Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling

So you can have your hate speech but we can't have our hate symbols?
But these buffoons have the right to occupy government land and threaten people, government employees and officials with harm and or death.


Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Read more at Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Don't you get it? If you want to be a good little "american" do what they tell you to do.
Or if you want to be a REAL PATRIOT, use your freedoms in the way you wish to use them.
And THAT WAY is HONORING the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, military and non-military, who, for over 2 centuries, have allowed us to have a very fine nation, despite attempts by America-hating idiots to tear it down.

Respecting America (standing during the NA is one way) is what we do, not because somebody tell us. We do it because we know it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Thats just it. Protesting peacfully by dropping to a knee wnen tbe National Anthem plays IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO for a Black man making a political statement. Kaepernick honors the memory of unarmed black victims
of police violence every time he kneels. As an ambassador of a black nation ensconced precariously within a hostile white nation, kaepernick serves his constituents well.
I have a new hero, Clive Bundy.
Sure, here is more about clive!

But these buffoons have the right to occupy government land and threaten people, government employees and officials with harm and or death.


Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Read more at Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Don't you get it? If you want to be a good little "american" do what they tell you to do.
Or if you want to be a REAL PATRIOT, use your freedoms in the way you wish to use them.
And THAT WAY is HONORING the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, military and non-military, who, for over 2 centuries, have allowed us to have a very fine nation, despite attempts by America-hating idiots to tear it down.

Respecting America (standing during the NA is one way) is what we do, not because somebody tell us. We do it because we know it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Thats just it. Protesting peacfully by dropping to a knee wnen tbe National Anthem plays IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO for a Black man making a political statement. Kaepernick honors the memory of unarmed black victims
of police violence every time he kneels. As an ambassador of a black nation ensconced precariously within a hostile white nation, kaepernick serves his constituents well.
I have a new hero, Clive Bundy.
Sure, here is more about clive!

But these buffoons have the right to occupy government land and threaten people, government employees and officials with harm and or death.


Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Read more at Bundy Family, Sovereign Citizen Loons Have Special Constitution That Says They Can Steal All Our Sh*t
Don't you get it? If you want to be a good little "american" do what they tell you to do.
Or if you want to be a REAL PATRIOT, use your freedoms in the way you wish to use them.
And THAT WAY is HONORING the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, military and non-military, who, for over 2 centuries, have allowed us to have a very fine nation, despite attempts by America-hating idiots to tear it down.

Respecting America (standing during the NA is one way) is what we do, not because somebody tell us. We do it because we know it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Thats just it. Protesting peacfully by dropping to a knee wnen tbe National Anthem plays IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO for a Black man making a political statement. Kaepernick honors the memory of unarmed black victims
of police violence every time he kneels. As an ambassador of a black nation ensconced precariously within a hostile white nation, kaepernick serves his constituents well.
I have a new hero, Clive Bundy.
Clive Bundy's son is running for Governor of Nevada.
My pony only knows one trick ...

But in the example of Kaepernick his trick is capable of inciting and facilitating movements. But he is far less the problem than are those who tolerate his nonsense rather than risk offending his followers and admirers. The sonofabitch should be locked out of any opportunity to rouse the rabble. He should be scorned.

But Political Correctness rules the day.

Freedom Of Speech, that over a million of brave Americans died to protect, rule the day.
Tell me, why do you spit on the graves of this country's fallen heroes?
And shave his head, and throw him into US Army or Marines boot camp.

"I can't hear you!"



So this is you attitude toward freedom of expression, is it. Can't say I'm surprised.

What the hell are you doing on a discussion board then?

They only care about “freedom of speech” when it’s a white supremacist speaking

You really are an idiot. If his "boss" says no it means no. End of story.
It got that way from these guys >>




Not these spoiled brats
wrong--not on company time--sorry

"Company time" in this case begins with the kickoff.

Whatever happens prior to that, isn't even on TV.

Here's the good news: I'm on 'company time' right now.
Whatcha gonna do about it?
no it doesn't .......very ridiculous and amateur response
they are in uniform on company time
even when out of uniform, they represent the company
do you not read the news??
people get fired all the time when not at work and they post crap on facebook/etc !!!!
not at work/not in uniform
25-Year-Old Little Rock Police Recruit Fired For Posting Lil Wayne Lyrics While In High School
6 people who were fired for social media posts - Workopolis Blog
fired for free speech:
22 Celebrities Who Were Fired For Saying Shocking Things
Nurse fired for saying Stephon Clark 'deserved it' raises $25G
etc etc

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah unfortunately for you goose-steppers, "standing for the national anthem" isn't anywhere in the job description. NOR is a fucking national anthem part of any football game.

So ---- no.

Now, 'standing for the national anthem' might be in the job description if the team is based in, say, North Korea.

But it's not, is it.

That's not a rhetorical question. Maybe y'all goose steppers think it is?
you are blind with idiocy/hatred/etc
I have just proven you don't have to be at your job/on the clock/etc to get fired
you bring ZERO proof in your posts = crap
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's [sic] citizens.



And what was the Pentagon doing by pimping fake patriotism displays from pro sports teams because they could reach a captive audience?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

And btw by posting "it is citizens" you are disrespecting the English language and its speakers.

Disrespecting the flag, which is a symbol of the nation, is disrespecting the nation.

No one believes that you are confused by that, not even you. Drop it.
Freedom Of Speech, that over a million of brave Americans died to protect, rule the day.
Tell me, why do you spit on the graves of this country's fallen heroes?
Actually I would like to piss on the grave of this bushy-haired bastard for his brazen contempt for the anthem of the nation which has afforded him far greater comfort than he deserves.
Freedom Of Speech, that over a million of brave Americans died to protect, rule the day.
Tell me, why do you spit on the graves of this country's fallen heroes?
Actually I would like to piss on the grave of this bushy-haired bastard for his brazen contempt for the anthem of the nation which has afforded him far greater comfort than he deserves.

And I'd like to buy him a beer. Different strokes!

In this Country, you can stand or not can even sit in State and question “Why all this for a fucking flag?” But when your black ass is on the mother fucking sideline of an NFL team paying you millions of dollars to be there and they tell you to not kneel, if you want your millions, STAND!

In this Country, you can stand or not can even sit in State and question “Why all this for a fucking flag?” But when your black ass is on the mother fucking sideline of an NFL team paying you millions of dollars to be there and they tell you to not kneel, if you want your millions, STAND!
But Reuben Foster is still on the team.

(domestic violence doesn't affect sales)
President Trump made a mistake, I feel, when he first commented on Mr. Kaepernick's behavior.

That athlete should have the right to do whatever he wants during the national anthem: kneel or lie down or sleep.

Why should anyone care?

His behavior speaks for itself.

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