folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

ISIS was formed from the folks who used to be Al Qaeda, you ignorant boot licker. Oh that's right that wasn't on the right wing talking points where you get your information from. My bad.
haha so they weren’t around in 2001…that was AQ, based out of Afghan…you know the folks your Boss Joey Xiden just surrendered to
No matter what is said about biden.....he did the right thing in approving the attack.....though he could have done it much sooner......Zawharis location was known for months.

Those responsible for planning the attack probably had to jump through hoops to get biden's approval.

Lest we forget he was against taking out Osama bin Laden.

Nevertheless.....he deserves some credit in this case.
Nope, the Democrat's deserve absolutely nothing..(No Bump). Do you even realize who you are dealing with in these people ?
Thank God for the Intelligence infrastructure built by Dick Cheney. Even Obama, Trump, and Biden knew not to fuck with it.
Meanwhile we got scams galore in this country, where foreigner's are working in concert with Americans to steal or embezzle money from the elderly. We got constant abuse going on against American's by telemarketing thieves working for U.S. corporation's in the call center scam's. Then we got sex trafficking, and drugs pouring in from other countries working across border's with the help of corrupt American's right under these so called rock solid institutions that you promote or claim that the one's you mentioned best not muck with....

But if an American (a needle in a haystack), were to run their mouths in a threatening way against government officials, somehow amazingly they would find them immediately, and they would knock upon the door in the middle of the night if need be to arrest them.

Now how is it that they can do that, but a multitude of catastrophic abuses are constant against the American people, and cricket's ??

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