#FlyinTed Cruz Caught Flying To Cancun With Family While His Constituents Freeze To Death

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

"Destroy Ted Cruz"? Oh, the HORROR!!!!!!

View attachment 458875

Oh so the Democrat's want to start a political war with everyone who supported American values, standards, and conservatism eh ? That's good to know, and every word the left or the crats speak against this countries patriot's is going to be used against them in the coming election years. Just remember that. The real evil culprit's are going to have to face justice one day at the polls in a fair election, and they won't be so giddy then. Caught up in the moment is one thing, but the future of the country is another.
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Was someone asking him to do that? Or to just have some humanity and HELP OUT since they are his constituents.......................at least for now.
Again do what? Let’s say for the sake of argument he did your all caps help out whatever that is supposed to be the same people who are criticizing him now would be calling it a stunt be accusing him of using the situation to promote himself. With people like this it’s the classic damed if you do damed if you don’t.
You can't think of ANYTHING that could be helpful in this situation? Nothing? How sad.
I can see you haven’t said anything just criticized not sad but predictable.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

"Destroy Ted Cruz"? Oh, the HORROR!!!!!!

View attachment 458875

Oh so the Democrat's want to start a political war with everyone who supported American values, standards, and conservatism eh ? That's good to know, and every word the left or the crats speak against this countries patriot's is going to be used against them in the coming election years. Just remember that. The real evil culprit's are going to have to face justice one day at the polls in a fair election, and they won't be so giddy then. Caught up in the moment is one thing, but the future of the country is another.

Too funny that you, after the last four years, think that anyone Republican supported American values and standards. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Was someone asking him to do that? Or to just have some humanity and HELP OUT since they are his constituents.......................at least for now.
Again do what? Let’s say for the sake of argument he did your all caps help out whatever that is supposed to be the same people who are criticizing him now would be calling it a stunt be accusing him of using the situation to promote himself. With people like this it’s the classic damed if you do damed if you don’t.
You can't think of ANYTHING that could be helpful in this situation? Nothing? How sad.
I can see you haven’t said anything just criticized not sad but predictable.
I'm waiting to see if you can come up with anything someone could do as an individual to help Texans during this disaster. You seem to be coming up empty.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

"Destroy Ted Cruz"? Oh, the HORROR!!!!!!

View attachment 458875

Oh so the Democrat's want to start a political war with everyone who supported American values, standards, and conservatism eh ? That's good to know, and every word the left or the crats speak against this countries patriot's is going to be used against them in the coming election years. Just remember that. The real evil culprit's are going to have to face justice one day at the polls in a fair election, and they won't be so giddy then. Caught up in the moment is one thing, but the future of the country is another.

Too funny that you, after the last four years, think that anyone Republican supported American values and standards. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Good grief.... Fixed alot of crap the Democrat's broke, and now their back breaking the crap again. How people don't want to just throw their hands in the air and say to hell with it is beyond me. I guess people love the country to much, so stay tuned I guess.
Ted Cruz: The hell with Texas, I’m fucking rich, I’m headed to Cancun
Get your snow boots on or shut up.

Not Ted
He has his sandals and a Margarita
Dear Ted, we wish we could be there too, but maybe after we get this snow moved, and some normalcy back, then we'll call you up and say hold a few of those margaritas for us because here we come.

If we don't make it, then we hope you the wife and kids have a great time. No regrets.

Sincerely, Bogged down in snow, your ole friends from Texas. Remember the Alamo... :)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

"Destroy Ted Cruz"? Oh, the HORROR!!!!!!

View attachment 458875

Oh so the Democrat's want to start a political war with everyone who supported American values, standards, and conservatism eh ? That's good to know, and every word the left or the crats speak against this countries patriot's is going to be used against them in the coming election years. Just remember that. The real evil culprit's are going to have to face justice one day at the polls in a fair election, and they won't be so giddy then. Caught up in the moment is one thing, but the future of the country is another.

