Food prices jump 5% in July. Bidenomics is a DISASTER

The Companies and Gas Companies are the ones ROBBING us. Nothing to do with the Government .

But you are going to try to push these lies all the way to the election and beyond.

This is part of Bidenomics. But you will never, ever, tell the truth about it.

The Biden Administration has NOTHING to do with the rise in prices. Complain to all the Companies and especially the GAS Companies for raising prices EVERY SUMMER, which makes all other prices of food, electricity, etc go up as well.

Biden is leading the war against fossil fuel

Then when the shit hits the fan he dont know nuthin’ ‘bout nuthin’

And you believe him
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Joe Biden and Obama have really fucked this nation. Inflation is out of control. They are robbing people by making EVERYTHING MORE EXPENSIVE.
You fools who voted for Biden are really stupid. And probably 80 million of you will do it again.

What surprises me is that about 100,000 people have not already marched on DC, dragged these criminal thug traitors out of their fancy offices and mansions built on stolen taxpayer money, and made an example of them. Washington DC has utterly FAILED our country.

Time to incorporate heavy ACCOUNTABILITY into both the promises AND actions of both elected politicians and the vast minions of endless alphabet agencies run amok.

Anyone ever notice how they write 10,000 laws on how to hold YOU accountable if you are so much as a day late and a dime short yet have ZERO accountability for themselves?
Biden is leading the war against fossil fuel
No. His handlers who pull Biden's puppet strings are the ones who both PUT him in office and are leading the war.

Then when the shit hits the fan he dont know nuthin’ ‘bout nuthin’
That is Joe's true, honest state of mind. Joe needs the WH Easter Bunny to lead him around to find the eggs.

The Companies and Gas Companies are the ones ROBBING us. Nothing to do with the Government .
But you are going to try to push these lies all the way to the election and beyond.

This is part of Bidenomics. But you will never, ever, tell the truth about it.

The Biden Administration has NOTHING to do with the rise in prices. Complain to all the Companies and especially the GAS Companies for raising prices EVERY SUMMER, which makes all other prices of food, electricity, etc go up as well.

How do we lower inflation?
1). Drill more and keep it all here if we need it. No shipping any of it away.
2). More of the workforce retiring in mass numbers. This would help productivity and wages.
There's a start
Oil is a fungible asset. Whether it is shipped out of the country or not, how much we pump influences world prices.
Joe Biden and Obama have really fucked this nation. Inflation is out of control. They are robbing people by making EVERYTHING MORE EXPENSIVE.

You fools who voted for Biden are really stupid. And probably 80 million of you will do it again.

Inflation is down more than 50% from its high, you moron. Than is a great triumph.

Your Orange Man with Xi caused it through Covid mismanagement, and the voters next year will know that.
One reason food prices rose is because of the price of beef. The price of chicken and pork, though, is down.

Simple consumer response ……eat more chicken and pork
That's the usual response from the far left. That's also why the CPI today isn't close to what it really is using past criteria.

A bone-in Rib Eye is $15.00 a pound so buy chicken thighs at one $2.50 a pound and look how your cost of living has dropped! :D
Inflation is down more than 50% from its high, you moron. Than is a great triumph.

Your Orange Man with Xi caused it through Covid mismanagement, and the voters next year will know that.
That's just goofy.

Inflation is up 5% from the increase of 9% last year.

What is Bidenomics ?

What makes the term specific to Biden?​

Bidenomics, as the White House explained in a recent press release, is "an economic vision centered around three key pillars: Making smart public investments in America; Empowering and educating workers to grow the middle class; and Promoting competition to lower costs and help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive." The platform is an overt rejection of the Reagan-era policies that cut taxes for the wealthy in the purported belief that the profits would simply "trickle down" to everyone else was a "failed approach led to a pullback of private investment from key industries, like semiconductors to solar," Lael Brainard, director of the White House Economic Council, explained on Tuesday. Instead, Bidenomics is "an approach that grows the economy from the middle out and the bottom up" with a particular focus on "growing the middle class," she added.

In reality, Bidenomics is "a bit all-encompassing" as a term — one which the White House is using to describe "a broad collection of policies aimed at using government muscle to revive and reshape the economy to help the middle class," Politico explained. Noting that Anita Dunn and Mike Donilon, the two White House advisors who distributed the administration's triumphant Bidenomics memo "are messaging experts and not economists," CNN said it's "a telling sign of the origins of 'Bidenomics' as partly a branding exercise." Still, there are concrete policies the administration points to as part of the broader, if somewhat nebulous, Bidenomics effect; the bipartisan $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill has lead to tens of thousands of federally funded projects across the country, while maintaining a "strong domestic manufacturing base," the White House bragged; Biden also highlighted the "$500 million investment in the Good Jobs Challenge, which stems from the American Rescue Plan'' during a recent North Carolina visit, CNN pointed out, linking the initiative to the Bidenomics' second pillar of empowering and educating workers; the administration is also focusing on its record of "expanding high speed internet access and cracking down on industries that charge so-called junk fees," Politico said.

(full article online)

That's the usual response from the far left. That's also why the CPI today isn't close to what it really is using past criteria.

A bone-in Rib Eye is $15.00 a pound so buy chicken thighs at one $2.50 a pound and look how your cost of living has dropped! :D
That is the way the free market works

If ALL food is more expensive, the consumer has no options
If only beef is costing more, you have many more choices

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