Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling


Nobody is forcing him to do anything. They have made it a requirement for employment in the NFL. He has a choice, and he chooses not to stand, so he can SIT OR KNEEL in his living while he watches the games on TV.

Once AGAIN --- it is not a "requirement for employment in the NFL". The fact that you notice a mass of obedient bots all gesturing the same way in lockstep, does not mean they're required to do so. It often means they were coerced to do so, as is the case here. And in that scenario, anyone with basic initiative and a brain is still free to question, "wait, why are we doing this?"
If the player and the team sign a contract that says he plays, and he shows up to play, then they do indeed have to pay him. That's what contracts are for. Not-paying is not an option, regardless of any anthem.

If this is the point of confusion --- nobody gets paid to stand (or appear in any position) for a national anthem. It's not part of the job description.
But it comes with the territory. Part of the job entails being there for the anthem, just like part of the job is making appearances on behalf of the team, availability to the media, showing up to practice, etc. Kaepernick can kneel for every anthem he wants to, just like NFL teams don't have to pay him to put him in that situation on behalf of the team.
Because Kaepernick is a muslim - being utterly pussywhipped/manipulated by his muslim girlfriend because he's such a stupid, drooling retard. Muslim insects are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their hate ideology teaches them that unbelievers owe them everything in life for the crime of being unbelievers. His Pisslam religion is the ultimate spoiled-brat, stompy-foot religion of ME ME ME, MINE MINE MINE!

There are only so many pejoratives/profanities in the English language to depict how SICK I am of MILLIONAIRE black crybabies sniveling about how oppressed they are by WAAAAYCISM. In the ONLY white-majority country in human history to elect a black leader. When there are ZERO black countries in which that garbage race of stupid, hateful, clinical morons has a better life than they do in America. If America is so WAAAAAYCIST, please name me one right I have under the law that these black throwbacks don't have. Why these fucking punks.
And then there's also all these outrageous Black Privilege notions, that they and their white, liberal suck-ups go around with >>>

Blacks have the right to take pride in their race. Whites don't.

Blacks can never be racist. Whites are always racist, even if they don't try to be.

Blacks get to play the race card. Whites don't.

Blacks never have to feel guilty about being black. Whites are trained to feel guilty about being white.

Blacks have the right to make blacks only organizations like the Black Student Union and the Congressional Black Caucus. Whites don't.

Blacks have the right to never take responsibility for their own actions. Anything bad which happens to a black person can be blamed on racism or white people.

Whites have to take responsibility and apologize for their actions. Blacks don't.

Rich black people have a right to be rich. Rich white people don't.

Black people have the right to demonize white people. White people don't have the right to demonize black people.

Black people are excused when they are prejudiced against white people. White people are never excused for prejudice against black people.

Black people are a "protected class." White people are not.

Violent crimes by whites on blacks are "hate crimes." Violent crimes by blacks on whites are just "random" crimes.

Blacks have the right to affirmative action and minority set-asides. Whites have to earn their positions.

Blacks are "cool." Whites are "squares" and "rednecks."

Blacks have the right to say words like "N*****," which whites are never allowed to use. They have the right to incessantly repeat the word "N*****" in front of white people, to intimidate them and keep them in their place.

Blacks can make the most racially insensitive comments and, more often than not, no one blinks twice. They are allowed to insult others without repercussion.

Blacks can spend their rent money on designer handbags and then complain about how they don’t have the same economic opportunities as everyone else. And they get away with it.

Black men are considered sexual supermen. White men are considered sexually inadequate. Black men have huge penises. White men have small, inadequate penises is the thought process.

Blacks have "civil rights". Whites don't.

Blacks are in prison because of racism. Whites are in prison because they're criminals.

Black jury members have the right to acquit criminals, if they're black.

Blacks have the right to put a halt to any policy, statement, symbol, statistic, outcome, word or expression they find offensive. Whites have no such rights.

Blacks are morally superior to whites.

"[Blacks] enjoy cultural cache around the world as victors over oppression and the hard reality of what that looks like at this point in world history. The music that they enjoy, the clothes that they wear, their very mannerisms carry a certain amount of gravitas."

Blacks can assign collective racial guilt to "you white folks." White people cannot do the reverse because that would be racist.

White people everywhere, and at all times, bear guilt for the crimes of a minority of white people in the past (e.g., slave owners, Adolf Hitler). Making blacks bear guilt, as a race, for the despicable crimes of their criminal minority is stereotyping, racist, and an insult to reason; after all, no one should ever be blamed for the acts of some unrelated person.

Blacks have "black culture." Whites are not allowed to have white culture.

African-American studies is a celebration of blackness and black culture.

Whiteness studies is a demonization of white people and white culture.

White people need to undergo diversity/sensitivity training. Black people don't.
"... any generalization--favorable or unfavorable--about any minority that someone does not like is by definition "racist" and deserves to be suppressed--as long as it is said by a white person. Black diversity consultants, in contrast, can parade, without a shred of empirical evidence, the grossest racial and ethnic stereotypes with virtual impunity."

It's racist to point out racism by blacks. It's never racist to point out racism by whites.

