#FlyinTed Cruz Caught Flying To Cancun With Family While His Constituents Freeze To Death

No one should care either.... These cat's can waste more of a person's time than the law should allow. I mean really, just step back and think about how ridiculous these topics are, and then consider the sources of these topics. Unbelievable.

One thing they are good at, and they proved it on 1-6-2021, and that is eventually infuriating American's into doing something dumb, and then regretting it. It's like they work for the damned devil himself.

That's alright though, because one thing they know (no matter how bad they try to act like they don't know), and that is that Jesus will soon be judging this world, and no matter where they try and hide (on mars or wherever their little hopes can take them), they won't escape the judgement.

Their wisdom is that of the wicked one, and not of the good and merciful one for whom they mock. Woe unto them the Bible says, woe unto them.
Yep, it becomes a waste of time replying to their vacuous, vapid screeds.
Moving on myself, because these people aren't worth my time at all. One has to finally sit back and think "what the heck am I doing" ? They are going to bust hell wide open, and they could care less. To sit here arguing these ridiculous points they make with them, is an excersize in futility big time. I'll leave the wiser for not expending one more second with them. Will find out to use the ignore function next, because I've had it with these devil's.
What a dumbshit! Is he this clueless about the optics of something like this?
I don't care if you paid for the vacation months ago, suck up the loss and stay the fuck home during this sort of disaster.
I could forgive him if he left for vacation before this all happened, but apparently that's not the case.
I will support him, and endorse him over ANY fucking Dimocrat, but this was truly stupid.

Yea. It wouldn't be hard to see how bad the optics are here.

I'll add that it was also bad for optics for him to continue pushing the fraud line immediately after the Capitol riot on January 6th.

Maybe he's just a tone-deaf moron with an abnormally punchable face.
You threatening violence on the man ??
You threatening violence on the man ??

No. I'm stating that he has a punchable face. It's scientifically proven.



The same idiots mocking the catastrophe in Texas are having a fit over one of the left's most hated senators going on a short vacation.

Do you ever wonder why no one takes you seriously?

None these tards have turned up here in Texas yet to help anybody out. I guess they're too busy with the kiddie porn and their meth and breakfast beer budget doesn't have any room for actually participating that sort of 'activism'.
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Neither are his suffering constituents who are burning their belongings to keep from dying. But i am sure they are happy to see Teddie globetrotting on their dime. Gives them something to strive for, right?

Got a shovel, hero? I know it's unlikely you're permitted to operate a motor vehicle, but you can walk here.
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
Neither are his suffering constituents who are burning their belongings to keep from dying. But i am sure they are happy to see Teddie globetrotting on their dime. Gives them something to strive for, right?

Got a shovel, hero? I know it's unlikely you're permitted to operate a motor vehicle, but you can walk here.
Notice how he surmises that Ted's doing his trip on the government's dime ?? Now how would he know that ? He doesn't, but it sure sounds good if wanting to steady stir the pot eh ? There's no end to the Democrat's madness.
You threatening violence on the man ??

No. I'm stating that he has a punchable face. It's scientifically proven.

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ZERO PROBLEM with a senator taking his kids out of the area where they have no heat or power.

Dont be an ass for a few political points.

Nothing wrong with what he did
They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

All of those people/politicians in the article are executives, a mayor, governor and POTUS. A Senator has no authority to do anything in Texas and Cruz isn't an employee of Texas. Maybe he got 2 scoops of ice cream like Trump.
They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

All of those people/politicians in the article are executives, a mayor, governor and POTUS. A Senator has no authority to do anything in Texas and Cruz isn't an employee of Texas. Maybe he got 2 scoops of ice cream like Trump.

He represents the people of Texas. To skip off to the tropics while millions are suffering does not show he gives a shit.

Legally, he has no obligation to do anything. But convince the voters that you care about them
They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

All of those people/politicians in the article are executives, a mayor, governor and POTUS. A Senator has no authority to do anything in Texas and Cruz isn't an employee of Texas. Maybe he got 2 scoops of ice cream like Trump.

He represents the people of Texas. To skip off to the tropics while millions are suffering does not show he gives a shit.

Legally, he has no obligation to do anything. But convince the voters that you care about them
There isn't anything he can do if he stayed. Is FEMA doing anything, if not why do they exist.
Who voted for that spineless donkey as a senator in Texas?
Donald Trump called his wife all kind of names and still Ted Cruz didn't get pissed and didn't fight back but worse went fighting for Trump defending him during the impeachment trial.
And now this, vacationing in Cancun while his constituents are freezing their asses to death back home.
Who voted for this useless spineless clown?
They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

All of those people/politicians in the article are executives, a mayor, governor and POTUS. A Senator has no authority to do anything in Texas and Cruz isn't an employee of Texas. Maybe he got 2 scoops of ice cream like Trump.

He represents the people of Texas. To skip off to the tropics while millions are suffering does not show he gives a shit.

Legally, he has no obligation to do anything. But convince the voters that you care about them
There isn't anything he can do if he stayed. Is FEMA doing anything, if not why do they exist.
Sure there is ....
Meet the people, tell them you are concerned about them, demand that something be done, kiss babies, hug grandmothers

But when your voters are sitting in the dark freezing and you skipped town to sip Margaritas in the tropics, doesn’t really show you care about their plight.
Musical note

"If you like Pina Coup-ladas And getting caught on the plane While you're fleeing the country To enjoy some Champagne If you like makin' lies by daylight All about your escape And blame it all on your daughters You might not be great."

Multiple musical notes
Lying Ted got caught with his pants down and blames his daughters and ugly wife for making him go.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Or he just got his family settled in and safe and came back. You don't know shit and aren't doing anything for anybody here so you got nothing as usual.

The airline confirmed he changed his ticket.
They don’t call him Lying Ted for nothing

All of those people/politicians in the article are executives, a mayor, governor and POTUS. A Senator has no authority to do anything in Texas and Cruz isn't an employee of Texas. Maybe he got 2 scoops of ice cream like Trump.
Then why do they think Pelosi is responsible for people crapping in the streets of San Francisco?
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Or he just got his family settled in and safe and came back. You don't know shit and aren't doing anything for anybody here so you got nothing as usual.

The airline confirmed he changed his ticket.

Lying Ted claims that as soon as he got on the plane he “felt guilty” and immediately booked a return flight.

Amazing how voter outrage makes you feel guilty.

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