Fluke enjoyed a "lovely trip to Barcelona" before asking for free birth control.


too funny.

Sandra Fluke Says She May Run For Office… (But Only If You Pay For It?) | The Gateway Pundit

She needs $3,000 of American taxpayer dollars to get laid but somehow has $3,000 to go to Barcelona? Oh, the struggles of 30 year old law student.

A true representative of the poor and downtrodden. I'm sure she knows exactly how they feel and what's in their best interest. And she cares too. She really does.
Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Seems odd doesnt it?

Conservatives seem to think that people go to congress to ask for legislation that applies only to themselves
Most of us know that she specifically sought out that university with the sole intention to stir up shit.

Poll Finds Wide Support for Birth Control Coverage

Over all, 63 percent of Americans said they supported the new federal requirement that private health insurance plans cover the cost of birth control, according to the survey of 1,519 Americans, conducted from Feb. 13 to Feb. 19 for the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Seems odd doesnt it?

Conservatives seem to think that people go to congress to ask for legislation that applies only to themselves
Most of us know that she specifically sought out that university with the sole intention to stir up shit.

What??? What aspiring lawyer wouldn't give their eye teeth to be accepted at Georgetown?????
Jeebus, dupes are ignorant, small minded haters...

What about the POLICY that's best for the country, morons? 40% of welfare is single mothers, and BC costs money...cue Jeopardy theme, dingbats.
BC doesn't cost money if you're smart enough to get your dumb ass to the clinic. As any DC hooker can tell you.
#131. Sure, Pub dupe. LOL Lots of rural clinics, for one thing.
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She needs $3,000 of American taxpayer dollars to get laid but somehow has $3,000 to go to Barcelona? Oh, the struggles of 30 year old law student.

Very misleading. She supports the base line in the health reform act that insurance companies provide contraception. Using your logic, requiring obgyn support for pregnancy is just people sucking on the tax payer tit, because they want support for getting laid.
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She needs $3,000 of American taxpayer dollars to get laid but somehow has $3,000 to go to Barcelona? Oh, the struggles of 30 year old law student.

Very misleading. She supports the base line in the health reform act that insurance companies provide contraception.

However SHE complained to Congress her burden of Birth Control...

~Go figure.
Really Mods, I'm not sure what goes down here at USMB, but this shit has gotten real creepy.

Merge with creepy thread.
Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF. She was not, of course.

Wrong. That's exactly what she was asking for.

Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

She's the one who made an issue out of how she couldn't afford birth control. You haven't figured out that you haven't got a clue.
Here you go again, a perfect example. Can't even get their minds around the idea of something being a RIGHT that should be available to EVERY woman, can they? If it's not about "me," then it must be about some "friend of mine."

I don't know, this is almost reaching the point of looking like a lot of crippled brains.

There is no right to birth control. That's the first problem with this whole vein of idiocy.

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