Whites have to walk on eggshells around blacks. Blacks don't give a shit what whites think.

Blacks have the right to riot and commit violent acts in response to perceived grievances. White people have to obey the law at all times.

Blacks have the right to never be portrayed as criminals or lowlifes in films or on TV. Bad guys on the screen must always be White.

Blacks have the right to never be ridiculed, mocked, belittled or laughed at. Whites have no such right.

Black criminals have the right to have their race censored in media reports.

Facts which cause blacks embarrassment or cast them in a bad light must be suppressed. Facts which cause whites embarrassment or cast them in a bad light are reported as is.

Blacks can silence and intimidate whites by calling them racist. Whites can't silence and intimidate blacks because that would be racist.

Forcing whitey to apologize shows black power and clout. Whites can never force blacks to apologize because that would constitute a lynching.

Whites are held to a system of 'sensitivity' requirements that do not apply to blacks.

"Whites are monitored, pestered, and punished for preposterous reasons--for a look, for an innocent word, for wearing a T-shirt, for expressing a plausible argument--but blacks can say almost anything with perfect impunity."

"In discussions of race between black people and white people the conscious black person is always right; is always the ultimate authority on questions having to do with race and racism; must always be regarded as the ‘injured party,’ or the oppressed. . . . [Whites] cannot possibly be expected to be objective about questions of race."

Blacks may work for explicitly racial goals but whites may not.

Blacks are permitted to notice race. Whites are not.

"It is quite acceptable for either party to explicitly go after the black, Hispanic, or even the Jewish vote. In fact both parties gain an indispensable moral authority by doing so. But it is absolutely verboten for either party, or any white candidate, to appeal to whites as a racial identity group. Racial identity is simply forbidden to whites in America and across the entire Western world. Black children today are hammered with the idea of racial identity and pride, yet racial pride in whites constitutes a grave evil. Say 'I'm white and I'm proud' and you are a National Socialist."

A black who punches a White person is a hero standing up to oppression. A White person who punches a black is a racist.

It can be publicly admitted that blacks are superior to Whites in certain pursuits (i.e. basketball). It can never be publicly admitted that Whites are superior to blacks in other pursuits (i.e. winning Nobel prizes in science).

When blacks are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to their abilities.

When Whites are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to racism. When blacks are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is due to racism. When Whites are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is their own fault.

Most African countries are made up almost entirely of blacks, and have some of the world's highest birth rates. Most European countries consist of White people having to live alongside blacks and other non-whites, and have some of the world's lowest birth rates.
You truly are a ridiculous racist.
If the player and the team sign a contract that says he plays, and he shows up to play, then they do indeed have to pay him. That's what contracts are for. Not-paying is not an option, regardless of any anthem.

If this is the point of confusion --- nobody gets paid to stand (or appear in any position) for a national anthem. It's not part of the job description.
But it comes with the territory. Part of the job entails being there for the anthem, just like part of the job is making appearances on behalf of the team, availability to the media, showing up to practice, etc. Kaepernick can kneel for every anthem he wants to, just like NFL teams don't have to pay him to put him in that situation on behalf of the team.

But again -- no player anywhere gets paid to be in that "situation". Whether one stands or sits for a national fetish exercise has nothing to do with any football game and wasn't even done ten years ago before the Pentagon came a-pimpin'..... and those games seem to still exist in the record books so they must have counted. So again, if a player's under contract, his part is to play (or be available to play) and the team's part is to pay him.
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's citizens.

THe sport's fan base is almost exclusively citizens.

The sport has realized, after taking a beating last season, that it's customers don't like to be insulted.

He has a right to speech. He does not have a right to a job, if his actions are costing his employers lots of money.

FIRE HIM. kneeling, Kaepernick is bringing attention to the big problem of police malfeasance....anyone who has a problem with that is obviously pro-police abuse.

Sorry, that is the wrong conclusion, there are much better ways to handle the issue, Kap chose this way which many find disrespectful to the American soldier.

There are those that support what Kap is bring attention to and think he is going about it the wrong way.
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's citizens.

THe sport's fan base is almost exclusively citizens.

The sport has realized, after taking a beating last season, that it's customers don't like to be insulted.

He has a right to speech. He does not have a right to a job, if his actions are costing his employers lots of money.

FIRE HIM. kneeling, Kaepernick is bringing attention to the big problem of police malfeasance....anyone who has a problem with that is obviously pro-police abuse.

By kneeling, during a ritual where standing is showing respect and allegiance to the symbol of the nation and it's citizens,

he is showing disrespect to the nation and it's citizens.

You can lie about that, all you want. You are fooling no one, other than MAYBE yourself.
By Kneeling Kapersnit is bringing attention to Kapersnit.
All losers are writing books now - Pillary, Komey, et al.
Kapersnit is just another loser looking to further his loser career.
What did he ever win?
He's useless.
Calling him names doesn't help your cause.

Yes it does.

He has disrespected all Americans and deserves to be disrespected in turn, by all of US.
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's [sic] citizens.



And what was the Pentagon doing by pimping fake patriotism displays from pro sports teams because they could reach a captive audience?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

And btw by posting "it is citizens" you are disrespecting the English language and its speakers.

