folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Troops were certainly targeted. The US doesn't target civilians.
You cannot read your own fucking link?

"What the Marines dropped, the spokesmen said yesterday, were "Mark 77 firebombs." They acknowledged those are incendiary devices with a function "remarkably similar" to napalm weapons."

Now, have a nice fucking day, and STFU!
Of course I can. It shows that the US Marines conducted napalm airstrikes against Iraqi troops in 2003.

I'll gladly have a nice day, but I will not be silent.
Obviously not, because your link says they were NOT napalm, but "remarkably similar".

Try reading for once. I posted it already, you fucking illiterate dumbass!

You won't be silent, so you must enjoy showing the world how ignorant you are!
Obviously not, because your link says they were NOT napalm, but "remarkably similar".
Pretending that it isn't actually napalm just because it is made from a new and improved formula is pretty silly.

Try reading for once. I posted it already, you fucking illiterate dumbass!
You won't be silent, so you must enjoy showing the world how ignorant you are!
Your reliance on name-calling is evidence that your position is indefensible.

I advise changing to a position that can be defended with facts and logic.
Pretending that it isn't actually napalm just because it is made from a new and improved formula is pretty silly.

Your reliance on name-calling is evidence that your position is indefensible.

I advise changing to a position that can be defended with facts and logic.
Name-calling? I guess the truth hurts, huh?

I defended my position, and you are too stupid to acknowledge it.

Open Bolts are useless, just like you!
Yes. You spout childish name-calling because you are unable to defend your position using facts or logic.

I guess the truth hurts, huh?
Not really. But you haven't been posting the truth. All you've managed to post is childish name-calling.

I defended my position,
Your only defense is childish name-calling. That really isn't much of a defense.

and you are too stupid to acknowledge it.
You're the only person here who has failed to post an intelligent argument.

Open Bolts are useless, just like you!
More childish name-calling because you are unable to come up with an intelligent argument.
Yes. You spout childish name-calling because you are unable to defend your position using facts or logic.

Not really. But you haven't been posting the truth. All you've managed to post is childish name-calling.

Your only defense is childish name-calling. That really isn't much of a defense.

You're the only person here who has failed to post an intelligent argument.

More childish name-calling because you are unable to come up with an intelligent argument.
Welcome to my ignore list for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.
Here is what we have since after last night's overwheming victory of Women's Rights.

1. The Republican bleated and bloviated and screamed for years about letting the "People" decide what they wanted. The People of Kansas decided that they would vote to uphold, under Kansas State Constitution to protect a Woman's Right To Choose.

2. The Republicans should have been careful of what they wish for. They got their wish and it went South on them. They never expect that a Deep Red State like Kansas would come down on the side of Women and their right to decide for themselves if they want to have an Abortion and the State of Kansas will not interfere in that decision.

3. By putting a Woman's Right To Chose on the ballot, the Republicans could not control the vote. Tueday Night's vote was driven by Voter Turnout. There was a huge turnout and it worked against Conservative Republicans.

4. By putting a Woman's Right To Choose on the ballot, the Tuesday Vote shows that it can win at the ballot box.

5. Turn Out when a Woman's Right To Choose is huge out of the gate. Polls have constantly proven than an overwhelming number of American's support a Woman's Right To Choose.

The Conservative's got exactly what they wanted, to give the State, give the Voter's a Right To Choose to support a Woman's Right To Choose. Tuesday Night shows that while Cons may want that, they cannot control how what they want will turn out.

Suck it Butter cup, you fucking got what you fucking wanted. The People of Kansas have spoken and they have decided with one voice, Women Have A Constitual Right To Abortion.

I am fucking loving it.
Here is what we have since after last night's overwheming victory of Women's Rights.

1. The Republican bleated and bloviated and screamed for years about letting the "People" decide what they wanted. The People of Kansas decided that they would vote to uphold, under Kansas State Constitution to protect a Woman's Right To Choose.

2. The Republicans should have been careful of what they wish for. They got their wish and it went South on them. They never expect that a Deep Red State like Kansas would come down on the side of Women and their right to decide for themselves if they want to have an Abortion and the State of Kansas will not interfere in that decision.

3. By putting a Woman's Right To Chose on the ballot, the Republicans could not control the vote. Tueday Night's vote was driven by Voter Turnout. There was a huge turnout and it worked against Conservative Republicans.

4. By putting a Woman's Right To Choose on the ballot, the Tuesday Vote shows that it can win at the ballot box.

5. Turn Out when a Woman's Right To Choose is huge out of the gate. Polls have constantly proven than an overwhelming number of American's support a Woman's Right To Choose.

The Conservative's got exactly what they wanted, to give the State, give the Voter's a Right To Choose to support a Woman's Right To Choose. Tuesday Night shows that while Cons may want that, they cannot control how what they want will turn out.

Suck it Butter cup, you fucking got what you fucking wanted. The People of Kansas have spoken and they have decided with one voice, Women Have A Constitual Right To Abortion.

I am fucking loving it.
You might be in the wrong thread...
Trump destroyed the Isis caliphate within months of taking office the same caliphate that raged across the middle east and killed 100s of thousands and grew in power and operated for yrs when Obama and Biden were in the WH .
What president did ISIS start under?

I studied the Faked Osama bin Laden raid { killing }
It was a major hoax.Most of it was obvioulsy displaced
and could never rebound from true scrutiny.The reason
No Politican was even allowed { except a few hand picked }
The Remains or OBL c/o CIA { Intelligence } photos.I think it was
like Diane Feinstein and Lindsay Graham and a couple other senators
that were reported to have viewed the highly classified photos of
the Dead OBL. The body was rushed to be buried at Sea.
The lollygaging liars in the Press insisted that was a Muslim/Islamic
rirual.ONLY when a Muslim Dies at Sea.NOT on land.
Then there's the DNA. Like I wrote it was rushed.DNA cannot be rushed
in a few days.Takes at least a full week or more.
Many other signs that cannot be realistically explained.
Put into context the way the press and the Democrats portrayed
the Benghazi attack.
Plus al-Zawahiri was reported dead back in 2016 and also 2020.
I don't suppose Russian Romanticism is about or have a comeback
anytime soon.
We already have him in custody. However, lethal injection (after conviction in a fair trial) sounds like a great idea.

Humbolt Pie.Keep in mind that stout Hermann Goring who was
jailed until his execution managed to sneak a cyanide capsule
to end his life.Hitler gave his trusted dog Blondi his cyanide
capsule.But there's no one around to explain how he did it.
Dogs generally don't like taking pills.I wonder if Herr Hitler
had a little leftover braunschweiger around and smeared the cyanide
capsule.Hitler shot himself.

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