#FlyinTed Cruz Caught Flying To Cancun With Family While His Constituents Freeze To Death

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

Haha...you crack me up. What a luxury it is to literally invent an alternate reality to protect yourself from reality.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

Being a "good dad" he took them to Mexico.

Then with faced with "being a good dad" and negative media attention...he chose to abandon his daughters because of the media attention?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Define being a good dad ?

Apparently the definition includes escorting your kids to Cancun then abandoning them there because the media called him irresponsible.
Ted Cruz saw millions of Texans freezing and without food and asked himself.......What would Trump do?

So he went to Cancun
Flyin'-Lyin' Cruz left his constituents to freeze. He was busted for it. All these Cons defending would be screaming Red White and Blue shit fits a Democrat had done the exact same thing.

Cons do not care about anyone or anybody but their own damn self.
Well with Trumps loss and he voted to acquit because the shoe don't fit. He needs the vacation. That is why you got a governor. As a Senator he just needs to duck and cover.

What can he do, he is just a Senator?

I mean he lives in Houston and I guess he doesn't want to tough it out with his fellow man. It is a shame to have a big house with no electricity.

Seems the police escorted him to the airport. Do not know what that is about but hey there are a lot of demos in Houston. Maybe he expected trouble and they wouldn't let him leave.

Viva Mexico, careful ted don't drink the water. Also where a mask hombre. It keeps the COVID away and hides your identity.

Apparenly, being a "good dad" in TX means taking your kids to Mexico with their friends for a vacation when there is a national emergency.

Nice life. When his kids grow up they will be the next generation of Rand Paul.
Selfish spoiled bitches who shit on the poor under the banner of "independence." Scums.
I know....so much for teaching civic responsibility to your children.....when I was in HS, there was a really bad flood in Elmira NY during Easter Break....my parents taught me it was the right thing to do to go down there to help clean up. It was a lesson I took to heart. I wonder how many of today's trumpanzees would think the same.................

none, they would think you a sap for helping someone else. Trumpists are animals.
If you are a stupid Moon Bat you might think that your Senator should protect you from the cold.

How about taking personal responsibility for your own well being and doing a little emergency preparation of your own?

Stop being a little whiny bitch. Government ain't going to save you from jackshit.

If a hurricane or cold snap or whatever hit Florida and caused massive power outages I would use my emergency supplies and get by fine. The last thing I would expect is for one of my Senators to save my ass.
I agree with this..... We are living in an age of government dependency, and the more dependent the better for the Democrat's. Fact.
You sound like that ex-mayor of Colorado City, TX. :heehee:
You got something to say lefty ?? Why do you think leftist politicians make every decision in order to create voter bases that are dependent on them ???
You are doing just fine by yourself, Hun..... :auiqs.jpg: :dig:
Did you answer the question ? No just bullcrap is all you got.

What you in imagination is more than made up for by being one clueless SOB.
Oh so you resort to calling someone names because you are making a fool of yourself in this partisan bullcrap thread.
Name-calling yourself? Que sera sera.
It’s bad optics but let’s be real he was not going to magically restore the power repair downed power lines or fix burst pipes just as those criticizing him aren’t going to.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

Except for that roll on luggage bag bursting at the seams, and his spokesperson saying he wasn't scheduled to return until Saturday, it almost sounded true.

And now there's some doubt about the daughters even being "to blame." Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder

Oh I get it, so it's destroy Ted Cruz because he supported Trump's America first mantra, and didn't sell out like others did eh ???

Haha...you crack me up. What a luxury it is to literally invent an alternate reality to protect yourself from reality.

And this has what to do with my post you replied to ???? Please explain how this fits with what I wrote.
Well with Trumps loss and he voted to acquit because the shoe don't fit. He needs the vacation. That is why you got a governor. As a Senator he just needs to duck and cover.

What can he do, he is just a Senator?

I mean he lives in Houston and I guess he doesn't want to tough it out with his fellow man. It is a shame to have a big house with no electricity.

