Flynn Gets No Prison Time

Should Flynn have served "some" time for his unprofessional behavior?

  • Yes, probably for the rest of his life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, minimal time even though he cooperated fully

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No time indicated since he was so forthcoming

    Votes: 19 67.9%

  • Total voters
Trump could literally be behind bars and these turnips would say he's just at his new Trump Resort, "Trump Alcatraz"

Little commie butthurt fucks (such as yourself) declared that Trump would be impeached by this time last year. Little fuckwads (such as yourself) are not pissed about the revelations of corruption and criminality of the DNC provided to us by Wikileaks...OH HELL NO! Little commie fuckwads (such as yourself) are pissed that this was revealed......speaks volumes to me.

Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

LMAO!!!!! how much do you think a General makes a year? must be kidding.....

Generals live like Kings .

Micheal Flynn Net Worth
Micheal is a retired Lieutenant General of United States Army whose annual income is $900,000 USD and as a National Security Advisor, he has around $172,200 per years.In 2015 Flynn was paid over $65,000 by companies connected to Russia including $11,250 from both Volga-Dnepr Ariles and U.S. subsidairy of Kaspersky Lab.

His net worth of approximately $7 million.

Michael Flynn Net Worth, Military Career & Personal Life
Trump could literally be behind bars and these turnips would say he's just at his new Trump Resort, "Trump Alcatraz"

Little commie butthurt fucks (such as yourself) declared that Trump would be impeached by this time last year. Little fuckwads (such as yourself) are not pissed about the revelations of corruption and criminality of the DNC provided to us by Wikileaks...OH HELL NO! Little commie fuckwads (such as yourself) are pissed that this was revealed......speaks volumes to me.


Full power to the deflectors ! Maximum Hillary’s!
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.

Oh gee, more insights from the resident alcoholic who is batting .000 with her predictions.

We have a resident alcoholic?
Don't be jealous, there is still time to wrestle the title away.

We have to wrestle for it? WWE style?
You telling me the poor widdle General was bully wullied by the big meany special prosecutor?
The criminal witch hunter who is on record as having manufactured and who hid evidence to intentionally send innocent Americans to prison....

Hopefully he will be the next one sent to prison...
Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

Timmy is getting the same gas and bloating he had the morning of 4 November, 2016 when the world caved in on him and Trump was president. Mueller was supposed to be the avenging angel but it turns out he's just another old turd that hasn't been flushed (yet).
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Well, If Mueller gets bigger Fish.
Flynn may start saying Lock Me Up in PC, so I can live.

After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Well, If Mueller gets bigger Fish.
Flynn may start saying Lock Me Up in PC, so I can live.

View attachment 232817
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Well, If Mueller gets bigger Fish.
Flynn may start saying Lock Me Up in PC, so I can live.

View attachment 232817
Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion ... By Trump

Perjury Traps and Russian-authored Dossier

McCabe Indicted

Rosenstein / Mueller Obstruction

Prosecutorial Misconduct

Democrat Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy exposed...

US IG reported witness testimony tampering...

Flynn Walking Away FREE....

The FBI caught going after / intimidating a protected whistleblower that could get Mueller and Hillary investigated / indicted...

The Witch Hunt is imploding
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Hey other targets: This is how you get "pardoned", once President Babyman abandons you.
Former NY Mayor Guiliani said Michael Flynn's offense was comparable to "spitting on the sidewalk." "They are sick puppies," said Giuliani, who added: "This whole thing started as an orchestrated attempt to take the president out of office as an insurance policy." Giuliani says nothing in Flynn memo suggests collusion, calls Mueller team 'media inspired prosecutors,' 'sick puppies'

If what Rudy Guiliani saying Flynn's offense is that minor, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did the right thing to let him off. I have a hunch Trump's team has been troubled enough by bitter politics from leftists determined to grab at political straws over their loss of the Executive Branch of government. If I were Robert Meuller, who is looking tired of all of this by his photographed face, I'd like to retire and try to make the best of years he has left to enjoy life some. Special Counsels don't always get the jobs of their choice, and this job was no exception. There's no doubt in my mind he knows he was being played by Hillary's wrathful supporters. I'm sorry, but the DNC is lost in spades over their unabated anger about being losers in the 2016 outcome. I hope they also try to make something positive in this lesson: you must love all types of Americans including the loyal opposition if you want to be a winner. I hope I never see another case of a representative in Congress pull a stunt like harassing members of the executive branch, and not ever again. That is loser stuff.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Actually, it was from 0 to six months.

Depends on what the judge decides.

Let's get the facts straight.
Former NY Mayor Guiliani said Michael Flynn's offense was comparable to "spitting on the sidewalk." "They are sick puppies," said Giuliani, who added: "This whole thing started as an orchestrated attempt to take the president out of office as an insurance policy." Giuliani says nothing in Flynn memo suggests collusion, calls Mueller team 'media inspired prosecutors,' 'sick puppies'

If what Rudy Guiliani saying Flynn's offense is that minor, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did the right thing to let him off. I have a hunch Trump's team has been troubled enough by bitter politics from leftists determined to grab at political straws over their loss of the Executive Branch of government. If I were Robert Meuller, who is looking tired of all of this by his photographed face, I'd like to retire and try to make the best of years he has left to enjoy life some. Special Counsels don't always get the jobs of their choice, and this job was no exception. There's no doubt in my mind he knows he was being played by Hillary's wrathful supporters. I'm sorry, but the DNC is lost in spades over their unabated anger about being losers in the 2016 outcome. I hope they also try to make something positive in this lesson: you must love all types of Americans including the loyal opposition if you want to be a winner. I hope I never see another case of a representative in Congress pull a stunt like harassing members of the executive branch, and not ever again. That is loser stuff.
What the fuk are you talking about? You come across as delusional.

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