folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

Yep, Al-Qaeda is back in Afghanistan plotting more terrorism at the U.S. Makes sense with Biden in office.
Hey dipshit, you are an absolute moron. I wore the masks, we didn't go anywhere for over a year, how is that being dangerous? You are a true moron. and you are full of shit you biddable idiot.

So I wore masks, got Covid twice and once after the vaccine, that is the last time I take the vaccine as it is impotent.

When the virus was first out, science told us that this would never go away vaccines or not because of it's mutations and how fast and easily it spread.

You are purposely lying because that is all you got. Your need to look better is based your insecurities in your own self-worth. Please quit projecting you inadequacies on others and grow up.
If you took the mask and stayed home for a year and got Covid you need to get better housemates. Sorry I triggered you, but you are a trumpanzee if I can recall your usual posts. I don't lie, and I post what I believe.
If you took the mask and stayed home for a year and got Covid you need to get better housemates. Sorry I triggered you, but you are a trumpanzee if I can recall your usual posts. I don't lie, and I post what I believe.
Yeah.....the vaccine doesn't work on Trump voters.
Wait, are you calling for drone strikes on those you consider the enemy on our own soil and if so you are more of the enemy than those you fear!
Yeah....and we can start with all of the GreenHaired fatties.
inmart man.

Might as well, since he's hosting a Saudi golf tournament 50 miles from Ground Zero.

Just how long was he in Afghanistan anyway? Was he there when Trump made the deal with the Taliban that released 5000 prisoners?

And ISIS had to have been there when the deal was being struck to. They didn't just arrive on an airplane the day we pulled out.

Did Trump know Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan, and he just looked the other way as part of the deal?

Sooner or later, somebody is going to question Taliban leaders and get answers to those questions you know. Your orange messiah does have a long history of throwing our troops under the bus. And with that fist bump heard around the military by Hawley and Cruz voting down vet benefits, I'm sure it's going to play real well in November.
Yep and you claimed Trump was responsible for it.
Maybe biden is taking credit for something he had no control over
Biden had nothing to do with it, he just happened to be the President when the drones attacked. I thought we left Afghanistan months ago
Sounding EXACTLY as Righties did after OBL was killed while Obama was President.
I am sure the family of the 100's of victims of Al-Z is very happy he is dead....and aren't trying to find a way to spin it or minimize like these depraved Trumpers are....

If you can't agree on the fact that it's a better world with this guy dead than alive -- then I shouldn't be surprised to see Trumpers siding with Al-Queda over the US -- if they think it will own the libs...

Biden and Obama killed al Qaeda’s top leadership. Trump freed 5,000 Taliban. That’s the difference.
Trump destroyed the Isis caliphate within months of taking office the same caliphate that raged across the middle east and killed 100s of thousands and grew in power and operated for yrs when Obama and Biden were in the WH .
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I am sure the family of the 100's of victims of Al-Z is very happy he is dead....and aren't trying to find a way to spin it or minimize like these depraved Trumpers are....

If you can't agree on the fact that it's a better world with this guy dead than alive -- then I shouldn't be surprised to see Trumpers siding with Al-Queda over the US -- if they think it will own the libs...

actualy republican leaders are saying that Biden did the right thing ..unlike democrat scum when Trump took out a major terrorist ...

It would have been possible had the Republican Party not followed the common sense use of masks, keeping space in the public and getting vaccines. Biddable fools followed them in public, in and on the White House grounds and Mar a lago infecting others.

"It's a Hoax" rings out in the Devil's Dictionary when Donald Trump promised several times that Covid was sure to disappear in the Summer of 2020.
is that why blue states that locked down and forced masks on citizens for months had as many and even more deaths than red states that didnt initiate draconian tyrannical violation of civil liberties like leftist tyrant wannabe governors did ? wheres Cuomo idiot ?
You are so full of it! We were in states that masked, vaccinated and still we were no different than any other state. In fact, the vaccines, whether you get them or not doesn't stop the spread of Covid, nor does it prevent you from getting Covid.

Your common sense didn't work Goober.
there is no such thing as a dem with common sense .
Am I the only one asking What In God's Name Did Biden Just DO?

1) We have a threat from Russia, who says it will Nuke us unless we let them take over Ukraine. That conflict will amost CERTAINLY turn into a ground war with US involved within 6 to 12 months...Russia will not stop at the border of Ukraine.

2) China is threatening to take Taiwan, a country we have a treaty with to defend, and is making incursions into several other Pacific countries.

3) Now this senile idiot opens another possible front by digging up a 20-year-old narrative and rubs salt in the wounds of all the Islamic states by firing rockets into a sovereign country without following due process of law. You seriously don't think there will be any retaliation?

4) Allows millions of potential terrorists, spy's and militants across our border, who are most likely reforming in units right here inside our own borders

5) Diminishes our military capacity by firing significant numbers of men and women over a "vaccination" that doesn't even work (not to mention the other possible risks)

6) Almost forgot - he's drawn down our oil reserves to almost nothing, so when the shooting war starts, we won't have any fuel for our troops.

This guy is NOT on our side.
Sounding EXACTLY as Righties did after OBL was killed while Obama was President.
Why don’t you explain how who’s President makes any difference in shit like this. Do you actually believe that if Obama weren’t President we wouldn’t have killed OBL the exact same way at the exact same time? Or that Trump weren’t President we wouldn’t have killed Bagdadí when we did? Really?

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