Flynn Gets No Prison Time

Should Flynn have served "some" time for his unprofessional behavior?

  • Yes, probably for the rest of his life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, minimal time even though he cooperated fully

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No time indicated since he was so forthcoming

    Votes: 19 67.9%

  • Total voters
Lame duck LOL.
Oh yes, absolutely. He has been rebuked by the senate, the intelligence community, the military, and even scotus judges. He is an impotent embarrassment and the laughingstock of the world. I don't expect a trump cultist like you to see it. That's kind of what being a cultist means.
I will refrain from this argument in honor of GHW Bush.
Well, come back when you're done spanking it.
Real classy.
Of course, that's idiotic, as the testimony has to be corroborated.
There is nothing illegal with the election of Donald J. Trump. Period. You people are small and messy.
To conspire with basically the enemy? They have dirt on trump too. Leverage. We, you shouldn’t have fallen for it. Just like trump university was illegal so was trump running for president. He will go down as one of the most infamous person in American history.

But I agree the dumb American people fell for it. Or didn’t show up. So fuck us. Every man for himself.
They have nothing on Trump. It’s the strategy post election 2016.
Is mueller a democrat?
He’s a Washington DC establishment insider. The people spoke in 2016. Boy, we can’t have that.
I can go back before trump and find you’ve been defending all these right wing Washington insiders for years. Are you finally admitting the republicans are a bunch of sold out elitists? We told you so.
It will not...
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?
Aren’t you sick of republicans making the rich richer and middle class smaller and then blaming Soros?
Republicans are the party of individual opportunity. Freedom to pursue your life under the greatest economic and political system on earth. What are you complaining about? George Soros is a threat to to the United States of America. Why should a foreign shipping billionaire be able to influence our national trajectory? Oh, if your a small town Arkansas boy who is easily impressed by wealth and power? Yep.
Our economic system hasn’t always been what it is today. In fact it’s been better and it’s been worse. Depends on our political system at the time.

I believe when democrats lead they created the biggest middle class the world had ever seen. Republicans policies created the Uber rich, a small merchant or middle class and a huge poor class called the rabble.

We left England because of your way where the rich rule. Money has taken over our government and weakened it. Powerless to regulate industry.

I disagree and don’t approve of your way at all.
Wake-up, it’s 2018. Democrats are not for the middle-class...they want to take from them. They thrive on racism and class warfare.
Ur brainwashed if you believe that.

Free market capitalism didn’t create the middle class liberal policies did. Republican policies have made the rich richer and widened the gap between the rich and poor
It will not...
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
It’s 100% about the establishment not wanting to honor the voice of the people. That’s the “deep state. “ How Many years did Trump serve in the federal government? Oh...think about it.
It will not...
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
Which you believe is corrupt
It will not...
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
It’s 100% about the establishment not wanting to honor the voice of the people. That’s the “deep state. “ How Many years did Trump serve in the federal government? Oh...think about it.
You mean like lame duck republicans who lost in Minnesota and Michigan are doing?
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?
Aren’t you sick of republicans making the rich richer and middle class smaller and then blaming Soros?
Republicans are the party of individual opportunity. Freedom to pursue your life under the greatest economic and political system on earth. What are you complaining about? George Soros is a threat to to the United States of America. Why should a foreign shipping billionaire be able to influence our national trajectory? Oh, if your a small town Arkansas boy who is easily impressed by wealth and power? Yep.
Our economic system hasn’t always been what it is today. In fact it’s been better and it’s been worse. Depends on our political system at the time.

I believe when democrats lead they created the biggest middle class the world had ever seen. Republicans policies created the Uber rich, a small merchant or middle class and a huge poor class called the rabble.

We left England because of your way where the rich rule. Money has taken over our government and weakened it. Powerless to regulate industry.

I disagree and don’t approve of your way at all.
Wake-up, it’s 2018. Democrats are not for the middle-class...they want to take from them. They thrive on racism and class warfare.
Ur brainwashed if you believe that.

