#FlyinTed Cruz Caught Flying To Cancun With Family While His Constituents Freeze To Death

Seems he understands the political consequences. I'm sure people like Rubio are happy about this for their 2024 prospects, though I would say Pompeo or DeSantis are probably the top dogs for GOP leadership then.

Ted Cruz heads home amid outrage after internet-sleuths ‘catch’ him flying to Cancun amid winter storm

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing the wrath of the left for having been spotted with his family reportedly boarding an airplane en route to Cancun Wednesday afternoon.

Images of Cruz at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport emerged late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, first from random Twitter users, and then later from verified blue checkmark journalists like David Shuster.

The Associated Press later obtained confirmation that Cruz had indeed traveled to Cancun but was headed back.

“The high-profile Republican lawmaker went with his family for a long-planned trip to Cancun and was expected to return immediately,” the outlet reported Thursday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the situation.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman meanwhile obtained proof that Cruz was indeed headed back, and Lois Romano obtained confirmation that he’d always been intent on flying home — that his goal had only been to accompany his family en route to Cancun.
He took his daughters to enjoy a long planned vacation with their friends. He left with a return ticket.

Communist democrats intend to have every republican expelled if they can.
Seems he understands the political consequences. I'm sure people like Rubio are happy about this for their 2024 prospects, though I would say Pompeo or DeSantis are probably the top dogs for GOP leadership then.

Ted Cruz heads home amid outrage after internet-sleuths ‘catch’ him flying to Cancun amid winter storm

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing the wrath of the left for having been spotted with his family reportedly boarding an airplane en route to Cancun Wednesday afternoon.

Images of Cruz at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport emerged late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, first from random Twitter users, and then later from verified blue checkmark journalists like David Shuster.

The Associated Press later obtained confirmation that Cruz had indeed traveled to Cancun but was headed back.

“The high-profile Republican lawmaker went with his family for a long-planned trip to Cancun and was expected to return immediately,” the outlet reported Thursday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the situation.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman meanwhile obtained proof that Cruz was indeed headed back, and Lois Romano obtained confirmation that he’d always been intent on flying home — that his goal had only been to accompany his family en route to Cancun.
He took his daughters to enjoy a long planned vacation with their friends. He left with a return ticket.

Communist democrats intend to have every republican expelled if they can.

Lying Ted said it was sperm of the moment
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Seems he understands the political consequences. I'm sure people like Rubio are happy about this for their 2024 prospects, though I would say Pompeo or DeSantis are probably the top dogs for GOP leadership then.

Ted Cruz heads home amid outrage after internet-sleuths ‘catch’ him flying to Cancun amid winter storm

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing the wrath of the left for having been spotted with his family reportedly boarding an airplane en route to Cancun Wednesday afternoon.

Images of Cruz at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport emerged late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, first from random Twitter users, and then later from verified blue checkmark journalists like David Shuster.

The Associated Press later obtained confirmation that Cruz had indeed traveled to Cancun but was headed back.

“The high-profile Republican lawmaker went with his family for a long-planned trip to Cancun and was expected to return immediately,” the outlet reported Thursday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the situation.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman meanwhile obtained proof that Cruz was indeed headed back, and Lois Romano obtained confirmation that he’d always been intent on flying home — that his goal had only been to accompany his family en route to Cancun.
He took his daughters to enjoy a long planned vacation with their friends. He left with a return ticket.

Communist democrats intend to have every republican expelled if they can.

Lying Ted said it was spur of the moment
I just saw him! The daughters had this trip planned for months with their friends. COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS said it was spur of the moment.
The same idiots mocking the catastrophe in Texas are having a fit over one of the left's most hated senators going on a short vacation.

Do you ever wonder why no one takes you seriously?
I just saw him! The daughters had this trip planned for months with their friends. COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS said it was spur of the moment.

The little darlings planned on the worst storm in decades that would cancel school and wipe out the Texas Power Grid
Seems he understands the political consequences. I'm sure people like Rubio are happy about this for their 2024 prospects, though I would say Pompeo or DeSantis are probably the top dogs for GOP leadership then.

Ted Cruz heads home amid outrage after internet-sleuths ‘catch’ him flying to Cancun amid winter storm

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing the wrath of the left for having been spotted with his family reportedly boarding an airplane en route to Cancun Wednesday afternoon.

Images of Cruz at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport emerged late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, first from random Twitter users, and then later from verified blue checkmark journalists like David Shuster.

The Associated Press later obtained confirmation that Cruz had indeed traveled to Cancun but was headed back.

“The high-profile Republican lawmaker went with his family for a long-planned trip to Cancun and was expected to return immediately,” the outlet reported Thursday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the situation.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman meanwhile obtained proof that Cruz was indeed headed back, and Lois Romano obtained confirmation that he’d always been intent on flying home — that his goal had only been to accompany his family en route to Cancun.
He took his daughters to enjoy a long planned vacation with their friends. He left with a return ticket.

