Flynn Gets No Prison Time

Should Flynn have served "some" time for his unprofessional behavior?

  • Yes, probably for the rest of his life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, minimal time even though he cooperated fully

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No time indicated since he was so forthcoming

    Votes: 19 67.9%

  • Total voters
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?

If he didn't commit any crimes then why did he plead guilty to crimes?
Threats. Threats against his family.
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?

If he didn't commit any crimes then why did he plead guilty to crimes?
Threats. Threats against his family.

The threat would only hold water if his a-hole son was complicit in some way! He probably was; hence the guilty plea! :aargh:
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.

Oh gee, more insights from the resident alcoholic who is batting .000 with her predictions.
Flynn was interviewed at the WH under false pretenses without counsel present. He thought the sitdown was about an entirely different matter. The agents 302's said they didn't believe Flynn was lying and it was dropped until Slippery Jim was sent packing and Bob thought he could turn Flynn. Bob hates Trump for booting him out of the National Golf Club for not paying his greens fees. When Trump calls him "conflicted", that's what it's about. Speaking of haters, Chris Wallace despises Trump because Ivanka moved in down the street from him and her SS detail takes up parking places Wallace used to have for his cocktail parties with his Dim pals. He's been to the city variance board twice to get his parking places back and'll never hear about that on his crummy Sunday morning show.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?

If he didn't commit any crimes then why did he plead guilty to crimes?
Threats. Threats against his family.

The threat would only hold water if his a-hole son was complicit in some way! He probably was; hence the guilty plea! :aargh:


Trump could literally be behind bars and these turnips would say he's just at his new Trump Resort, "Trump Alcatraz"
Flynn has been dangling withdrawing his plea and go to trial. Mueller never had anything. He had to threaten Mueller's son just to get that.

Mueller had a guilty plea...and every incriminating word that Flynn made when offering it under oath.

After you've plead guilty, its rare for a federal judge to *allow* you to withdraw your plea. Flynn didn't withdraw because he had no case to withdraw. He lied his ass off and got caught doing it.

And Mueller was clear as a bell why he recommended no jail time: 'Substantial Assistence'.

Who is Flynn

I don't know anybody Flynn

I do know General Flynn!

Flynn is a felon
GOD BLESS you forever, General Flynn! :2up:

If he didn't commit any crimes then why did he plead guilty to crimes?
He was accused of lying to the FBI....he was put in a very tough spot and Mueller's team was breaking Flynn financially with legal fees threatening to look into Flynn's son who worked for General to end it and save what was left of his wealth he did what Mueller wanted...he admitted to lying to the FBI...but then the FBI said publicly that Flynn didn't lie to them but it wasn't until after Flynn was already convicted....

Is this kind of crap acceptable in America by half the nation?....if so we will have to get it on....because its not acceptable to me......

Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.

Oh gee, more insights from the resident alcoholic who is batting .000 with her predictions.

We have a resident alcoholic?
Trump could literally be behind bars ....
Ummm...that's just it - NO, NO HE COULDN'T!

Mueller would need actual EVIDENCE for that to happen, and he has shown he has none. He has shown he has PERJURY TRAPS, MANUFACTURED EVIDENCE, & a RUSSIAN-AUTHORED DOSSIER PAID FOR BY HILLARY...


Bwuhahahaha ...
Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

LMAO!!!!! how much do you think a General makes a year? must be kidding.....
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.

Oh gee, more insights from the resident alcoholic who is batting .000 with her predictions.

We have a resident alcoholic?

We have a lot more than one......
You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

I think, as Comey declared under oath, Flynn never lied to the FBI, and Mueller and Strzok charged him with lying to the FBI anyway...

...and Mueller just admitted to it by 'letting Flynn go Free'. :p
I can't wait to see who Flynn threw under the bus and provided supporting evidence to be able to get no jail time for his felony plea.

I'm betting on Don Jr.
More than likely no one. Mueller had to say something. He couldn't sit there and admit he had nothing. Not after the Papadopoulos debacle.

Oh gee, more insights from the resident alcoholic who is batting .000 with her predictions.

We have a resident alcoholic?
Don't be jealous, there is still time to wrestle the title away.
Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

LMAO!!!!! how much do you think a General makes a year? must be kidding.....

Former General who later cashed in working in private industry . Guess he got too greedy .

My point stands . You telling me the poor widdle General was bully wullied by the big meany special prosecutor?

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