Fool's gold economy....CC debt breaks one trillion


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
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Nothing is happening in America today.....

That the Conservative Right didn't have decades of opportunity to prevent...but did and continue to do nothing (but play the victim card).

THAT is how pathetic the cunservative Right is.
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Nothing is happening in America today.....

That the Conservative Right didn't have decades of opportunity to prevent...but did and continue to do nothing (but play the victim card).

THAT is how pathetic the cunservative Right is.
It's not a political issue...
It's a DC versus the rest of the country issue.... They all try to paint over it
Anyone who doesn't realize this is indeed a political issue and the Left is taking over every position of authority in every American city and town is.....
yet another a "victim"

This is absolutely NOT confined to DC. smh
Anyone who doesn't realize this is indeed a political issue and the Left is taking over every position of authority in every American city and town is.....
yet another a "victim"

This is absolutely NOT confined to DC. smh
No....but it is orchestrated from there...
Behind the curtains they all go out to eat together whilst laughing about the peons.
Nothing is more entertaining than watching a dance company of clueless fools celebrate their own demise.

As Americans struggle to make ends meet buying food on credit, paying bills on credit, taking out equity loans to pay skyrocketing property taxes...the pied piper's flute can be heard in the streets followed by the pitter patter of rodent feet.

More unhappy news for
Cheer leading fools on the Biden economy


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