Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling

And shave his head, and throw him into US Army or Marines boot camp.

"I can't hear you!"



So this is you attitude toward freedom of expression, is it. Can't say I'm surprised.

What the hell are you doing on a discussion board then?

He's free to express anything he wants on his own time and his own dime. Owners don't have to pay him to do it.

But Kapernick isn't being paid to stand for the Nationsl Athem. He is being paid to play football. If he wants to stand, sit, kneel or lie down during the playing of the National Anthem that's his perogative. I applaud him for standing by his convictions no matter what. If only more black people were like him
we just might get some kind of police reform initiated.

Yeah, go to your place of business and start making all kinds of asinine political statements and see how that works out for you.
Posted to him before but it is worth a re-post
Samuel Johnson famously stated, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” When politicians run out of ideas or arguments, they impugn the patriotism of their opponents. Sometimes, politicians do this out of cynicism in order to get us to divert attention away from their failures or to excuse their misdeeds.

Don't you get it? If you want to be a good little "american" do what they tell you to do.
Or if you want to be a REAL PATRIOT, use your freedoms in the way you wish to use them.
And THAT WAY is HONORING the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, military and non-military, who, for over 2 centuries, have allowed us to have a very fine nation, despite attempts by America-hating idiots to tear it down.

Respecting America (standing during the NA is one way) is what we do, not because somebody tell us. We do it because we know it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Nnnnnnnnnope. You do it because Authority tells you to and you don't have the stones to question it.
Wimp. :gay:
Once AGAIN and I say that because we did ALL this shit when it actually was football season and I know for a fact you were there for it ---- *NOBODY ANYWHERE* can make a causation case as you just tried to. Once AGAIN football ratings have already been going down, as have baseball ratings as have basketball ratings as have hockey ratings, even NASCAR ratings --- for years. And that's a direct result of emerging alternate platfoms ---- like the one I watched the SuperBowl on without having to own a TV. And that's been trending for years, even before the Defense Department got caught pimping fake patriotism bread-and-circus displays for you morons who aren't even paying attention when they do that, even after a Congressional investigation.
HA HA. "Once AGAIN" You are really burying yourself. God!...nobody can make a causation case ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle :rolleyes:

Notice the 6th word in this link ? Looks like THEY (CBS) made a causation case, all right.

Poll: National Anthem Protests Leading Cause For NFL Ratings Drop

And in this link >>

Confirmed: NFL Losing Millions Of TV Viewers Because Of National Anthem Protests
My pony only knows one trick ...

But in the example of Kaepernick his trick is capable of inciting and facilitating movements. But he is far less the problem than are those who tolerate his nonsense rather than risk offending his followers and admirers. The sonofabitch should be locked out of any opportunity to rouse the rabble. He should be scorned.

But Political Correctness rules the day.
If he was politically correct, he wouldn't kneel for the anthem. He has that right, but if I were a GM, I wouldn't sign him to a contract. Who needs the negative attention?
But Kapernick isn't being paid to stand for the Nationsl Athem. He is being paid to play football. If he wants to stand, sit, kneel or lie down during the playing of the National Anthem that's his perogative. I applaud him for standing by his convictions no matter what. If only more black people were like him
we just might get some kind of police reform initiated.
You DON'T NEED police reform. Stop being suckered (for Democrat VOTES)
you are so damned worried about an individual kneeling to patriotism yet war profiteering is the worst of all. But they why would " capitalism" be the bad guy in your diluted world of patriotism.
The business of war is profitable. In 2011, the 100 largest contractors sold $410 billion in arms and military services. Just 10 of those companies sold over $208 billion. Based on a list of the top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in 2011 compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 10 companies with the most military sales worldwide.

These companies have benefited tremendously from the growth in military spending in the U.S., which by far has the largest military budget in the world. In 2000, the U.S. defense budget was approximately $312 billion. By 2011, the figure had grown to $712 billion. Arm sales grew alongside general defense spending growth. SIPRI noted that between 2002 and 2011, arms sales among the top 100 companies grew by 51%.

