No thanks, I will let you progressives keep that shit to yourselves
ALL vaccines tested contained mercury in small amounts (even the ones that were supposedly “mercury free”).
– Half the vaccines contained toxic, carcinogenic nickel in small amounts.
– Slightly over 1/3 of the tested vaccines contained small amounts of arsenic.
– Over 90% of the tested vaccines contained uranium (yes, the stuff used to make nuclear bombs).
– ALL tested vaccines contain minor traces of aluminum, *even if not labeled*. Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Synflorix contain TWICE as much aluminum as indicated.
– The aluminum content in the so-called attenuated vaccines is around 1000-6000X times above the safe limits for drinking water! And these vaccines are supposedly “safer”? By the way, aluminum adjuvants commonly used in vaccines have been identified by immunologists as a trigger for later development of food allergies in children.

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