folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

This is Biden staging something so that he can appear not so incompetent.

Never mind the fact that he cannot wash away the disaster he caused in Afghanistan.
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will announce Monday that a CIA counterterrorism strike in Afghanistan killed al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

The Associated Press first reported that al-Zawahiri was killed in the operation.

The strike “was successful and there were no civilian casualties,” a senior Biden administration official said earlier, without confirming the identity of the target. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

............Trump would be standing on his head spitting wooden nickels extolling the virtues of, wait for it, himself if it happened during his admin. We'd never hear the end of it. Perhaps he would have made up some commemorative pins to mark the occasion.

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Hey Bubba.Explain and confirm what Biden has told the God's
honest truth about since his Inauguration.Virtually a case study
of unbelievable Unamericanism.If Sigmund Freud had Biden as
patient,he'd have to use the couch himself.

Two intelligence sources say al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri was killed in a CIA drone strike​

The jury is still out on this supposed kill.
We don't have any intelligence assets in Afghanistan today since the Bai Dung fiasco of last year.
Tonight, Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats are celebrating, but they seem to have forgotten the lives lost in last year's withdrawal from Afghan, the Abbey Gate bombing, the drone strike that killed an innocent family and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan after the withdrawal and the Afghan women becoming slaves again, which is exactly the way PM/Democrats view American women despite what they claim.
Are we sure this wasn't a guy carrying the water for humanitarian efforts, like last year? Bai Dung and his merry Maoists are so desperate for something positive that this is what they would turn to.
BTW please send condolences to Ilhan Omar for the loss of one her beloved mentors!
Very good.

Find and destroy all of America’s enemies – both foreign and domestic.

They killed this guy in a Taliban safe house. Which raises the question, how long have they known he has been in Afghanistan? We have no sources on the ground there. Who has the juice to get that kind of info for CIA operatives? My guess is MBS, and that was a deal struck with Biden at the meeting two weeks ago. It also brings to light that it was Trump that made the deal with the Taliban to end the war with no concessions. I guess that they thought their Al Qaeda friends were safe after we left. This wasn't a military operation, it was a total intelligence agency mission. Which shows that the Saudis still have connections with Al Qaeda, and the CIA has connections with the Saudis. So after 20 years of war, thousands of casualties, and hundreds of billions of dollars, we are right back to where we were in 1990's. The Taliban is in full control of Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda is operating freely there.

So much for the war on terror.
geezus.....some of you people ....the guy was piece of dogshit....i dont care if nancy pelosi gave the order....the only downside is there will be another piece of dog shit taking his place....
They killed this guy in a Taliban safe house. Which raises the question, how long have they known he has been in Afghanistan? We have no sources on the ground there. Who has the juice to get that kind of info for CIA operatives? My guess is MBS, and that was a deal struck with Biden at the meeting two weeks ago. It also brings to light that it was Trump that made the deal with the Taliban to end the war with no concessions. I guess that they thought their Al Qaeda friends were safe after we left. This wasn't a military operation, it was a total intelligence agency mission. Which shows that the Saudis still have connections with Al Qaeda, and the CIA has connections with the Saudis. So after 20 years of war, thousands of casualties, and hundreds of billions of dollars, we are right back to where we were in 1990's. The Taliban is in full control of Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda is operating freely there.

So much for the war on terror.
POSPOTUS (is [italics]) a CIA puppet.
When you leave a country you are supposed to leave a country. I guess we really never did.
Why doesn't Sleepy Joe use a drone to take out Khalid Sheik Muhammed as well?

US Intelligence knows where that doofus is at, and he's at least just as guilty as this other deceased evildoer?

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