Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling

I agree, he is free to kneel and teams are free to sign him or not sign him based on his attitude. It's a free country.
But some things that people are allowed to be "free" to do, are in really bad taste, to say the least.

It's called Integrity even if it costs you. No wonder it confuses you.
Oh yeah, integrity, right! It's called IDIOCY. Damn fool thinks blacks are oppressed. They've been getting affirmative action preference over whites, for 50 years. How dumb can anybody be ?

It got that way from these guys >>




Not these spoiled brats
I love how your positions against protesting police brutality makes you lie about what the protests are about and then you drag our soldiers into your lies.
Frankly, let that guy do whatever.
Like just before his knee hits the ground throw a pile of crap right there (surrounded by fire ants).
That would certainly be the kind of behavior we would expect from Deplorable trumpanzees. Especially since such "people" have access to all that crap in the first place.
Such is the authoritarian right’s unwarranted fear of, and contempt for, dissent and public protest.
The fool can protest in the street, outside his home, even outside the stadium. He's not protesting. He's assaulting.
"He's assaulting"......Now that's some seriously snowflakey behavior you've got there, Amanda.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.
Ever been to a sports event? All those people you say love the flag and the anthem are up getting beer, on their cell phones, or are in the restroom during the Anthem.
And oddly, you spend far more time attacking and criticizing others just for not agreeing with you, Now, you are an advocate for freedom of expression? Not.

I Am attacking and I AM criticizing, but it's not for not agreeing with me.

"Expression", you call it ? I don't. Why do so many people enter this thread saying things that have already been fully addressed in previous posts ? Read the thread.

What are you writing to Me for? I wasn't talking to you, I was addressing POGO. Learn to read.
Learning to read is SOOOOO unPatriotic to Deplorable trumpanzees.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.
Ever been to a sports event? All those people you say love the flag and the anthem are up getting beer, on their cell phones, or are in the restroom during the Anthem.
Not me, I'm the guy SALUTING - because I can.
Because Kaepernick is a muslim - being utterly pussywhipped/manipulated by his muslim girlfriend because he's such a stupid, drooling retard. Muslim insects are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their hate ideology teaches them that unbelievers owe them everything in life for the crime of being unbelievers. His Pisslam religion is the ultimate spoiled-brat, stompy-foot religion of ME ME ME, MINE MINE MINE!

There are only so many pejoratives/profanities in the English language to depict how SICK I am of MILLIONAIRE black crybabies sniveling about how oppressed they are by WAAAAYCISM. In the ONLY white-majority country in human history to elect a black leader. When there are ZERO black countries in which that garbage race of stupid, hateful, clinical morons has a better life than they do in America. If America is so WAAAAAYCIST, please name me one right I have under the law that these black throwbacks don't have. Why these fucking punks.
Talk about a snowflake......

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