Seems the police escorted him to the airport. Do not know what that is about but hey there are a lot of demos in Houston. Maybe he expected trouble and they wouldn't let him leave.

Viva Mexico, careful ted don't drink the water. Also where a mask hombre. It keeps the COVID away and hides your identity.
If you are a stupid Moon Bat you might think that your Senator should protect you from the cold.

How about taking personal responsibility for your own well being and doing a little emergency preparation of your own?

Stop being a little whiny bitch. Government ain't going to save you from jackshit.

If a hurricane or cold snap or whatever hit Florida and caused massive power outages I would use my emergency supplies and get by fine. The last thing I would expect is for one of my Senators to save my ass.
I agree with this..... We are living in an age of government dependency, and the more dependent the better for the Democrat's. Fact.
You sound like that ex-mayor of Colorado City, TX. :heehee:
You got something to say lefty ?? Why do you think leftist politicians make every decision in order to create voter bases that are dependent on them ???
You are doing just fine by yourself, Hun..... :auiqs.jpg: :dig:
Did you answer the question ? No just bullcrap is all you got.

What you in imagination is more than made up for by being one clueless SOB.
Oh so you resort to calling someone names because you are making a fool of yourself in this partisan bullcrap thread.
Name-calling yourself? Que sera sera.
You got something of value to add or are you just entering into la-la land ??
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@SenTedCruz</a> and his family flew to Cancun tonight for a few days at a resort they&#39;ve visited before. Cruz seems to believe there isn&#39;t much for him to do in Texas for the millions of fellow Texans who remain without electricity/water and are literally freezing. <a href="https://t.co/6nPiVWtdxe">pic.twitter.com/6nPiVWtdxe</a></p>&mdash; David Shuster (@DavidShuster) <a href="">February 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If he didn't do anything wrong...why did he come back after 11 hours?

Let me guess....the liberal media; right?

Had a ticket to return on Saturday.....then, when the public "noticed", he got another ticket for this morning.......and nice BIG overnite bag too, Cancun Cruz. Big enough for your adult diapers?

He's stating that he had to escort his Daughters to their Mexican vacation (in the middle of the school year) to be a "good dad".

And now even that "story" is unraveling.
If you are a stupid Moon Bat you might think that your Senator should protect you from the cold.

How about taking personal responsibility for your own well being and doing a little emergency preparation of your own?

Stop being a little whiny bitch. Government ain't going to save you from jackshit.

If a hurricane or cold snap or whatever hit Florida and caused massive power outages I would use my emergency supplies and get by fine. The last thing I would expect is for one of my Senators to save my ass.
I agree with this..... We are living in an age of government dependency, and the more dependent the better for the Democrat's. Fact.
You sound like that ex-mayor of Colorado City, TX. :heehee:
You got something to say lefty ?? Why do you think leftist politicians make every decision in order to create voter bases that are dependent on them ???
You are doing just fine by yourself, Hun..... :auiqs.jpg: :dig:
Did you answer the question ? No just bullcrap is all you got.

What you in imagination is more than made up for by being one clueless SOB.
Oh so you resort to calling someone names because you are making a fool of yourself in this partisan bullcrap thread.
Name-calling yourself? Que sera sera.
You got something of value to add or are you just entering into la-la land ??
I've added quite a bit of value.................but from what we've been seeing in this thread, trump Qultists cannot recognize what IS of value.
Well with Trumps loss and he voted to acquit because the shoe don't fit. He needs the vacation. That is why you got a governor. As a Senator he just needs to duck and cover.

What can he do, he is just a Senator?

I mean he lives in Houston and I guess he doesn't want to tough it out with his fellow man. It is a shame to have a big house with no electricity.

Seems the police escorted him to the airport. Do not know what that is about but hey there are a lot of demos in Houston. Maybe he expected trouble and they wouldn't let him leave.

Viva Mexico, careful ted don't drink the water. Also where a mask hombre. It keeps the COVID away and hides your identity.
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Yeah those opportunist come a running when they think the optics are right.

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