Folks, this is why the angels cry and God turns away in shame.....

I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?

My brother carries a concealled weapon everywhere he goes. I often ask what he is afraid of happening. He doesn't have a lot of cash and doesn't dress as someone who would. But knowing that fact what if he did have something a person wanted to take? What would they do? Shoot first and ask questions later? Not let him get the drop on folks? Better they don't know, or think he doesn't carry.

A friend of mine collected guns and talked all bad ass about if someone broke in and tried to take his guns. They did and he lost his collection. Would have been stupid breaking in when he was home, so they didn't.

I had a cousin who carried a pistol around in her purse day she slammed her purse on the lid of her car and it blew a hole through her face killing her instantly. The only person she couldn't protect, was herself. Guns are dangerous, they have no eyes on their intended targets and all to often, the victims turn out to be the gun owners themselves or family members and that is fact.....of the responsible gun owner.
That was her fault not the guns. Sorry about your cousin.
But of course it was her fault, but to dismiss the fact had she not a loaded gun in her purse, she'd be alive today raising her 3 kids. Guns rarely kill intended targets is my point. a country of over 320 million people there were exactly 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013....and that is with 13 million people carrying guns for self defense......

Try making that into a % and tell me how much of a problem that is....

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

It isn't rednecks who are turning democrat inner cities into blood is the black necks.......the urban criminals who commit 80-90% of all gun murder.....the random mass shooter...who for the most part are political leftists......kill few people each before you get on your high horse.....know the truth, the facts and reality.......

Allow me to translate from left wing gibberish....

Begin translation....

The conservatives posting here are right...I made a fool of I have no real response to their accurate, truthful posts...I will post this.....:blahblah: And then my left wing friends will think I am hip and cool...even though I am pretty silly and foolish....

End Translation...

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

It isn't rednecks who are turning democrat inner cities into blood is the black necks.......the urban criminals who commit 80-90% of all gun murder.....the random mass shooter...who for the most part are political leftists......kill few people each before you get on your high horse.....know the truth, the facts and reality.......

Allow me to translate from left wing gibberish....

Begin translation....

The conservatives posting here are right...I made a fool of I have no real response to their accurate, truthful posts...I will post this.....:blahblah: And then my left wing friends will think I am hip and cool...even though I am pretty silly and foolish....

End Translation...
You have this habit of thinking your points of view only matters here...well, this debate about blacks killing blacks has been on these boards since ww actually preferred wm, and that's how many decades ago? Like we get it, black on black crime is high.
Blame Obama for all the gun craziness. It is he, with his constant demand that we "do something" about guns, who is inspiring a record number of Americans buying guns.

If he would just shut his piehole, people would calm down and not buy so many guns.
Blame Obama for all the gun craziness. It is he, with his constant demand that we "do something" about guns, who is inspiring a record number of Americans buying guns.

If he would just shut his piehole, people would calm down and not buy so many guns.
29 mass shooting this year, oh you better believe he needs to speak on it....and do get a life, he is president

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

It isn't rednecks who are turning democrat inner cities into blood is the black necks.......the urban criminals who commit 80-90% of all gun murder.....the random mass shooter...who for the most part are political leftists......kill few people each before you get on your high horse.....know the truth, the facts and reality.......

Allow me to translate from left wing gibberish....

Begin translation....

The conservatives posting here are right...I made a fool of I have no real response to their accurate, truthful posts...I will post this.....:blahblah: And then my left wing friends will think I am hip and cool...even though I am pretty silly and foolish....

End Translation...
You have this habit of thinking your points of view only matters here...well, this debate about blacks killing blacks has been on these boards since ww actually preferred wm, and that's how many decades ago? Like we get it, black on black crime is high.

And yet you act as though the 9 people killed in mass shootings in 2014 are the big problem...even with this weeks shooting in San Bernadino...mass shootings don't come close to the massive gun violence committed by blacks against other need to be addressing that...I am tired of having people bring up our gun crime when it is not normal gun owners doing it....
Blame Obama for all the gun craziness. It is he, with his constant demand that we "do something" about guns, who is inspiring a record number of Americans buying guns.

If he would just shut his piehole, people would calm down and not buy so many guns.
29 mass shooting this year, oh you better believe he needs to speak on it....and do get a life, he is president
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
3000 babies die in abortion clinics every day. If you really want to save lives, join the pro-life caused. Otherwise, you will not convince me you really care about shooting victims.
God does not turn away from people people turn away from God.
He does turn his head in shame, shameful with those so blessed, so privileged, needing weapons of mass delusion to feel safe outside of his glory, because when its time to go, nothing, not even an arsenal of weapons can stop his callings.....that's the shame in mankind. God's will overrides even guns
Wow you really do excel at rambling B.S.
In cities like New York or Chicago, the ordinary citizen cannot defend himself/herself against robbers, murderers, and rapists.

So it looks to me that Democrats want bad men to get away with crime.
Why would somebody say "as every Christian knows enormous stockpiles of deadly weapons are the reason for the season"? The same idiot hypocrite liberals who whine about the slightest perceived insult to jihad extremists feel free to insult all Christians based on a single Christmas card.
I do have to agree, if that picture is for real it is totally inappropriate and stupid of the family to let people know they are packing.


How many ounces you think they're packing?

My brother carries a concealled weapon everywhere he goes. I often ask what he is afraid of happening. He doesn't have a lot of cash and doesn't dress as someone who would. But knowing that fact what if he did have something a person wanted to take? What would they do? Shoot first and ask questions later? Not let him get the drop on folks? Better they don't know, or think he doesn't carry.

A friend of mine collected guns and talked all bad ass about if someone broke in and tried to take his guns. They did and he lost his collection. Would have been stupid breaking in when he was home, so they didn't.

I had a cousin who carried a pistol around in her purse day she slammed her purse on the lid of her car and it blew a hole through her face killing her instantly. The only person she couldn't protect, was herself. Guns are dangerous, they have no eyes on their intended targets and all to often, the victims turn out to be the gun owners themselves or family members and that is fact.....of the responsible gun owner.

I am not sure women, or men, understand that some handguns do not have safeties.

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

It isn't rednecks who are turning democrat inner cities into blood is the black necks.......the urban criminals who commit 80-90% of all gun murder.....the random mass shooter...who for the most part are political leftists......kill few people each before you get on your high horse.....know the truth, the facts and reality.......
Talking to yourself again?
Yeah, well millions of Islamists wave AK-47's around screaming for death to infidels, so I see nothing wrong with the infidels being armed too. The AK-47 armed Islamists will continue killing non-believers whether a non-believing family has a gun or not, so I say stay armed and if you aren't, get armed, because eventually all hell is going to break out on this continent too. It will probably be a couple of generations down the line, but better prepared than guaranteed dead.

Merry Christmas from Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R)! As every Christian knows, "Enormous Stockpiles Of Deadly Weapons" are the reason for the season!

God save us from the rednecks and hillbillies that worship the almighty.......gun!!

The stupid motherfuckers look like a bunch of wanna be street thugs.
God doesn't turn away, people turn away

Yup and guess the Op hasn't read the bible.

Angels are Gods enforcers not the sweet things people assume they are.

Read the bible there idiot. Its full of war, death, destruction, incest. You name it and its in the bible.

Angels crying?? Good luck with that bullshit.

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