Too funny that you, after the last four years, think that anyone Republican supported American values and standards. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Good grief.... Fixed alot of crap the Democrat's broke, and now their back breaking the crap again. How people don't want to just throw their hands in the air and say to hell with it is beyond me. I guess people love the country to much, so stay tuned I guess.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Too funny! Trumpanzees are still very very funny.
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Was someone asking him to do that? Or to just have some humanity and HELP OUT since they are his constituents.......................at least for now.
Again do what? Let’s say for the sake of argument he did your all caps help out whatever that is supposed to be the same people who are criticizing him now would be calling it a stunt be accusing him of using the situation to promote himself. With people like this it’s the classic damed if you do damed if you don’t.
You can't think of ANYTHING that could be helpful in this situation? Nothing? How sad.
I can see you haven’t said anything just criticized not sad but predictable.
Did you figure out something anything that one could do to help fellow Texans in this disaster? Or are you still stumped?
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Neither are his suffering constituents who are burning their belongings to keep from dying. But i am sure they are happy to see Teddie globetrotting on their dime. Gives them something to strive for, right?
What a solid trump Qultist thing to say.
Love how trump Qultists are excusing Cancun Cruz.......................I guess throwing his family under the bus pays off with you guys, eh?
No one knows what the fuck you're talking about dufus.
No one should care either.... These cat's can waste more of a person's time than the law should allow. I mean really, just step back and think about how ridiculous these topics are, and then consider the sources of these topics. Unbelievable.

One thing they are good at, and they proved it on 1-6-2021, and that is eventually infuriating American's into doing something dumb, and then regretting it. It's like they work for the damned devil himself.

That's alright though, because one thing they know (no matter how bad they try to act like they don't know), and that is that Jesus will soon be judging this world, and no matter where they try and hide (on mars or wherever their little hopes can take them), they won't escape the judgement.

Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them the Bible says, woe unto them.
What a solid trump Qultist thing to say.
Love how trump Qultists are excusing Cancun Cruz.......................I guess throwing his family under the bus pays off with you guys, eh?
No one knows what the fuck you're talking about dufus.
No one should care either.... These cat's can waste more of a person's time than the law should allow. I mean really, just step back and think about how ridiculous these topics are, and then consider the sources of these topics. Unbelievable.

One thing they are good at, and they proved it on 1-6-2021, and that is eventually infuriating American's into doing something dumb, and then regretting it. It's like they work for the damned devil himself.

That's alright though, because one thing they know (no matter how bad they try to act like they don't know), and that is that Jesus will soon be judging this world, and no matter where they try and hide (on mars or wherever their little hopes can take them), they won't escape the judgement.

Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them the Bible says, woe unto them.
"Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them. Woe unto them." - CANCUN Chap 3, Verses 12-15.
No one should care either.... These cat's can waste more of a person's time than the law should allow. I mean really, just step back and think about how ridiculous these topics are, and then consider the sources of these topics. Unbelievable.

One thing they are good at, and they proved it on 1-6-2021, and that is eventually infuriating American's into doing something dumb, and then regretting it. It's like they work for the damned devil himself.

That's alright though, because one thing they know (no matter how bad they try to act like they don't know), and that is that Jesus will soon be judging this world, and no matter where they try and hide (on mars or wherever their little hopes can take them), they won't escape the judgement.

Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them the Bible says, woe unto them.
Yep, it becomes a waste of time replying to their vacuous, vapid screeds.
What a solid trump Qultist thing to say.
Love how trump Qultists are excusing Cancun Cruz.......................I guess throwing his family under the bus pays off with you guys, eh?
No one knows what the fuck you're talking about dufus.
No one should care either.... These cat's can waste more of a person's time than the law should allow. I mean really, just step back and think about how ridiculous these topics are, and then consider the sources of these topics. Unbelievable.

One thing they are good at, and they proved it on 1-6-2021, and that is eventually infuriating American's into doing something dumb, and then regretting it. It's like they work for the damned devil himself.

That's alright though, because one thing they know (no matter how bad they try to act like they don't know), and that is that Jesus will soon be judging this world, and no matter where they try and hide (on mars or wherever their little hopes can take them), they won't escape the judgement.

Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them the Bible says, woe unto them.
"Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them. Woe unto them." - CANCUN Chap 3, Verses 12-15.
And the Cruz daughters said unto him, It’s fucking freezing Daddy, Let’s get our asses down to Cancun - CANCUN Chap 3, Versus 69-70

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