folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

Austere religious scholar?
Austere religious scholar retires from being alive
hehheh funny thing I was out riding my bide today and anyone that bicycles much will tell you how your thoughts wander far and wide whilst pedallng down the trail.....any-how for some odd reason I started thinking about Zwahari and where he might be and even envisioned them raiding his house.......after about a 3 hr ride I come home and turn on the computer and the first thing I see is that he has been killed.
Remind Me, what was the left's reaction when Trump assassinated a foreign national from Iran?
Yep.....people should not let their political leanings influence them in the wrong direction.

We were united for a brief period after 9/11......we should support all things and people that hurt the terrorists and give credit where credit is due.....I detest biden and he has been extremely,extremely harmful for fact he has been one big disaster......and no doubt he will continue down a path no American President shoud take....but in this one instance I give him credit.
My wife always says "So what", who ever is next in line, just got a promotion.
Saif al-Adel is almost certain to be the new leader. The number of original members of al-Qa'ida is dwindling quite pleasantly though.

I look forward to the day when al-Qa'ida is composed only of people who joined after 9/11.

I am sure that the recruitment office is open again, with how evil Joe Biden is in the murder of an innocent doctor, minding his own business.
Ayman al-Zawahiri was anything but innocent. And he certainly wasn't minding his own business back in 2001.

The souls of the people killed on 9/11 are resting easier today.
Presidents have zero to do with things like this. Giving them credit is dumb. did require his approval....most of the credit though should be given to those who planned the raid and carried it out doubt about that.

I am surprised that biden gave the go ahead for the attack.....but he did and thus he deserves some credit.

Lest we forget jimmah ah say jimmuh carter who paid a big political price for his approval of the failed raid to free the Iranian hostages.
I am not sold on this operation, there is no independent confirmation, its just the nakedly fascist democrat controlled CIA, the fascist democrat psychopath in white house, and a totally feckless fascist media collective claiming such, I have played this game many times before, I just do not believe they achieved this success, its to convenient and impossible to verify! :wink:
funny i remember when obama and xiden declared the war on terror over…funny
Yep.....people should not let their political leanings influence them in the wrong direction.

We were united for a brief period after 9/11......we should support all things and people that hurt the terrorists and give credit where credit is due.....I detest biden and he has been extremely,extremely harmful for fact he has been one big disaster......and no doubt he will continue down a path no American President shoud take....but in this one instance I give him credit.
Don't get Me wrong. I support the President in the War on Terror, even if that President is an abused old man.

I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who were all talking about jail time when Trump took out a foreign national.

Make no mistake, when we bailed out on Afghanistan, everyone in the country became a foreign national. Even this scum they killed.

I would just like to see some intellectual honesty from people.
Biden had nothing to do with it, he just happened to be the President when the drones attacked.
remember when obama and xiden declared the war on terror ovee? i do…funny all these terrorist keep popping up since he surrendered d to the taliban
Props to the USAF for taking out the POS
Succesful attacks like this requires a lot of teamwork.

Those who do more than anyone else to make such attacks successful usually do not get much if any credit...that is just how it goes.........the real heroes must remain in the shadows.
Don't get Me wrong. I support the President in the War on Terror, even if that President is an abused old man.

I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who were all talking about jail time when Trump took out a foreign national.

Make no mistake, when we bailed out on Afghanistan, everyone in the country became a foreign national. Even this scum they killed.

I would just like to see some intellectual honesty from people.
Oh i completely agree with you.....the democrats are primarily responsible for dividing the country and constantly attacking one of the best Presidents we ever I fully understand those who want revenge.

Yet we must strive not to use the same tactics the democrats used.....though it is very, very difficult to praise biden for anything whatsoever....still yet for this he deserves some credit at least for doing the right thing.

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