Folks, it's already too late.

And so it goes. The factual information you posted will be ignored. It's a vicious cycle that keeps repeating. All we can do is hope the fever breaks. That whatever it is motivating the belief in lies like WI voter fraud will diminish and reality will push in.

Reality will never set in.
Your Cult will never let it get to you.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
^ posted by the last Japanese soldier hiding in the jungle of New Guinea CONVINCED his side beat the Allies in WW II
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
Hack ^ says what?
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
Progressives don't really give a shit about Biden.
No, it wasn't actually, just ignored by judges when challenged due to COVID panic.
Where it occurred it was LEGAL… regardless of your feefees.

And ballot harvesting means nothing more than collecting ballots ( from nursing homes as an example) and delivering them to the appropriate polling stations
Where it occurred it was LEGAL… regardless of your feefees.

And ballot harvesting means nothing more than collecting ballots ( from nursing homes as an example) and delivering them to the appropriate polling stations
I'm ok with just limiting it too absentee ballots. But you're right, in none of maga's wettest dreams was it really illegal.
You must mean like:
  • Russia, Russia, Russia
  • Putin's handpuppet
  • Orange skin
  • And Trump tried to overthrow democracy because a few of his fans brought flags to the Capitol and took selfies.

Well speaking for myself and the Wife. We never really believed the Russia file crap. I could believe some bribes and deals for hotels. Business is business. And kickbacks or campaign contributions are normal here so why would it be different anywhere else.

Where they lost me was Trump hiring hookers to piss on him. Trump has an insufficient ego. He needs to be lauded constantly. That sort of fellow might get off pissing on someone. But he wouldn’t get off being pissed on.

Before you say bullshit. I can only post it. I can’t make you believe that was really my opinion. I voted for Trump in 2016. I could waste a lot of time telling you why I didn’t vote for Hillary. But it isn’t germane to this discussion.

Putins handpuppet. I think the more accurate is duped by Putin. Like Neville Chamberlain, Trump believes himself to be brilliant. The smartest man in the world. He believes he is smarter than everyone else. So as evidenced by his fawning statements about Dictatorial thugs like Putin and Kim Jong Un, Trump likes people who flatter him. He believes they see the brilliance that he believes he has.

Orange skin. So he uses spray on tan. I care why?

The actions on January 6 were more than a few flags and selfies. I mean do you describe World War II as a minor disagreement that resulted in some harsh words?
Where it occurred it was LEGAL… regardless of your feefees.

And ballot harvesting means nothing more than collecting ballots ( from nursing homes as an example) and delivering them to the appropriate polling stations

And garbage bins, and "helping" the people fill out the ballots.
These boards have the potential for enlightening conversations on tax policy, immigration, a host of pertinent issues. Instead, we end up mired in debates about reality.

Wisconsin’s Partisan 2020 Election Review Has Produced ‘Absolutely No Evidence’ of Fraud, Judge Declares at Hearing

A Wisconsin judge declared at a hearing on Thursday that the partisan review of the 2020 presidential election pushed by state Republican lawmakers has produced “absolutely no evidence” of voter fraud.

“This whole case has been about trying to shine a light on government,” Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn of the Dane County Circuit Court remarked toward the end of oral arguments in an open-records battle on Thursday.

The watchdog group American Oversight has field multiple lawsuits seeking records about the so-called audit initiated by Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R), who appointed former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman to lead it as a special counsel. Both Vos and Gableman have been repeatedly rebuked throughout the litigation, as judges found both in contempt.

SNAP increasing 12.5%...Social Security increasing around 3.2 percent. Inflation is different.
These boards have the potential for enlightening conversations on tax policy, immigration, a host of pertinent issues. Instead, we end up mired in debates about reality.

Wisconsin’s Partisan 2020 Election Review Has Produced ‘Absolutely No Evidence’ of Fraud, Judge Declares at Hearing

A Wisconsin judge declared at a hearing on Thursday that the partisan review of the 2020 presidential election pushed by state Republican lawmakers has produced “absolutely no evidence” of voter fraud.

“This whole case has been about trying to shine a light on government,” Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn of the Dane County Circuit Court remarked toward the end of oral arguments in an open-records battle on Thursday.

The watchdog group American Oversight has field multiple lawsuits seeking records about the so-called audit initiated by Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R), who appointed former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman to lead it as a special counsel. Both Vos and Gableman have been repeatedly rebuked throughout the litigation, as judges found both in contempt.

These boards have the potential for enlightening conversations on tax policy, immigration, a host of pertinent issues. Instead, we end up mired in debates about reality.

Maga has their own alternative facts, so there's really no issue. But if you wanted to start a thread, I wouldn't mind posting from a "traditional conservative" view (more or less). I don't recall getting a lot of personal attacks from the non-magas here.

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