Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling


In this Country, you can stand or not can even sit in State and question “Why all this for a fucking flag?” But when your black ass is on the mother fucking sideline of an NFL team paying you millions of dollars to be there and they tell you to not kneel, if you want your millions, STAND!

And if the tell you to kneel?
President Trump made a mistake, I feel, when he first commented on Mr. Kaepernick's behavior.

That athlete should have the right to do whatever he wants during the national anthem: kneel or lie down or sleep.

Why should anyone care?

His behavior speaks for itself.
Presuming Kaepernick does have a legal right under the First Amendment to demonstrate contemptuous disrespect for the nation which has afforded him luxurious comfort and protection, then I claim the same right to denounce him and those successful athletes who mimic his contempt as arrogant, ungrateful Black bastards, low-life coons who deserve disrespectful scorn rather than wealth and celebrity. But the real shame in this situation belongs to those Americans, both Black and White, who casually tolerate such disgraceful conduct rather than condemning it.
Athletes do have the right to express themselves. They are paid corporate employees, entertainers. White, Black.... doesn’t matter. If the team or league tells you to adhere to policy, you do so.

In this Country, you can stand or not can even sit in State and question “Why all this for a fucking flag?” But when your black ass is on the mother fucking sideline of an NFL team paying you millions of dollars to be there and they tell you to not kneel, if you want your millions, STAND!
But Reuben Foster is still on the team.

(domestic violence doesn't affect sales)

Football players being thugs, isn't newsworthy anymore.

Football players being anti-American pieces of shit, still is.

Give it time. We will get used to that too.
And shave his head, and throw him into US Army or Marines boot camp.

"I can't hear you!"



So this is you attitude toward freedom of expression, is it. Can't say I'm surprised.

What the hell are you doing on a discussion board then?

They only care about “freedom of speech” when it’s a white supremacist speaking

You really are an idiot. If his "boss" says no it means no. End of story.

In this case the boss isn't the one saying no. That would be the poster with no life fantasizing about imposing his will on somebody's practice field three thousand miles away concerning the machinations of a sport he doesn't even watch, and even if he did it's not in season, and which even if it were in season and he did watch it, wouldn't be televising that paid patriotism pimpage anyway.

Might wanna do the math one mo time on who the 'idiot' is.
Athletes do have the right to express themselves. They are paid corporate employees, entertainers. White, Black.... doesn’t matter. If the team or league tells you to adhere to policy, you do so.

There is no "policy" about the national anthem. It's not even a part of the game. At all.
Freedom Of Speech, that over a million of brave Americans died to protect, rule the day.
Tell me, why do you spit on the graves of this country's fallen heroes?
Actually I would like to piss on the grave of this bushy-haired bastard for his brazen contempt for the anthem of the nation which has afforded him far greater comfort than he deserves.

Except for the inconvenient fact that the anthem didn't do that. Nor did the flag.

Abstracting either symbol-fetish out to the logical hinterlands where we're supposed to pretend it's the same thing as the concept it represents, is just dishonest bullshit.

Same applies here:

Disrespecting the flag, which is a symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation.

More emotionally unhinged :bsflag:
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He's a typical Snowflake wingnut. When you're at work, you're an employee. You don't get to force your political views on others all day. Just try it on your own job today. See what happens. In any other work setting, he would have already been fired for good.

He's welcome to express his political views on his time in his personal life. But at work, he's an employee. He needs to grow up and act like an adult. But then again, isn't that what makes a Snowflake a Snowflake? So i'm confident he'll continue his baby whining.
Except for the inconvenient fact that the anthem didn't do that. Nor did the flag.

Abstracting either symbol-fetish out to the logical hinterlands where we're supposed to pretend it's the same thing as the concept it represents, is just dishonest bullshit.

Same applies here:
I personally dislike the Star Spangled Banner. It's a terrible piece of music and the words are uninspiring. I much prefer, America, the Beautiful. But it's what we have and its purpose is symbolism. Deferring to it is a statement of loyalty, nothing more, nothing less.

What Kaepernick and his muscle-headed, exalted ghetto-rat homeboys have done and are doing is proudly proclaiming their disloyalty to the Nation which, as imperfect as it is, has afforded them exceptional personal success, material comfort, and protection. In response to their brazen statement I would like these boldly ungrateful Black bastards to tell us where their loyalty does lie. What nation would they shed their blood to defend if not the U.S.? Where do they think they and their kind would be doing better?