Free market capitalism didn’t create the middle class liberal policies did. Republican policies have made the rich richer and widened the gap between the rich and poor
Liberal policies did? How about post World War Two no American cities were bombed and destroyed, no battles fought on continental soil. We were dominant. Should have maintained that...but Bill Clinton traded NAFTA for his wife’s health care crusade in 1993.
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
It’s 100% about the establishment not wanting to honor the voice of the people. That’s the “deep state. “ How Many years did Trump serve in the federal government? Oh...think about it.
You mean like lame duck republicans who lost in Minnesota and Michigan are doing?
Minnesota. The new Somali homeland. See how that works for them in about 20 years. Michigan will go Trump in 2020.
Aren’t you sick of republicans making the rich richer and middle class smaller and then blaming Soros?
Republicans are the party of individual opportunity. Freedom to pursue your life under the greatest economic and political system on earth. What are you complaining about? George Soros is a threat to to the United States of America. Why should a foreign shipping billionaire be able to influence our national trajectory? Oh, if your a small town Arkansas boy who is easily impressed by wealth and power? Yep.
Our economic system hasn’t always been what it is today. In fact it’s been better and it’s been worse. Depends on our political system at the time.

I believe when democrats lead they created the biggest middle class the world had ever seen. Republicans policies created the Uber rich, a small merchant or middle class and a huge poor class called the rabble.

We left England because of your way where the rich rule. Money has taken over our government and weakened it. Powerless to regulate industry.

I disagree and don’t approve of your way at all.
Wake-up, it’s 2018. Democrats are not for the middle-class...they want to take from them. They thrive on racism and class warfare.
Ur brainwashed if you believe that.

Free market capitalism didn’t create the middle class liberal policies did. Republican policies have made the rich richer and widened the gap between the rich and poor
Liberal policies did? How about post World War Two no American cities were bombed and destroyed, no battles fought on continental soil. We were dominant. Should have maintained that...but Bill Clinton traded NAFTA for his wife’s health care crusade in 1993.
How about the GI bill, unions, labor laws, sick leave, pensions, good wages for people with high school degrees, $5 copays, affordable college, social security and Medicare?
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
It’s 100% about the establishment not wanting to honor the voice of the people. That’s the “deep state. “ How Many years did Trump serve in the federal government? Oh...think about it.
You mean like lame duck republicans who lost in Minnesota and Michigan are doing?
Minnesota. The new Somali homeland. See how that works for them in about 20 years. Michigan will go Trump in 2020.
I don’t think so. Ask GM workers.
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.
I agree but there certainly a lot of guilty pleas and then you then claim mueller is forcing people to lie.

You can’t see trump co is a criminal organization. I’m glad the deep state is keeping a close eye on trump.

There are people in the White House protecting us from trump. Seriously
It’s 100% about the establishment not wanting to honor the voice of the people. That’s the “deep state. “ How Many years did Trump serve in the federal government? Oh...think about it.
You mean like lame duck republicans who lost in Minnesota and Michigan are doing?
Minnesota. The new Somali homeland. See how that works for them in about 20 years. Michigan will go Trump in 2020.
My brother lives in Dearborn the Arab capital of America. We don’t have problems because Arab kids aren’t picked on at school by racist white kids and their parent have full access to economic opportunity.

Do I love Arabs? No, but I don’t love Christians either. Lol

Interesting fact white people put Arabs in Dearborn as a buffer between us and Detroit. It’s true. Another example of how Arab immigrants are treated better than American born black people who we’ve cut off from the economic opportunity in Detroit.

But I guess they could leave.
It will not...
You, of course, could not possibly know the truth of this and are just a trump cultist shitting his pants and making stuff up to soothe himself
Correct. Trump is innocent, until he’s not, and it won’t even matter to them.
It’s called “innocent until proven guilty.” Core of our criminal justice system.

