folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

is that why blue states that locked down and forced masks on citizens for months had as many and even more deaths than red states that didnt initiate draconian tyrannical violation of civil liberties like leftist tyrant wannabe governors did ? wheres Cuomo idiot ?
Oh yeah, Blue States and their cities are more populated than the Red States. California has a little more than 10% of the 330 Million US Citizens.
Governor Newsom didn't "initiate draconian tyrannical violation of civil liberties". Stop lying.
Fool - following Trump trained monkey rules to a tee. Rule: " Anything Biden or a Democrat does, say it is not good, everything Biden does in office is bad, fight like hell against anything people say is good that Biden does."
Precisely the reason behind Obama being pushed as a " MODERATE "
by Chicago Commie David Axelrod.In 2008.
Why Obama was an - Untouchable - all throughout his 2 terms.
Starting with his Immediate first massive spending bill just weeks
into his 2009 January Inauguration.
You will be hard pressed to find it's official name.
Started out as $ 787 Billion and expanded into $ 862 B.
A Stimulus bill. Where Fed chair Alan Greenspan weighed in
months later.Stating that it would not be used as advertised.
For Infrastructure like in FDR's Works Projects.
That in all likelihood it would only barely be used for
New roads and bridges.Greenspan was right.By late fall of
2009 at best only 10% of Obama's first spending bill was used.
You really need to lay off the drugs. Ever hear of "Desert One"?

The hostages were returned because Reagan threatened to turn Iran into a glass parking lot.

Come on Perfessor, you are better than that

Iran held back the hostages till hours after Reagan was sworn in as an FU to Jimmy Carter
His staff had negotiated the terms

Reagan was so threatening that he had Ollie North provide Iran Arms in an illegal Arms for Hostages deal.

Come on Perfessor, you are better than that

Iran held back the hostages till hours after Reagan was sworn in as an FU to Jimmy Carter
His staff had negotiated the terms

Reagan was so threatening that he had Ollie North provide Iran Arms in an illegal Arms for Hostages deal.

Same drool Dr.Fauci used last week when Fox's Bret Baier interviewed
him.Fauci got tripped up and used " Bret ... you are better than that ".
Come on Perfessor, you are better than that

Iran held back the hostages till hours after Reagan was sworn in as an FU to Jimmy Carter
His staff had negotiated the terms

Reagan was so threatening that he had Ollie North provide Iran Arms in an illegal Arms for Hostages deal.

The weapons that Israel sold to Iran were defensive SAMs and TOWs for their war against Iraq. That occurred over two years after the hostages were released.

We got the hostages back, didn't we?
Americans aren't fundamentally well rounded individuals. They have focused knowledge that doesn't stray much past their employment field. So knowing who Zawahiri was, is on par with knowing who the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th president of the united states was.
But they DO know that Biden was able to get the head of AQ.

In a country in which we have no real presence any longer.
Jimmy Carter showed restraint in dealing with the Iran Hostages.
His restraint resulted in all hostages being returned safely but cost him the election
You really need to lay off the drugs. Ever hear of "Desert One"?
The hostages were returned because Reagan threatened to turn Iran into a glass parking lot.
Come on Perfessor, you are better than that
Iran held back the hostages till hours after Reagan was sworn in as an FU to Jimmy Carter
His staff had negotiated the terms
Reagan was so threatening that he had Ollie North provide Iran Arms in an illegal Arms for Hostages deal.
Iran held back the hostages until Reagan because Carter refused to trade arms for hostages.

Had Reagan also refused to trade arms for hostages, Iran would not have released them in such a timely manner.
Am I the only one asking What In God's Name Did Biden Just DO?

1) We have a threat from Russia, who says it will Nuke us unless we let them take over Ukraine.
Russia is not capable of taking over Ukraine. They have already tried, and they failed. They can only steal some of Ukraine's territory.

And if they nuke us, we will nuke them.

That conflict will amost CERTAINLY turn into a ground war with US involved within 6 to 12 months...Russia will not stop at the border of Ukraine.
IF Russia manages to capture Odessa they will certainly press on into Moldova. But it is unlikely that this will result in direct warfare with the US. Rather, the US will continue to supply Ukraine (and potentially Moldova) with advanced weapons so they can slaughter an entire generation of Russians on the battlefield.

2) China is threatening to take Taiwan, a country we have a treaty with to defend, and is making incursions into several other Pacific countries.
If China tries, they will fail, just like Russia failed to take over Ukraine.

3) Now this senile idiot opens another possible front by digging up a 20-year-old narrative and rubs salt in the wounds of all the Islamic states by firing rockets into a sovereign country without following due process of law. You seriously don't think there will be any retaliation?
The 9/11 attacks are merely a 20 year old narrative???

We followed due process of law. We could have nuked the entire city and it would have been 100% legal.

If anyone dares to retaliate, it will be OK for us to slaughter a few million of their citizens in response.

6) Almost forgot - he's drawn down our oil reserves to almost nothing, so when the shooting war starts, we won't have any fuel for our troops.
That's a bad move. We should build our reserves back up.
Why doesn't Sleepy Joe use a drone to take out Khalid Sheik Muhammed as well?
US Intelligence knows where that doofus is at, and he's at least just as guilty as this other deceased evildoer?
We already have him in custody. However, lethal injection (after conviction in a fair trial) sounds like a great idea.

I haven't read the words Al-Zawahiri on the news for so, so, long that it is absolutely immaterial for me today.
Too little too late.
Sooner would have been better. But it is never too late to kill a 9/11 perpetrator.

Big deal.
Like no one will just take this guy's place.
Anyone who thinks this is a big deal knows little of the world.
He was one of the people responsible for 9/11.

Killing him is a wonderful thing.

These types of drone strikes, without regard for civilian casualties are always wrong. Under Bush and Obama thousands of innocent people were killed in such strikes.
Nope. Every single one of those scumbags had it coming. They all got exactly what they deserved.

It only took 20 years. Is this really something to celebrate? Our so-called intelligence agencies suck.
Yes, it is something to celebrate. We finally got him.

Now let's get Saif al-Adel too.

More wag the dog from Conservatives
You said the same thing when Bill Clinton tried to kill bin Laden
Clinton is bringing up this bin Laden stuff to distract people from Lewinsky
Well to be fair, most people didn't perceive the threat at the time. That double embassy bombing was a significant attack, but it didn't really stand out from other large attacks that are occasionally made against the US. And at the time we didn't even realize that those bombings of our troops in Saudi Arabia were perpetrated by al-Qa'ida.

I didn't start considering al-Qa'ida a mortal threat to America until the Cole bombing, and even then pretty much everyone thought I was being pointlessly alarmist. Most people only realized it when the World Trade Center collapsed.

This guy must be over 95 years old... we could have waited a few months for him to die of natural causes... what was the rush all about?....
It was about justice for the victims of 9/11.

Killing their top leadership means squat.
Killing one of the leading figures behind the 9/11 attacks means a lot to me.

I'm sure it means infinitely more to an actual victim of 9/11.

They always have somebody waiting to take over.
I look forward to the day when all living members of al-Qa'ida are people who joined after 9/11.

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