Flynn is in trouble again

Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.
Michael Flynn 'promoted US-Russian nuclear project from White House'

US congressional investigators are examining whether Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, secretly promoted a plan by private business interests to build US-Russian nuclear power plants in the Middle East while he was serving in the White House.
How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

But Hillary is NOT the one being investigated for Obstruction of Justice.

Not yet. Trump has asked House Speaker Ryan to investigate HRC's culpability and her complicity in sending Harvey to Texas and Irma to Florida. Trump told Ryan he is concerned HRC will orchestrate a new ice age devastating WI, MI and PA this winter.
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Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.

Wrong again (seems to be your forte); the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under.
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.

Wrong again (seems to be your forte); the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under.
Those nasty right wingers and neo Facists are EVERYWHERE!!!


Dupe...stop getting all you news from left wing elitist sources.

Funny how a hero general to the USA is never OUT of trouble despite little evidence, yet Hillary the crook and criminal is never IN trouble despite a MOUNTAIN of hard facts! Just goes to show what the Left really stands for.


It's customary to make a post and sign it with your full name, to wit "Know Nothing"; given your blank post, you've clearly posted what describes the area between your ears.
Mueller will spend million$ of taxpayer dollars to indict General Flynn and Trump will pardon him....what a useless snipe hunt this has been.
How much money has Special Counsel Mueller spent? Give us a more accurate figure please....and what source you got it from.

Oh...and a so-called president can only pardon for federal crimes.....and only if the person is convicted and it is understood they admit guilt.

Ergo, you believe Flynn to be guilty.
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.

Wrong again (seems to be your forte); the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under.
Those nasty right wingers and neo Facists are EVERYWHERE!!!


Dupe...stop getting all you news from left wing elitist sources.

I don't read Breitbart which is neither left wing nor right wing, it is off the edge occupied by fringe fools.
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.
If they would only investigate her or assign a Special Counsel......
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.

Wrong again (seems to be your forte); the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under.
Those nasty right wingers and neo Facists are EVERYWHERE!!!


Dupe...stop getting all you news from left wing elitist sources.

I don't read Breitbart which is neither left wing nor right wing, it is off the edge occupied by fringe fools.
Stop buying the lies of the Bolshevik Upper Eastside elitist millionaire DNC media.

Your IQ will immediately shoot up. Anyone who would write the sentence below, obviously can't have a very high IQ....
"the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under."
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Yep...only Rs do things wrong. :uhoh3:

Hillary may be the most corrupt politician in our nation's history, but that means nothing to the partisan.

Wrong again (seems to be your forte); the only Republicans left are those who survived by dodging the bus the current crop of Right Wing, neo fascist plutocrats, tossed under.
Those nasty right wingers and neo Facists are EVERYWHERE!!!


Dupe...stop getting all you news from left wing elitist sources.

My news comes from myriad sources, and framed by my education. You have been brainwashed by propaganda, which is dissected by those who question authority and seek to understand events.

Hannity and Limbaugh, et al, should never be trusted nor echoed - sadly that is the sum and lack of substance of posts which exists on this message board daily.

Funny how a hero general to the USA is never OUT of trouble despite little evidence, yet Hillary the crook and criminal is never IN trouble despite a MOUNTAIN of hard facts! Just goes to show what the Left really stands for.
If only someone would investigate her....once, twice....someone. Or assign a Special Counsel....

It's one thing to open an investigation, quite a different thing to be held up for years fighting all of the government deep state refusing and delaying forever the release of the needed documents. When even the FBI Director says you're guilty as sin having committed a whole laundry list of heinous crimes, then speaks for the AG to say that no one would ever take up such an investigation after her telling him not to even CALL it an investigation, it takes real UNMITIGATED GALL to say that Hillary was every really "investigated."
Let us begin a list if the shimmy characters that Putin's President is going to have to pardon

Flynn's very slow son
Several of his, equally as slow, attorneys
Ivanka for leaking his
bedroom squeals

Please add more as they come to mind.

Funny how a hero general to the USA is never OUT of trouble despite little evidence, yet Hillary the crook and criminal is never IN trouble despite a MOUNTAIN of hard facts! Just goes to show what the Left really stands for.
If only someone would investigate her....once, twice....someone. Or assign a Special Counsel....

It's one thing to open an investigation, quite a different thing to be held up for years fighting all of the government deep state refusing and delaying forever the release of the needed documents. When even the FBI Director says you're guilty as sin having committed a whole laundry list of heinous crimes, then speaks for the AG to say that no one would ever take up such an investigation after her telling him not to even CALL it an investigation, it takes real UNMITIGATED GALL to say that Hillary was every really "investigated."

Hypocracy ^^^ on steroids. BTW, HRC has been under attack by the RW for three decades, & nary a thing has been proven of wrongdoing, nor an indictment promulgated.

Only fools continue to attack her, fools and assholes.

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