Communist democrats intend to have every republican expelled if they can.
Ok, Poe.
Seems he understands the political consequences. I'm sure people like Rubio are happy about this for their 2024 prospects, though I would say Pompeo or DeSantis are probably the top dogs for GOP leadership then.

Ted Cruz heads home amid outrage after internet-sleuths ‘catch’ him flying to Cancun amid winter storm

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing the wrath of the left for having been spotted with his family reportedly boarding an airplane en route to Cancun Wednesday afternoon.

Images of Cruz at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport emerged late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, first from random Twitter users, and then later from verified blue checkmark journalists like David Shuster.

The Associated Press later obtained confirmation that Cruz had indeed traveled to Cancun but was headed back.

“The high-profile Republican lawmaker went with his family for a long-planned trip to Cancun and was expected to return immediately,” the outlet reported Thursday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the situation.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman meanwhile obtained proof that Cruz was indeed headed back, and Lois Romano obtained confirmation that he’d always been intent on flying home — that his goal had only been to accompany his family en route to Cancun.
He took his daughters to enjoy a long planned vacation with their friends. He left with a return ticket.

Communist democrats intend to have every republican expelled if they can.

Lying Ted said it was spur of the moment
I just saw him! The daughters had this trip planned for months with their friends. COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS said it was spur of the moment.
Odd, considering that's not what Mrs. Cancun Cruz said.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear of QAnon believing Texans starting a GoFundMe to help defray the costs of Ted's vacation, that's how mindfuck brainwashed these zombies are.

Go back to blowing your poodle and leave the adults alone.
Fascinating. trump Qultists like to bring up things like beastiality?

Most of us know what Democrats are into; it's no secret you're mostly sicko deviants.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Or he just got his family settled in and safe and came back. You don't know shit and aren't doing anything for anybody here so you got nothing as usual.
So, you're down here shoveling snow off the porches of the elderly for 20 hours a day, and feel morally superior to Ted? Or are you just another fuckwad sitting on he/she/it/mutant's fat ass sniveling on the inernetz while Mommy makes you hot chocolate?

That's my Fuckboy you're having a go at.... hope you enjoyed it. BWAHAHAHAHA

Fuckboy likes to FEIGN concern for people that literally despise his weak, faggoted, ways. Call it his specialty or MOS, if you will. It's best when it's on the backs of people that are suffering especially when fatalities are involved. That's when the insufferable shitstain really cranks up the phoniness. There's an extra ration of rice in this for him, from the local CCP chapter.

This is the reason they must steal elections. No human being wants to be associated with these filthy fucking animals.

Yes. I don't see any Democrats out here doing anything, so we know their 'concerns' are just loads of BS; they aren't helping any of the black and latinos here, but then none of the are out helping anybody either; I guess they think their Uncle Joe is doing it all for them. Now that the weather is breaking tomorrow Uncle Joe decided he would feed us all some line of shit about 'sending generators n stuff'. lol what a feckless BS artist.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Frozen illegals? Oh well. They should have never left home.

If there were no illegals we wouldn't be having power outages and water shortages.
Admirable, sterling example of leadership, compassion and solidarity.

Compared to China Joe, who did nothing until the day before the weather breaks to announce he's decided to send 'lots of generators n stuff' that cant get here until after it's all melted off and gone by Saturday afternoon. lol he's such a phony gimp of a con artist.
What a dumbshit! Is he this clueless about the optics of something like this?
I don't care if you paid for the vacation months ago, suck up the loss and stay the fuck home during this sort of disaster.
I could forgive him if he left for vacation before this all happened, but apparently that's not the case.
I will support him, and endorse him over ANY fucking Dimocrat, but this was truly stupid.

Yea. It wouldn't be hard to see how bad the optics are here.

I'll add that it was also bad for optics for him to continue pushing the fraud line immediately after the Capitol riot on January 6th.

Maybe he's just a tone-deaf moron with an abnormally punchable face.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Or he just got his family settled in and safe and came back. You don't know shit and aren't doing anything for anybody here so you got nothing as usual.

Sure.......that's his story and he's sticking to it.......................no, wait....................:heehee:
What a dumbshit! Is he this clueless about the optics of something like this?
I don't care if you paid for the vacation months ago, suck up the loss and stay the fuck home during this sort of disaster.
I could forgive him if he left for vacation before this all happened, but apparently that's not the case.
I will support him, and endorse him over ANY fucking Dimocrat, but this was truly stupid.

Yea. It wouldn't be hard to see how bad the optics are here.

I'll add that it was also bad for optics for him to continue pushing the fraud line immediately after the Capitol riot on January 6th.

Maybe he's just a tone-deaf moron with an abnormally punchable face.
Cancun Cruz.....interesting stuff Lindsey Graham said about him in 2016.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

literally no one cares. CNN tier.

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