folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

How many more times is Zawahiri going to be killed? This is the 4th or 5th time since 2015 that he has either been killed or died from a sickness. I want to see some body parts.
At least you are thinking about the situation. That's awesome.


Russia is not capable of taking over Ukraine. They have already tried, and they failed. They can only steal some of Ukraine's territory.

They have made steady progress over key cities over the past 3 months. Unless NATO gets fully involved, there is no way to stop Russia, who outnumber Ukraine on the battle field 6 to 1. They also have complete air superiority, but they are saving those for later.

And if they nuke us, we will nuke them.
Seriously? Nukes are just a saber rattler at this point. They won't strike until USA is substantially deployed abroad. I thought everyone understood that?
IF Russia manages to capture Odessa they will certainly press on into Moldova. But it is unlikely that this will result in direct warfare with the US. Rather, the US will continue to supply Ukraine (and potentially Moldova) with advanced weapons so they can slaughter an entire generation of Russians on the battlefield.
Moldova is already Russian.

At first, Russia will take a few towns along the Polish/NATO border, claiming those towns were harboring Ukraine "Nazis". Then another pause. Then a few more towns and so on and so forth. Once they have the nuclear power plants harvested (early next year?), they will be able to manufacture ample equipment and munitions.
If China tries, they will fail, just like Russia failed to take over Ukraine.
Taiwan is a different story. China will want to take it slowly so as not to disrupt the nuclear plants and technology fabrication centers. It will be a different war, for sure.
The 9/11 attacks are merely a 20 year old narrative???

We followed due process of law. We could have nuked the entire city and it would have been 100% legal.
How so legal? Is it in the UN charter that one nation can pre-emptively strike another nation? The current government of Afghanistan signed no treaties or accords with USA or any other nation, afaik. Even those would be thrown out if Biden didn't exercise all available means to extradite the terrorist under international law.

And it doesn't even matter: what matters is what the Islamic states and people see it as. Nope, we ended that battle 1 year ago. Anything that wasn't done then falls under the jurisdiction of the new nation. Unfortunately, it's not the same government we had hoped for.
If anyone dares to retaliate, it will be OK for us to slaughter a few million of their citizens in response.
How would we do that? On which front? In Europe as Russia invades Georgia? In Taiwan or the Phillipines as China invades there? Or in Sudan as they invade Egypt?

I trust you have enlisted to make good on your bold (overly optimistic) claims.
That's a bad move. We should build our reserves back up.
No kidding. Even a small number of unexpectedly fired soldiers produces a large number of units that are no longer combat ready. Again, I hope you have enlisted already. If not, tomorrow is just a few hours away and your recruiter is waiting.
At least you are thinking about the situation. That's awesome.

They have made steady progress over key cities over the past 3 months. Unless NATO gets fully involved, there is no way to stop Russia, who outnumber Ukraine on the battle field 6 to 1. They also have complete air superiority, but they are saving those for later.

Seriously? Nukes are just a saber rattler at this point. They won't strike until USA is substantially deployed abroad. I thought everyone understood that?

Moldova is already Russian.

At first, Russia will take a few towns along the Polish/NATO border, claiming those towns were harboring Ukraine "Nazis". Then another pause. Then a few more towns and so on and so forth. Once they have the nuclear power plants harvested (early next year?), they will be able to manufacture ample equipment and munitions.

Taiwan is a different story. China will want to take it slowly so as not to disrupt the nuclear plants and technology fabrication centers. It will be a different war, for sure.

How so legal? Is it in the UN charter that one nation can pre-emptively strike another nation? The current government of Afghanistan signed no treaties or accords with USA or any other nation, afaik. Even those would be thrown out if Biden didn't exercise all available means to extradite the terrorist under international law.

And it doesn't even matter: what matters is what the Islamic states and people see it as. Nope, we ended that battle 1 year ago. Anything that wasn't done then falls under the jurisdiction of the new nation. Unfortunately, it's not the same government we had hoped for.

How would we do that? On which front? In Europe as Russia invades Georgia? In Taiwan or the Phillipines as China invades there? Or in Sudan as they invade Egypt?

I trust you have enlisted to make good on your bold (overly optimistic) claims.

No kidding. Even a small number of unexpectedly fired soldiers produces a large number of units that are no longer combat ready. Again, I hope you have enlisted already. If not, tomorrow is just a few hours away and your recruiter is waiting.
Wrong thread, dumbass!
The weapons that Israel sold to Iran were defensive SAMs and TOWs for their war against Iraq. That occurred over two years after the hostages were released.

We got the hostages back, didn't we?

Yes, all hostages were safe

Even though it cost Carter the Presidency, his refusal to authorize a military attack saved lives.
But they DO know that Biden was able to get the head of AQ.

In a country in which we have no real presence any longer.

Still waiting for you to explain how who's President has any effect on things like this. Do you think the last 3 guys were like yeah I dont care about Zawahiri, and Biden came in and said get that guy, and then did all the Intel work and flew the drone to do the strike? Or did he just happen to be in office when we were able to get a shot at the guy and be successful? Same with Obama and OBL, Trump with Bagdadi, etc.
Oh yeah, Blue States and their cities are more populated than the Red States. California has a little more than 10% of the 330 Million US Citizens.
Governor Newsom didn't "initiate draconian tyrannical violation of civil liberties". Stop lying.
Only the trumpanzees respond with an emoticon laughing at reality. It's those who can't write any expository rebuttals and in this case yadnar is one of them.
In an agreement agreed upon by the Traitor and later Mr. Biden, the Taliban agreed NOT TO HARBOR KNOWN TERRORISTS!!!! This is what the fucking Traitor fucking agreed to.

