folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Got the greasy little bastard, did they?


One less Islamist terrorist slime-ball wasting our oxygen... excellent ! :clap2:
Roast in Hell, scum... :FIREdevil:
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Don't believe it for a nano second.Obama pulled the same crap
in the 2nd half of his first term with the Phony killing of Bin Laden.
No photos were ever *shown,just one in particular.We were told that
OBL had to be buried at Sea.A complete fabrication.Muslim or
those of Islam are only buried at sea when dying at sea.
Those seamen aboard the vessel that had the burial were
sequestered.OBL had a serious life threatening condition known
as Marfan Syndrome.He required regular dialysis.Those with Marfan
rarely make it past 5 years.
Obama also acted like he personally organized and planned the Bogus
attack.He did no such thing.No matter we were shown the day after
{ a monday } footage of Obama and Hillary in the WH Situation Room.
Obama on the edge of his chair.Watching the entire OBL Compound
takedown that was being fed direct and live in anticipation of use
for the code word " Geronimo " as in the kill shot.None of those Seal
team 6 who stormed the OBL compound had their helmut cams
turned on.Leon Panetti,about 2 years later admitted that he was the
man who organized the attack months in advance.
Obama desperately needed to establish himself as a leader
who can be tough in perilous times of terrorism.
That was the entire motivation behind the Faked OBL takedown.
Only a few Senators were allowed to see pics of the Dead OBL.
Biden is merely mimicking history from his old boss.
I'm sure Seymour Hirsch still agrees.

* well there was one photo.Plastered like crazy until it
almost instantly was known to be a fraud of Bin Laden
that'd been used many times before.A Photo of Bin Laden's
face half blown apart.
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Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

Here we go, more end zone dances a la Obama bin Laden. :dance:
Any Americans or friendlies killed in the strike? There's a lot of them left behind in that shithole.

It's a good strategy though..... wreck the economy and then gloat about droning some brown people over the horizon.

Kenyan Lawn Jockey 101.
Probably the poor bastard had something on Joe or Hunter Biden and their Chinese spy enterprise. Too bad. Nobody was going to listen to his evidence anyway.
Obama got Bin Laden and Biden took out his successor. All the Traitor ever did was to sell out the Afghan Government to Taliban.
Baghdadi the leader of Isis and Soleimani a man responsible for killing and maiming thousands of US troops was taken out during the Trump admin ... dems condemned Trump for taking out Soleimani .. dems are cowards and traitors .
Love watching our Conservatives side with AlQaeda
Make no mistake.None whatsoever.The Democrats are
Incapable of Loving most everything.Except raw power.
Dems don't love Kids in school,Mom and Pop small business.
Church and Godliness.But they do Love Open Borders.
Hate borders and a border wall.
Hate Freedoms and our Constitution.
Love Abortions even up to birth.
Love Lying,framing their opposition.Even seem uninterested
in solving a shortage of Baby Formula.
Love Lockdowns and a two tier system of Justice.
Love Playing the Blame game.Love Cheating.
Probably explains why they lost 10-0 in the Congressional
Baseball game last Friday night.Where one Dem was so crude
she couldn't help herself.Linda Sanchez flipping off the winning
wonder how many children had to pay for this to get his afghan debacle off the front page of republicans as a campaign issue

bidens next trick will be to have the justice dept. round up a few ne'er-do-wells around the country and tell us he's now tough on crime

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will announce Monday that a CIA counterterrorism strike in Afghanistan killed al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

The Associated Press first reported that al-Zawahiri was killed in the operation.

The strike “was successful and there were no civilian casualties,” a senior Biden administration official said earlier, without confirming the identity of the target. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

............Trump would be standing on his head spitting wooden nickels extolling the virtues of, wait for it, himself if it happened during his admin. We'd never hear the end of it. Perhaps he would have made up some commemorative pins to mark the occasion.


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