Disrespecting the flag, which is a symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation.

No one believes that you are confused by that, not even you. Drop it.
No it isn't...or else everyone who forgets to light their flag, goes and gets a beer during the Anthem, who forgets to put it up correctly, who keeps flying it when it's torn or faded (see a lot of that), who has apparel with the flag on disrespecting the nation.
You brain-washed idiot. Because someone thinks for themselves you cannot understand anything they say.
Take your phony and token patriotism and go hide in your shelter.
And again. make sure you wear your flag pin on your lapel. Soooo patriotic.
I don't wear suits so I don't have any place there to put a flag pin. I do however wear baseball caps, and I have pins attached to them - one is of my US Army division (Infantry). The other is of my Army National Guard battalion (Army Corps of Engineers) I wear them proudly. Those who haven't served, maybe wouldn't quite understand.

View attachment 188382
Unless we see a bunch of "Stolen Valor" badges all over civilian attire.
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's citizens.

THe sport's fan base is almost exclusively citizens.

The sport has realized, after taking a beating last season, that it's customers don't like to be insulted.

He has a right to speech. He does not have a right to a job, if his actions are costing his employers lots of money.

FIRE HIM. kneeling, Kaepernick is bringing attention to the big problem of police malfeasance....anyone who has a problem with that is obviously pro-police abuse.
Wrongo there batman.
By Kneeling Kapersnit is bringing attention to Kapersnit.
All losers are writing books now - Pillary, Komey, et al.
Kapersnit is just another loser looking to further his loser career.
What did he ever win?
He's useless.

There seems to be a whole lot of discourse on his cause on this message board alone, even if y'all try to hide it behind this emotionally-triggered fake "patriotism" shit. So it seems to me he accomplished that objective.

Your mis characterization of patriotism is insulting to all Patriotic Americans. Screw you.

There is a lot of discourse on Kaepernick and what an asshole he is.

A lot of people tell the truth about him, and then a lot of liberals lie and try to deny it.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.
Ever been to a sports event? All those people you say love the flag and the anthem are up getting beer, on their cell phones, or are in the restroom during the Anthem.

Hmm, judging from this picture I’d say you’re wrong. There are lots of people standing with their hand over their heart. Beer and bath line is probably pretty short right now.
View attachment 188586 got pictures to prove your assertion?
By Kneeling Kapersnit is bringing attention to Kapersnit.
All losers are writing books now - Pillary, Komey, et al.
Kapersnit is just another loser looking to further his loser career.
What did he ever win?
He's useless.
Calling him names doesn't help your cause.
I will call that MOFO half breed jerkwad whatever I want to call him.
i grew up in the 60's, and i do know what my black friends had to go thru.
this jerkwad has no idea.
he is an asshat, plain and simple.
i would love to see this dick head put his life on the line and march across a bridge. Ain't gonna happen. Pampered snowflake.
By Kneeling Kapersnit is bringing attention to Kapersnit.
All losers are writing books now - Pillary, Komey, et al.
Kapersnit is just another loser looking to further his loser career.
What did he ever win?
He's useless.
Calling him names doesn't help your cause.

Yes it does.

He has disrespected all Americans and deserves to be disrespected in turn, by all of US.
Nope...he isn't disrepecting this Vet at all.....I appreciate what he does to turn a spotlight to police malfeasance....and all that faux-patriotism out there.
I was at this game.......there was a tremendous amount of laughter in the stands.
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's citizens.

THe sport's fan base is almost exclusively citizens.

The sport has realized, after taking a beating last season, that it's customers don't like to be insulted.

He has a right to speech. He does not have a right to a job, if his actions are costing his employers lots of money.

FIRE HIM. kneeling, Kaepernick is bringing attention to the big problem of police malfeasance....anyone who has a problem with that is obviously pro-police abuse.
Wrongo there batman.
By Kneeling Kapersnit is bringing attention to Kapersnit.
All losers are writing books now - Pillary, Komey, et al.
Kapersnit is just another loser looking to further his loser career.
What did he ever win?
He's useless.

There seems to be a whole lot of discourse on his cause on this message board alone, even if y'all try to hide it behind this emotionally-triggered fake "patriotism" shit. So it seems to me he accomplished that objective.

Your mis characterization of patriotism is insulting to all Patriotic Americans. Screw you.

There is a lot of discourse on Kaepernick and what an asshole he is.

A lot of people tell the truth about him, and then a lot of liberals lie and try to deny it.

Yet another demonstration of emotional hysteria as basis of "reasoning". Yaaawwwwwnnnn....
I will call that MOFO half breed jerkwad whatever I want to call him.
i grew up in the 60's, and i do know what my black friends had to go thru.
this jerkwad has no idea.
he is an asshat, plain and simple.
i would love to see this dick head put his life on the line and march across a bridge. Ain't gonna happen. Pampered snowflake.
Just like Kaepernick has the right to kneel for the anthem and thus turn a lot of people against him, you have the right to exercise your freedom of speech to call him a bunch of names and thus look like a hateful person who doesn't support his freedom to express his opinion, whether it's right or wrong.

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