Once AGAIN and I say that because we did ALL this shit when it actually was football season and I know for a fact you were there for it ---- *NOBODY ANYWHERE* can make a causation case as you just tried to. Once AGAIN football ratings have already been going down, as have baseball ratings as have basketball ratings as have hockey ratings, even NASCAR ratings --- for years. And that's a direct result of emerging alternate platfoms ---- like the one I watched the SuperBowl on without having to own a TV. And that's been trending for years, even before the Defense Department got caught pimping fake patriotism bread-and-circus displays for you morons who aren't even paying attention when they do that, even after a Congressional investigation.
HA HA. "Once AGAIN" You are really burying yourself. God!...nobody can make a causation case ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle :rolleyes:

Notice the 6th word in this link ? Looks like THEY (CBS) made a causation case, all right.

Poll: National Anthem Protests Leading Cause For NFL Ratings Drop

And in this link >>

Confirmed: NFL Losing Millions Of TV Viewers Because Of National Anthem Protests
Using your moronic statements doesn't make it all true.
But then we know you walk right in step with "the gropenfhuerer"
You disrespect the flag and the Constitution more than he does.
You fool, posting something like this..."So THAT'S why he's got that big afro. A place to hide his stash. Uh huh."
What's wrong with the statement about his afro ? :whatsign:
Once AGAIN and I say that because we did ALL this shit when it actually was football season and I know for a fact you were there for it ---- *NOBODY ANYWHERE* can make a causation case as you just tried to. Once AGAIN football ratings have already been going down, as have baseball ratings as have basketball ratings as have hockey ratings, even NASCAR ratings --- for years. And that's a direct result of emerging alternate platfoms ---- like the one I watched the SuperBowl on without having to own a TV. And that's been trending for years, even before the Defense Department got caught pimping fake patriotism bread-and-circus displays for you morons who aren't even paying attention when they do that, even after a Congressional investigation.
HA HA. "Once AGAIN" You are really burying yourself. God!...nobody can make a causation case ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle :rolleyes:

Notice the 6th word in this link ? Looks like THEY (CBS) made a causation case, all right.

Poll: National Anthem Protests Leading Cause For NFL Ratings Drop

And in this link >>

Confirmed: NFL Losing Millions Of TV Viewers Because Of National Anthem Protests

"CBS"? Oh you mean the CBS I linked showing 84% of the public STILL believes in free speech, including Kaepernick's, despite you goose-stepping obedient-bots? That CBS?

Correct. *******NO******* *******ONE******* can make a causation case about a broadcast ratings change, especially when there are multiple factors, a big one of which I just articulated and is still sitting above. What's more, broadcast ratings measure the USE OF THAT MEDIA PLATFORM --- they do not, they can not, and they never will, measure "FEEWINGS" about it. Ratings are used to determine advertising rates, and that is literally all they do. If (in this case) NFL ratings are in decline because TV watchers are cutting their cords --- which they indisputably are --- then the advertiser will (a) pay less for that TV spot, and/or (b) put some of its advertising investments into the other internet platforms that ARE rising.
you are so damned worried about an individual kneeling to patriotism yet war profiteering is the worst of all. But they why would " capitalism" be the bad guy in your diluted world of patriotism.
The business of war is profitable. In 2011, the 100 largest contractors sold $410 billion in arms and military services. Just 10 of those companies sold over $208 billion. Based on a list of the top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in 2011 compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 10 companies with the most military sales worldwide.

These companies have benefited tremendously from the growth in military spending in the U.S., which by far has the largest military budget in the world. In 2000, the U.S. defense budget was approximately $312 billion. By 2011, the figure had grown to $712 billion. Arm sales grew alongside general defense spending growth. SIPRI noted that between 2002 and 2011, arms sales among the top 100 companies grew by 51%.
So GOOD. The more military power we have, the better. Without it you'd be mincemeat.
Nnnnnnnnnope. You do it because Authority tells you to and you don't have the stones to question it.
Wimp. :gay:
Nnnnnnnnnope. We do it because it's the correct thing. You can distort, That's OK. We know your MO.
Token patriotism.
We see through the shallowness of it all.
Oh, and please don't forget to wear your flag label pin.
Sooooooooooooooooo , patriotic.

Samuel Johnson famously stated, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” When politicians run out of ideas or arguments, they impugn the patriotism of their opponents. Sometimes, politicians do this out of cynicism in order to get us to divert attention away from their failures or to excuse their misdeeds.
Looks like all the libby teachers in our MISeducation system really went to town on you. I can see they've got YOU programmed.

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