Fluke enjoyed a "lovely trip to Barcelona" before asking for free birth control.

Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

Is there a right to any prescription medication?
She was asking that the insurance that she.........and other women pay for...........include coverage for birth control. She was not asking for anything for free.

Stop lying. Please. Stop lying.

Jesus, you really do not know how insurance works, do you?

The problem is I am not lying, and that you are an idiot.

If your insurance does not cover birth control, YOU ARE NOT CHARGED FOR IT.

If you ADD birth control, the COST GOES UP.


Also, I am going to let you in on a little secret that is damn well known to Ms. Fluke. Ready?


No, really!

You don't have to buy your insurance from them! If you want insurance that covers birth control, you can go right ahead and buy that health insurance and not use Georgetown's insurance.

Amazing, huh?

Feeling manipulated yet? Because you are being manipulated, you know.

You are too dishonest to deal with.

Where is the dishonesty? It seems to me he just stated the known facts.
Fluke is homosexual.

Therefore, a fluke.

No need for contraceptives.

What dude would fuck that?
Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

you're a very confused and ignorant person

why should insurance companies get out of paying for prescription medication because of a bunch of religious nutters?

and just for the record... it is a right:

Let me introduce you to Griswold v Connecticut.

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If that's the case, Dragon then Ms. Fluke would be best served not to make statements like the following:

Why? I'm perfectly capable of understanding that she was using a particular case as an illustration to point out a principle, and that she was talking about the principle rather than asking for something for herself alone.

Why is it so hard for YOU to figure that out?

First of all you tell me that Fluke wasn't talking about "herself" at all but when I quote her and show you that she was INDEED doing just that...you do a rhetorical song and dance and state that she was talking about "the principle" and not asking for something for herself? Then you ask if it's too hard for me to figure out?

When you're using double talk like that to explain your point of view...yeah, I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

"...using a particular case as an illustration to point out a principle and that she was talking about the principle rather than asking for something for herself..."

What Ms. Fluke DID was use another student's medical problems with ovarian cysts to "illustrate" the hardship that not having birth control pills covered under the health plan at Georgetown caused for Fluke and her fellow students...but then Fluke admited that the woman with the ovarian cysts actually DOES get covered for her birth control pills. So why even bring the woman up in the first place? If that was the best "illustration" that Ms Fluke could come up with...it's pretty obvious that there isn't a real problem there in the first place...know what I mean? Fluke is studying to be a lawyer? Studying to be a lawyer but making an argument like that? If I were the judge and I heard testimony like that I'd have a nice little "chat" with Ms. Fluke about not bringing nonsensical testimony into my courtroom.
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BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.

Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?
Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

you're a very confused and ignorant person

why should insurance companies get out of paying for prescription medication because of a bunch of religious nutters?

and just for the record... it is a right:

Let me introduce you to Griswold v Connecticut.

Griswold v. Connecticut | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Griswold v Connecticut is not a ruling that birth control is a "right"...it is a ruling that States can't restrict "counseling" on birth control because of right to privacy laws.
OOOh...I do..

You pay it to the insurance company so the insurance company will pay a portion, or in some cases, all, of your medical bills and meds.

So that when you pick up your meds they are either at reduced cost to you..or they're free (to you). You pay the insurance company.

Insurance company pays the bills.

You pay the insurance company.

Insurance company pays the meds.

And FLUKE went before Congress to force the schools to provide insurance that would pay for contraceptives.

Get it?

That would include contraceptives in the coverage. The coverage comes from the money the students PAY IN,

not from some magic money tree in the backyard of the insurance company.

Why is that so hard for you to understand? Are you low IQ, or uneducated?
OOOh...I do..

You pay it to the insurance company so the insurance company will pay a portion, or in some cases, all, of your medical bills and meds.

So that when you pick up your meds they are either at reduced cost to you..or they're free (to you). You pay the insurance company.

Insurance company pays the bills.

You pay the insurance company.

Insurance company pays the meds.

And FLUKE went before Congress to force the schools to provide insurance that would pay for contraceptives.

Get it?

That would include contraceptives in the coverage. The coverage comes from the money the students PAY IN,

not from some magic money tree in the backyard of the insurance company.

Why is that so hard for you to understand? Are you low IQ, or uneducated?

I don't know why you're arguing this......it's most likely gonna be history in 90 days anyway.

BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.

Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?

As a conservative who is pro-choice let me answer that for you...

Most conservatives who are pro-life feel that it is wrong to fund abortions with public money. They wish to shut down Planned Parenthood because PP plays this shell game of saying that the money they receive from the Federal Government doesn't go towards contraception or abortions but towards "other" programs or for staff and supplies to run their clinics. That's laughable and the good folks at PP know it.

I'm of the belief that women should have the right to control their own bodies and choose whether or not to carry a child or become pregnant in the first place. That being said however...I don't think ANYONE has the right to say that people who are morally opposed to abortion or even contraception should have to pay for those things for others. I think Ms. Fluke has the right to contraception or to have an abortion but I don't think she has the right to force a Jesuit institution like Georgetown to pay for it.
BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.

Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?

Conservatives do not want to provide federal funding for abortions. That doesn't mean they want to "shut down" Planned Parenthood.
Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

you're a very confused and ignorant person

why should insurance companies get out of paying for prescription medication because of a bunch of religious nutters?

and just for the record... it is a right:

Let me introduce you to Griswold v Connecticut.

Griswold v. Connecticut | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Besides, Ms Flluke is not asking for free bc.

We should never underestimate the power of one fat and big mouthed liar. As far as the rw's are concerned, lushbo told the truth even though he lied about all of it. And, what he didn't LIE about, he is just too damn dumb to even know. Or, maybe he just doesn't have sex and that's why he didn't know that bc pills are not like his Viagra. Women do not take a pill every time they have sex.

Jeeezus, it gets so damn tiresome to try to educate idiots.
BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.

Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?

Conservatives do not want to provide federal funding for abortions. That doesn't mean they want to "shut down" Planned Parenthood.

Mittens and the other Clown Candidates have said they want to and will shut down PP. Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, Cantor have all said they want to shut down PP.

It doesn't atter to them that, for millions of very poor women, PP is all the health care they get. As long as they get their kick-back checks, the rest of us can Go Eat Cake.
BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.

Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?

Conservatives do not want to provide federal funding for abortions. That doesn't mean they want to "shut down" Planned Parenthood.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpK21Xs-eyE]A Mitt Romney proposal for cutting the budget - YouTube[/ame]
Then why do conservatives want to shut down Planned Parenthood, if that is the viable, valuable alternative?

Conservatives do not want to provide federal funding for abortions. That doesn't mean they want to "shut down" Planned Parenthood.

um, ive seen numerous so called conservatives on here wanting to shut down PP.

Really ive seen LISTS of government agencies you people want to get rid of, and yet you have the balls to say no one wants to shut down PP?

:clap2: bravo for the bullshit comment of the day award.

Is Planned Parenthood a Federal government agency?

Can't shut something down that isn't yours to shut down.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

you're a very confused and ignorant person

why should insurance companies get out of paying for prescription medication because of a bunch of religious nutters?

and just for the record... it is a right:

Let me introduce you to Griswold v Connecticut.

Griswold v. Connecticut | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Posting something that doesn't support your lie just makes you, well, a LIAR!!! Birth control is NOT a right.

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