Standing quietly in occasional deference to the flag and the anthem of our Country is a simple but important duty in this hostile and dangerous world. What these bastards have done is to arrogantly tell us they cannot be trusted.
Aww can fool all of the kids some ofl the time but you can't fool some of the kids all the time. Some don't buy the ethnic and racial hatred their parents are teaching them.
Hopefully they don't buy all that hate-whitey and hate America and hate the police stuff their parents and teachers are teaching them
I personally dislike the Star Spangled Banner. It's a terrible piece of music and the words are uninspiring. I much prefer, America, the Beautiful. But it's what we have and its purpose is symbolism. Deferring to it is a statement of loyalty, nothing more, nothing less.

Agree on the musical point. And it's all about war too, which is at best wrongheaded. We're in a shaky place indeed when we choose as a national anthem a lyric that celebrates the ultimate human failure.

But "deferring" to a piece of music (or a flag or other abstract symbology) has zero to do with 'loyalty' and everything to do with inciting mob mentality through the use of a fetish. When a patriotism gesture is coerced by force --- it's phony. Period. Genuine patriotism is spontaneous and comes from the heart, not from social pressure coercion designed to generate a gaggle of lockstep bots. That's what North Korea is for.

What Kaepernick and his muscle-headed, exalted ghetto-rat homeboys have done and are doing is proudly proclaiming their disloyalty to the Nation which, as imperfect as it is, has afforded them exceptional personal success, material comfort, and protection.

Not at all --- he's specifically lauded the country's ideals and its military. And on part two, whatever personal success and fortune has been his lot came not from a flag or a piece of music but from MONEY. Generated by ticket sales and TV. Kaepernick has AFAIK never expressed any kind of "disloyalty".

In response to their brazen statement I would like these boldly ungrateful Black bastards to tell us where their loyalty does lie. What nation would they shed their blood to defend if not the U.S.? Where do they think they and their kind would be doing better?

Once again see above. This obsession with "shedding blood to defend" is illustrative but quaint. The bottom line remains, just because a country comes up with symbol-fetishes, doesn't mean (ever) that that country can't be called out for its shortcomings.

And AGAIN underlying all this is the fact that the national anthem has NOTHING to do with the game of football, or with any other game --- and we're back to the whole coercion and pimped fake patriotism again, where we started.

Standing quietly in occasional deference to the flag and the anthem of our Country is a simple but important duty in this hostile and dangerous world. What these bastards have done is to arrogantly tell us they cannot be trusted.

It isn't a "duty" at all. The fact alone that ANY of us are even capable of describing phony displays as a "duty" is a big red flag.
You brain-washed idiot. Because someone thinks for themselves you cannot understand anything they say.
Take your phony and token patriotism and go hide in your shelter.
And again. make sure you wear your flag pin on your lapel. Soooo patriotic.
I don't wear suits so I don't have any place there to put a flag pin. I do however wear baseball caps, and I have pins attached to them - one is of my US Army division (Infantry). The other is of my Army National Guard battalion (Army Corps of Engineers) I wear them proudly. Those who haven't served, maybe wouldn't quite understand.

whatever personal success and fortune has been his lot came not from a flag or a piece of music but from MONEY. Generated by ticket sales and TV. Kaepernick has AFAIK never expressed any kind of "disloyalty".
The reason why you see Kaepernick as not having expressed disloyalty, is because you're just as dirty, rotten disloyal as he is. You're an America-hater.
President Trump made a mistake, I feel, when he first commented on Mr. Kaepernick's behavior.
That athlete should have the right to do whatever he wants during the national anthem: kneel or lie down or sleep. Why should anyone care?
His behavior speaks for itself.
Trump made no mistake. He said "Fire them", and he was right.
whatever personal success and fortune has been his lot came not from a flag or a piece of music but from MONEY. Generated by ticket sales and TV. Kaepernick has AFAIK never expressed any kind of "disloyalty".
The reason why you see Kaepernick as not having expressed disloyalty, is because you're just as dirty, rotten disloyal as he is. You're an America-hater.


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