Fluke enjoyed a "lovely trip to Barcelona" before asking for free birth control.

Not according to the UN.

According to the UN it DOESN'T matter where you live. That's why they're called...hold on to something, this is big....

UNIVERSAL human rights.
If that's the case, Dragon then Ms. Fluke would be best served not to make statements like the following:

Why? I'm perfectly capable of understanding that she was using a particular case as an illustration to point out a principle, and that she was talking about the principle rather than asking for something for herself alone.

Why is it so hard for YOU to figure that out?

First of all you tell me that Fluke wasn't talking about "herself" at all but when I quote her and show you that she was INDEED doing just that...you do a rhetorical song and dance and state that she was talking about "the principle" and not asking for something for herself? Then you ask if it's too hard for me to figure out?

When you're using double talk like that to explain your point of view...yeah, I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

"...using a particular case as an illustration to point out a principle and that she was talking about the principle rather than asking for something for herself..."

What Ms. Fluke DID was use another student's medical problems with ovarian cysts to "illustrate" the hardship that not having birth control pills covered under the health plan at Georgetown caused for Fluke and her fellow students...but then Fluke admited that the woman with the ovarian cysts actually DOES get covered for her birth control pills. So why even bring the woman up in the first place? If that was the best "illustration" that Ms Fluke could come up with...it's pretty obvious that there isn't a real problem there in the first place...know what I mean? Fluke is studying to be a lawyer? Studying to be a lawyer but making an argument like that? If I were the judge and I heard testimony like that I'd have a nice little "chat" with Ms. Fluke about not bringing nonsensical testimony into my courtroom.
Yeah, basically fluke was doing the old dimwit twist the lie to look like the truth trick. She is a liar and a fluke.
Wow. An actual excuse for Fluke making shit up! Amazing.

Whether Fluke was telling the truth in the examples she presented, and whether there is an excuse for that, is irrelevant to this thread and no concern of mine here.

All I am saying here is that the fact she was able to take a trip to Spain MEANS NOTHING. I am particularly riding this bullshit because I have seen it brought out before, e.g. about Occupy, and it's absolute garbage. People advocating for a cause are asking for something for EVERYONE, not just for themselves. Offering advice to improve their personal situation, or pointing out that their personal situation is fine and needs no attention, is completely bogus and needs to get the smack-down whenever it's presented.

Nor does the validity of Fluke's argument that contraceptives should be required coverage in health-care policies depend on whether she, personally, was being completely honest in her testimony. That might be relevant to an assessment of her character, but not to the validity of the cause she's advocating for. So unless you're writing her biography, or you're mad at her for stealing your boyfriend, there's no good reason for you to harp on it.

What all of this says to me is that the opponents of covering birth control can't make their cases without resort to logical fallacies.

Wow. What amazing efforts you make to cover up the fact Fluke lied! So much smoke! So many mirrors! So much misdirection!

For those facts which can be checked, we find she lied through and through. Not one grain of truth. She lied about herself, her school, and her situation. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to believe she told the truth about anything.

She has no basis upon which to stand and make her demands.


And as I have proven at least TWICE, idiot, birth control IS covered in health insurance, IF YOU PAY FOR IT. Have you even bothered to see if any health insurers in your own region cover contraception? I bet you have not. So what does that tell us about your gullibility? You just swallowed what this liar said without checking her claims.

All of this makes it as plainly obvious as the warts on your face that she had an entirely different agenda. She was making an overt attack on religion.
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Privacy is a right. The choice to use contraception falls under the right of privacy.

OE: This post was neg repped by KosherGirl.

You may have the right to purchase contraceptives, but you don't have the right to have them provided to you at no cost.
Privacy is a right. The choice to use contraception falls under the right of privacy.

OE: This post was neg repped by KosherGirl.

You may have the right to purchase contraceptives, but you don't have the right to have them provided to you at no cost.

But you do have a right to request that they be included in the insurance you pay for
You have the right to request.

But having them provided to you in your insurance isn't a right.

You have the right to request.

But having them provided to you in your insurance isn't a right.


but if it's already COVERED, then it's none of your business or the business of some religious extremist employer what medications you take, is it??
I don't think any employer should be forced to provide insurance in the first place.

And I don't think the government should tell insurance companies what they must cover.

That's just me. It has nothing to do with religion.
I don't think any employer should be forced to provide insurance in the first place.

And I don't think the government should tell insurance companies what they must cover.

That's just me. It has nothing to do with religion.

I never understood why we would want our employer to make healthcare decisions for us anyway
I don't think any employer should be forced to provide insurance in the first place.

And I don't think the government should tell insurance companies what they must cover.

That's just me. It has nothing to do with religion.

I never understood why we would want our employer to make healthcare decisions for us anyway

Or health insurance companies for that matter.
Wow. What amazing efforts you make to cover up the fact Fluke lied!

I'm not trying to "cover up" anything. I'm saying I don't CARE if she lied, and it doesn't MATTER if she lied, and harping on her alleged lies is a red herring, a diversion, a logical fallacy. It has nothing to do with the issue, no bearing, no significance, no importance, nothing, nada, zip.

Unless, as I said, you're writing her biography, or mad at her for some reason.
Birth control is legal and affordable, no one is saying those who want to take it can't.

The government shouldn't force insurance companies to pay for any more than they should force insurance companies to pay for my make up. You realize it makes me feel better, therefore it's necessary for my mental health. I think my insurance company needs to pay for all my personal stuff. ;)
Dragon always maintains that facts are secondary to the soul of an argument.

What a flake.
Birth control is legal and affordable, no one is saying those who want to take it can't.

The government shouldn't force insurance companies to pay for any more than they should force insurance companies to pay for my make up. You realize it makes me feel better, therefore it's necessary for my mental health. I think my insurance company needs to pay for all my personal stuff. ;)

Your naturegirl, how much can make up cost?
Privacy is a right. The choice to use contraception falls under the right of privacy.

OE: This post was neg repped by KosherGirl.

You may have the right to purchase contraceptives, but you don't have the right to have them provided to you at no cost.

But you do have a right to request that they be included in the insurance you pay for

...and the insurance company SHOULD have the right to decline for uncovered items.
Birth control is legal and affordable, no one is saying those who want to take it can't.

The government shouldn't force insurance companies to pay for any more than they should force insurance companies to pay for my make up. You realize it makes me feel better, therefore it's necessary for my mental health. I think my insurance company needs to pay for all my personal stuff. ;)

Do you need a doctors prescription for your makeup?

Birth Control falls under preventive medicine and is well within the realm of health insurance
I suppose.

But I don't agree anyone is obligated to provide us with free preventative medicine.

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