Afghanistan was haboring a known Terrorist.

Afghanistan was harboring the co-founder of Taliblan.

Afghanistan was harboring one of the architects of the September 11th. attacks.

IF the Traitor had done this, you would be shouting from the rooftops what a great thing it is, but if Dem does the exact same thing you cry about how wrong it is. Fucking Hypocrite.
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They have made steady progress over key cities over the past 3 months.
But only in a small region of Ukraine. Russia has only captured a small amount of territory. And they have suffered massive casualties while doing so.

And that is on top of the earlier massive casualties that Russia suffered when their attempt to capture Kyiv failed catastrophically.

Unless NATO gets fully involved, there is no way to stop Russia, who outnumber Ukraine on the battle field 6 to 1. They also have complete air superiority, but they are saving those for later.
NATO was not required when Russia's attempt to capture Kyiv failed catastrophically.

It remains to be seen whether Russia will succeed in capturing Odessa. Or even whether Russia can hold onto any Ukrainian territory over the long term.

Seriously? Nukes are just a saber rattler at this point. They won't strike until USA is substantially deployed abroad. I thought everyone understood that?
It doesn't matter. If Russia nukes us (or nukes our NATO allies), we will nuke Russia.

Moldova is already Russian.
Moldova doesn't seem to agree.

At first, Russia will take a few towns along the Polish/NATO border, claiming those towns were harboring Ukraine "Nazis". Then another pause. Then a few more towns and so on and so forth. Once they have the nuclear power plants harvested (early next year?), they will be able to manufacture ample equipment and munitions.
Any Russian forces who cross over into Poland will be slaughtered.

How so legal? Is it in the UN charter that one nation can pre-emptively strike another nation? The current government of Afghanistan signed no treaties or accords with USA or any other nation, afaik. Even those would be thrown out if Biden didn't exercise all available means to extradite the terrorist under international law.
It is legal because Afghanistan attacked us and we have the right to defend ourselves.

And it doesn't even matter: what matters is what the Islamic states and people see it as. Nope, we ended that battle 1 year ago. Anything that wasn't done then falls under the jurisdiction of the new nation. Unfortunately, it's not the same government we had hoped for.
"What Islamic states see it as" is not a matter of any importance.

If they get in our way, they can be killed. Dead people are pretty good at keeping their opinions to themselves.

How would we do that? On which front? In Europe as Russia invades Georgia? In Taiwan or the Phillipines as China invades there? Or in Sudan as they invade Egypt?
There are any number of ways that we could slaughter a few million citizens of a country that retaliates for our killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri.

How about by carpet-bombing all of their major cities with napalm? I like a nice hot fire.

I trust you have enlisted to make good on your bold (overly optimistic) claims.
The Air Force already knows how to carpet-bomb cities with napalm. They don't need me to explain it to them.
How many more times is Zawahiri going to be killed? This is the 4th or 5th time since 2015 that he has either been killed or died from a sickness.
I don't recall hearing that. Whoever reported those earlier deaths was clearly mistaken.

I want to see some body parts.
I'd like to see that too. My understanding is that these sword missiles can really chop people up.

Yes, all hostages were safe
Even though it cost Carter the Presidency, his refusal to authorize a military attack saved lives.
Actually Carter did authorize a military attack. Unfortunately it failed.

Shit for brains, it was two years AFTER the hostages in Iran were released. You are displaying your ability to lie!
Your reliance on name-calling is evidence that you hold a position that cannot be defended with facts or logic.

Perhaps you should consider changing to a more defensible position.
Spoken like a true Republican
We see where your priorities are
Not with democrats, that's for sure. Democrats are the lowest of the low, the most reprehensible of the most reprehensible. Evil such as needing its own classification of Evil. Past the 7th circle of hell. Satan created a new depth of depravity just for democrats.
But only in a small region of Ukraine. Russia has only captured a small amount of territory. And they have suffered massive casualties while doing so.

And that is on top of the earlier massive casualties that Russia suffered when their attempt to capture Kyiv failed catastrophically.

NATO was not required when Russia's attempt to capture Kyiv failed catastrophically.

It remains to be seen whether Russia will succeed in capturing Odessa. Or even whether Russia can hold onto any Ukrainian territory over the long term.

It doesn't matter. If Russia nukes us (or nukes our NATO allies), we will nuke Russia.

Moldova doesn't seem to agree.

Any Russian forces who cross over into Poland will be slaughtered.

It is legal because Afghanistan attacked us and we have the right to defend ourselves.

"What Islamic states see it as" is not a matter of any importance.

If they get in our way, they can be killed. Dead people are pretty good at keeping their opinions to themselves.

There are any number of ways that we could slaughter a few million citizens of a country that retaliates for our killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri.

How about by carpet-bombing all of their major cities with napalm? I like a nice hot fire.

The Air Force already knows how to carpet-bomb cities with napalm. They don't need me to explain it to them.

Napalm is a weapon that the US removed from it's stockpile in 2001. Have a nice day!

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