Followed By Snow


Sep 23, 2010

A great one-liner was written about two of the greatest men who ever threw baseballs at men with bats. For those who do not know the game, starting pitchers cannot pitch every other day; hence:

Spahn and Sain and pray for rain.

That great line came from this poem published in 1948 in the Boston Post when they were pitching for the Boston Braves:

First we'll use Spahn
then we'll use Sain
Then an off day
followed by rain
Back will come Spahn
followed by Sain
And followed
we hope
by two days of rain.

(By Gerald V. Hern)

Then came the great storm:

The State Department is citing a snowstorm expected to hit Washington D.C. this weekend and a need for additional “interagency review” in its request to a federal judge on Friday to grant it an additional month to complete its final release of all of Hillary Clinton’s work-related emails.

State Department Asks For More Time To Release Last Batch Of Hillary Emails
Chuck Ross
3:08 PM 01/22/2016

State Department Asks For More Time To Release Last Batch Of Hillary Emails

Agent 006 & 7/8ths reports that Huma Abedin sent Hillary this e-mail on an un-secure server after the snowstorm hit:

First they’ll use Benghazi
then they’ll use Server
Then an off day
followed by snow
Back will come Benghazi
followed by Server
And followed
we hope
by a year of snow
And followed
we hope
by a year of snow
I was under the impression they do their work indoors:

The State Department on Friday requested that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia delay by one month the deadline for it to release the last batch of Clinton’s work-related emails. The department claimed that an internal oversight caused it to overlook 7,200 pages of emails, and that the massive snowstorm hitting the East Coast would make it hard for employees to finish the review in time.

Motion filed to block State from delaying release of Clinton emails
By Julian Hattem
01/25/16 01:04 PM EST

Motion filed to block State from delaying release of Clinton emails


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