Tell that to Trump! He's been trying to get Bill and Hillary sent to jail for years! Get over yourself! :9: :21: :aargh:
Process crimes and indictments on personal lives from 20 years ago. Lol. Keep on with that fantasy.

Let me educate you.

There is no such animal as a "process crime" and check your timelines

Yes, it happens when a prosecutor doesn't have anything on a person so he/she just perjury traps. Mueller has to show something and this is all he has.

Everything you just posted is a Trumpian lie.

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". All you have to do is tell the truth, and such a trap can't work. And as for the guilty pleas, defendants also have to provide proof of their crimes. You can't just walk into court, and say "I did it", and implicate others without proof. Cohen has provided tapes, letters, emails, signed agreements, and other documentation to back up his guilty plea about lying about Trump Tower Moscow, and in implicating Trump and his children, he provided copies of emails providing instruction and direction from the Trump family members, a Letter of Intent signed by Trump even as he was telling people he had no business deals in Russia, and tape recordings of conversations.

THAT's what Mueller has. And he has it from all cooperating witnesses. Their cell phones, their emails - all evidence and documentation proving the crimes of Donald J. Trump and his family. The President is now the subject of an FBI investigation. This week, several Republican lawyers have opined that Trump's tweets castigating Cohen for cooperating and dangling pardons to those who don't, are open witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Mueller has a shit ton of evidence, and the collusion is now out in the open. Trump wasn't going for the win. It was all an elaborate scam to get Trump Tower Moscow built. This selfish greedy man never gave a rat's ass about the country, and that's why he's been running it into the ground.

The bull market is over, expect more pain ti follow.

This from above is one of the big lies from this post


and in implicating Trump and his children


No proof at all that he has implicated trump and his children which makes this poster lose all credibility

And another group that is so crooked. The educational system. It is a fraud education that does not give the data to a 18 yr old voter and show the dsta how an 18 yr old after gaining experience becomes much more conservative which then proves liberals are the unwise. And this not told makes education a total fraud

This is a natural change just as a 7 yr old feels shorter than 20 yr olds. As one goes thru life they become taller from the young stage and also more conservative because of experience and wisdom that comes from learning

So liberalism comes from being unwise or a CROOK !!!

Like America's wise founders said there never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide. The wider the democracy to include the unwise to vote the faster to a nation that commits suicide
Process crimes and indictments on personal lives from 20 years ago. Lol. Keep on with that fantasy.

Let me educate you.

There is no such animal as a "process crime" and check your timelines

Yes, it happens when a prosecutor doesn't have anything on a person so he/she just perjury traps. Mueller has to show something and this is all he has.

Everything you just posted is a Trumpian lie.

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". All you have to do is tell the truth, and such a trap can't work. And as for the guilty pleas, defendants also have to provide proof of their crimes. You can't just walk into court, and say "I did it", and implicate others without proof. Cohen has provided tapes, letters, emails, signed agreements, and other documentation to back up his guilty plea about lying about Trump Tower Moscow, and in implicating Trump and his children, he provided copies of emails providing instruction and direction from the Trump family members, a Letter of Intent signed by Trump even as he was telling people he had no business deals in Russia, and tape recordings of conversations.

THAT's what Mueller has. And he has it from all cooperating witnesses. Their cell phones, their emails - all evidence and documentation proving the crimes of Donald J. Trump and his family. The President is now the subject of an FBI investigation. This week, several Republican lawyers have opined that Trump's tweets castigating Cohen for cooperating and dangling pardons to those who don't, are open witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Mueller has a shit ton of evidence, and the collusion is now out in the open. Trump wasn't going for the win. It was all an elaborate scam to get Trump Tower Moscow built. This selfish greedy man never gave a rat's ass about the country, and that's why he's been running it into the ground.

The bull market is over, expect more pain ti follow.

Everything I said was truth. It only takes a low level IQ prosecutor to perjury trap an individual. And, there is still no collusion and Trump was never under investigation. Lol. You guys are beyond delusional and run simply on emotion never logic.

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