folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

As I said in the BN thread…I will give Biden the same credit I gave Obama for the order…As CiC, it was the right call….thanks to the CIA drone operator for the kill.
Bin Laden was not Al Qaeda in one package. Thanks to the Left, the two who posed the most danger are gone.
My wife always says "So what", who ever is next in line, just got a promotion. I am sure that the recruitment office is open again, with how evil Joe Biden is in the murder of an innocent doctor, minding his own business.
remember xiden didn’t want to take out Bin Laden? i do

with that said, I’m happy this man is dead

sadly due to xiden surrender to the terrorist in afghan, we are starting to see a new rise in terrorist groups…so more of this is gonna be needed
remember xiden didn’t want to take out Bin Laden? i do

with that said, I’m happy this man is dead

sadly due to xiden surrender to the terrorist in afghan, we are starting to see a new rise in terrorist groups…so more of this is gonna be needed
Gotta keep the war machine funded for every $25,000,000 bounty for a leader we use up a couple of million hellfire missiles to murder them. And they say no innocents or family members were harmed who were on the other side of the building. Yeah, sure.

Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

Biden sure needs the approval bump. I wonder how long they sat on this intel.
They killed this guy in a Taliban safe house. Which raises the question, how long have they known he has been in Afghanistan? We have no sources on the ground there. Who has the juice to get that kind of info for CIA operatives? My guess is MBS, and that was a deal struck with Biden at the meeting two weeks ago. It also brings to light that it was Trump that made the deal with the Taliban to end the war with no concessions. I guess that they thought their Al Qaeda friends were safe after we left. This wasn't a military operation, it was a total intelligence agency mission. Which shows that the Saudis still have connections with Al Qaeda, and the CIA has connections with the Saudis. So after 20 years of war, thousands of casualties, and hundreds of billions of dollars, we are right back to where we were in 1990's. The Taliban is in full control of Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda is operating freely there.

So much for the war on terror.
Cool story.

Not going to help your Potato-head.
Funny how Republicans never had an issue with this stuff when Bush did it.
I am surprised biden ever got around to approving the is well known biden has extreme difficulty making decisions.

It took months for biden to finally give approval.....he was fortunate that this very elusive terrorist did not move before approval to take him out was given.

Anyhow I congratulate those who carried out this attack and those who were able to locate the terrorist.

Despite everything I also congratulate biden for doing the right thing though it took him way too long to do it.
Biden is just using this as a distraction for his failures.
No matter what is said about biden.....he did the right thing in approving the attack.....though he could have done it much sooner......Zawharis location was known for months.

Those responsible for planning the attack probably had to jump through hoops to get biden's approval.

Lest we forget he was against taking out Osama bin Laden.

Nevertheless.....he deserves some credit in this case.
Obama took out Bin Laden, NOT bush43. Biden took out Ayman al-Zawahri.

Democrats took two major enemies of America and what does the Traitor do...take Saudi Blood Money.
Do you believe that W had the opportunity to kill Bin Laden and didn’t? That Trump could have killed this guy and chose not to? That any of the last 4 Presidents really had some real effect on when those 2 were killed?
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That's nice and all but if he was "droned" after having crossed our southern border and starting a taco stand in Dallas it would have not surprised me a bit.

I wonder how many of his people have already crossed into the US?
If he had crossed our border he would be voting democrat.
Love watching our Conservatives side with AlQaeda
Some have gone way too far....but is understandable when we have people like biden and pelosi constantly doing things to harm America....not even to mention the democratic/satantic party whose agenda apparantly is to divide and destroy America.
American President vs. Russian Asset

The funniest part was when Obama said "God bless". That was hilarious. I can just see Democrats all over America baring their demon-possessed teeth when he said that. Of course that was still during his first term when he was pretending to be a Christian.
wonder how many children had to pay for this to get his afghan debacle off the front page of republicans as a campaign issue

bidens next trick will be to have the justice dept. round up a few ne'er-do-wells around the country and tell us he's now tough on crime

Don't believe it for a nano second.Obama pulled the same crap
in the 2nd half of his first term with the Phony killing of Bin Laden.
No photos were ever *shown,just one in particular.We were told that
OBL had to be buried at Sea.A complete fabrication.Muslim or
those of Islam are only buried at sea when dying at sea.
Those seamen aboard the vessel that had the burial were
sequestered.OBL had a serious life threatening condition known
as Marfan Syndrome.He required regular dialysis.Those with Marfan
rarely make it past 5 years.
Obama also acted like he personally organized and planned the Bogus
attack.He did no such thing.No matter we were shown the day after
{ a monday } footage of Obama and Hillary in the WH Situation Room.
Obama on the edge of his chair.Watching the entire OBL Compound
takedown that was being fed direct and live in anticipation of use
for the code word " Geronimo " as in the kill shot.None of those Seal
team 6 who stormed the OBL compound had their helmut cams
turned on.Leon Panetti,about 2 years later admitted that he was the
man who organized the attack months in advance.
Obama desperately needed to establish himself as a leader
who can be tough in perilous times of terrorism.
That was the entire motivation behind the Faked OBL takedown.
Only a few Senators were allowed to see pics of the Dead OBL.
Biden is merely mimicking history from his old boss.
I'm sure Seymour Hirsch still agrees.

* well there was one photo.Plastered like crazy until it
almost instantly was known to be a fraud of Bin Laden
that'd been used many times before.A Photo of Bin Laden's
face half blown apart.
I totally understand your postion on Pelosi, Biden etc.etc. And I agree mostly with what you say regarding all that ....but I think you are venturing too far in the world of conspiracy in the above thread.

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